How to Start Green Networking Projects Using NS2

To create a Green Networking projects using NS2 (Network Simulator 2) has includes the replicate of examine the energy-efficient network structure, protocols, and strategies. Green networking concentrates on decrease the energy usage and optimizing resource utilization in networks.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Steps to Start Green Networking Projects Using NS2

  1. Understand Green Networking in NS2
  • What is Green Networking?
    • Green Networking has contains the network designing which consume less power while handling the performance for network.
    • Important methods has include they are:
      • The routing is energy-efficient.
      • The nodes contain the sleep mode mechanisms.
      • Improve the resource.
  • Why use NS2 for Green Networking?
    • NS2 assign the replicate of energy-efficient protocols and examine the parameter such as energy usage, network lifetime, and throughput.
    • It helps for the modeling different kinds of network, like as WSNs, MANETs, and VANETs, for energy-efficiency analysis.
  1. Define Your Project Goals
  • Common Objectives:
    • Examine the energy usage in a network for below the various congestion loads.
    • Execute and estimate the energy-efficient routing protocols.
    • Analysis the effect for node sleeps modes on network lifetime.
    • Associate the energy-aware and traditional routing protocols.
  1. Install NS2
  • Install NS2 on Linux:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ns2

  • Verify installation:


If % appears, the installation is successful.

  1. Plan Your Network Topology
  • Components:
    • Nodes: It classify the network devices for sample routers, sensors.
    • Links: Describe connection for bandwidth and delay.
    • Traffic: Replicate the congestion for different loads for instance HTTP, FTP, or CBR traffic.
  • Example Topology:
    • A multi-hop network in which the nodes are sending the data for a sink node.
    • The nodes are enter the sleep mode when idle to store energy.
  1. Create a Basic Green Networking Simulation

Here’s a basic simulation script with energy-aware nodes:

Example Script:

# Create a Simulator

set ns [new Simulator]

# Trace and NAM Files

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

set namfile [open green_network.nam w]

$ns namtrace-all $namfile

# Define Nodes

set sink [$ns node]

set node1 [$ns node]

set node2 [$ns node]

set node3 [$ns node]

# Energy Configuration

$node1 set energy_ 100   ;# Set initial energy for node1

$node2 set energy_ 100   ;# Set initial energy for node2

$node3 set energy_ 100   ;# Set initial energy for node3

# Create Links

$ns duplex-link $node1 $node2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $node2 $node3 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $node3 $sink 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Traffic Generation

set tcp [new Agent/TCP]

$ns attach-agent $node1 $tcp

set sink_agent [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns attach-agent $sink $sink_agent

$ns connect $tcp $sink_agent

set ftp [new Application/FTP]

$ftp attach-agent $tcp

$ftp start

# Energy-Aware Sleep Mode

proc sleep_mode {node threshold} {

global ns

set energy [$node set energy_]

if {$energy < $threshold} {

$ns at [expr {[clock seconds] + 1.0}] “$node sleep”

} else {

puts “Node [$node] has sufficient energy: $energy”



# Apply Sleep Mode Logic

$ns at 2.0 “sleep_mode $node1 50”

$ns at 3.0 “sleep_mode $node2 50”

$ns at 4.0 “sleep_mode $node3 50”

# End Procedure

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile namfile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

close $namfile

exec nam green_network.nam &

exit 0


# Schedule End of Simulation

$ns at 10.0 “finish”

# Run Simulation

$ns run

  1. Simulate Energy-Efficient Techniques
  • Sleep Mode Mechanism:
    • Nodes distribute the sleep mode during idle duration for conserve energy.

proc sleep_mode {node threshold} {

set energy [$node set energy_]

if {$energy < $threshold} {

puts “Node [$node] is entering sleep mode”



  • Energy-Aware Routing:
    • Execute the routing protocols which prioritize the nodes through increase the residual energy.
  • Load Balancing:
    • Distribute congestion with several paths we prevent the overloading specific nodes.
  1. Analyze the Results
  • Metrics to Measure:
    • Energy Consumption: Monitor the energy levels for nodes over time in the energy usage.
    • Network Lifetime: Calculate the duration until the first node process for out of energy.
    • Throughput: Study the rate of achieved data delivery.
    • Latency: Estimate the delay launch through energy-saving mechanisms.
  • Trace File Analysis: Use tools like AWK or Python to parse the trace file (

grep “ENERGY” > energy_analysis.txt

  • Visualization with NAM: Open the .nam file to observe node communication:

nam green_network.nam

  1. Enhance the Simulation
  • Dynamic Sleep Scheduling:
    • Execute the techniques which are dynamically schedule sleep and wake cycles according to congestion design.
  • Energy-Aware Protocols:
    • Replicate the energy protocols such as LEACH or PEGASIS for energy-efficient transmission in sensor networks.
  • Node Failure Handling:
    • Affect the design for node failures on network performance.
  1. Advanced Green Networking Project Ideas
  • Energy-Aware Routing: Replicate and associate the protocols such as LEACH, PEGASIS, or DEEC.
  • Sleep Mode Optimization: Analysis the trade-offs among energy saving and latency.
  • Green IoT Networks: Improve the energy usage in IoT networks.
  • Load Balancing in Data Centers: Replicate the congestion distribution approaches for energy-efficient data centers.
  • Hybrid Energy Sources: Network design the powered through renewable energy sources such as solar-powered nodes.
  1. Document Your Project
  • Include:
    • Initialize the document is start with objectives and problem statement.
    • Then process the network topology and simulation parameters.
    • Next gives the parameter metrics examined such as energy usage, network lifetime.
    • Finally, the documents include the results, graphs, and conclusions.

Feel free to ask for assistance with specific configurations, custom energy-aware algorithms, or advanced green networking scenarios in NS2!