How to Start Hot Potato Routing Projects in MATLAB

To stimulate the Hot Potato Routing (HPR) is a kind of routing technique which is used in networking to sending a packet from one node to another path which packet is maintained over to the following node once possible, deprived of considering the destination. Basically, it is a greedy routing approach, in which the packet is approved to the next node that is closest to the destination; nevertheless it doesn’t wait for an optimal path. The packet has getting the sending until reaches for the destination.

To start a Hot Potato Routing (HPR) project in MATLAB, you’ll need to follow several steps to simulate and visualize this routing technique.

Here’s a guide to get you started:

Steps to Start Hot Potato Routing Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand the Key Concepts of Hot Potato Routing (HPR)

Hot Potato Routing perform below the principle of greedy forwarding. The packet is transmit to the next node with the least cost for instance shortest distance or minimal delay, and it keeps traveling until it reaches its destination. The node which currently stops the packet creates the forwarding decision according to the current topology and may not select the globally optimal path, nevertheless simply select the next node which can be forward the packet closer to the destination.

Key aspects to consider:

  1. Network Topology: The network is typically characterized the graph in which the nodes are routers and edges are transmission connection by assigned the costs such as distance, delay, etc.
  2. Forwarding Decision: The present node has transmits the packet for the neighboring node in which the near to the destination.
  3. No Global Knowledge: Different routing protocols, Hot Potato Routing don’t need the global knowledge for the network. Every node has only knows it instantaneous neighbours and makes the native decisions.
  4. Greedy Nature: This routing is only greedy and don’t have includes the future hops, only the immediate best choice.

Step 2: Define the Network Topology

Initialize by describe a graph-based network topology. We can classify the network as a graph in which the every node is a router, and the edges signify the communication connection among routers.

In MATLAB, we can generate a network graph using the adjacency matrix or edge list.

Here’s an sample:

% Define the adjacency matrix (cost of links between nodes)

% Example: 5 nodes, with edge weights indicating cost

adjMatrix = [

0  1  0  1  0;  % Node 1

1  0  1  0  1;  % Node 2

0  1  0  1  0;  % Node 3

1  0  1  0  1;  % Node 4

0  1  0  1  0   % Node 5


% Create a graph object from the adjacency matrix

G = graph(adjMatrix);

plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);  % Visualize the network

title(‘Network Topology for Hot Potato Routing’);

In this example:

  • adjMatrix indicates the graph in which 0 means no direct connection and 1 characterises a direct connection among the nodes.
  • G is the MATLAB graph object generated from the adjacency matrix.

Step 3: Define Hot Potato Routing (HPR) Algorithm

Currently that we have the network topology, you can apply the Hot Potato Routing technique. In this routing strategy, every node transmits the packet to its neighbor which is nearby to the destination. The aim is keep the packet movements to the destination in a greedy manner.

Here’s how you can apply this basic Hot Potato Routing methods in MATLAB:

function path = hotPotatoRouting(G, source, destination)

% Initialize variables

currentNode = source;

path = currentNode;  % Store the path

visitedNodes = false(1, numnodes(G));  % Track visited nodes to avoid loops

visitedNodes(currentNode) = true;

while currentNode ~= destination

% Get neighbors of the current node

neighbors = neighbors(G, currentNode);

% Find the closest node to the destination (greedy approach)

minDistance = inf;

nextNode = currentNode;

for i = 1:length(neighbors)

neighbor = neighbors(i);

% Compute the “distance” to the destination (in this case, assume cost is 1)

% For simplicity, we assume the distance metric is the edge weight.

edgeCost = G.Edges.Weight(findedge(G, currentNode, neighbor));

if edgeCost < minDistance

minDistance = edgeCost;

nextNode = neighbor;



% If no valid neighbor is found (e.g., all neighbors visited), break out

if nextNode == currentNode

disp(‘No further progress can be made. Stuck in a loop.’);



% Move to the next node and add to the path

path = [path nextNode];

currentNode = nextNode;

% Mark the node as visited

visitedNodes(currentNode) = true;


% Display the final path

disp(‘Path taken by Hot Potato Routing:’);




  • hotPotatoRouting: This function replicates the Hot Potato Routing methods. It initializes from the source node and iteratively transmits the packet to the nearby node for the destination for instance greedy choice.
  • The path save the sequence for nodes to the packet traverses.
  • Greedy decision: Intended for every hop, the methods to select the node through reduce an edge cost for sample closest to the destination.
  • The methods are drop after the packet reaches the destination or it becomes the stuck in a loop such as when all possible paths are visited.

Step 4: Simulate Packet Transfer

We replicate the sending for a packet using the Hot Potato Routing algorithm; we can call the hotPotatoRouting function by a source node and destination node.

% Run the Hot Potato Routing simulation

source = 1;  % Starting node (e.g., Node 1)

destination = 5;  % Destination node (e.g., Node 5)

path = hotPotatoRouting(G, source, destination);

disp(‘Packet transferred via the following path:’);


Step 5: Visualize the Path

Once the routing path is determined, we can envision the path taken through the packet.

% Plot the network graph


plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘Network Topology with Hot Potato Routing Path’);

% Highlight the path

hold on;

for i = 1:length(path)-1

% Highlight each edge in the path

highlight(G, path(i), path(i+1), ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 3);


This will envision for whole network and highpoint the path taken through the packet in red.

Step 6: Performance Evaluation

We can need to estimate the performance for Hot Potato Routing via looking at metrics such as:

  1. Packet Delivery Time: Calculate on how long it takes from the packet to reach the destination.
  2. Routing Efficiency: Estimate the number of hops need to reach the destination.
  3. Network Traffic: The several packets are replicate and examine on how the network resources are utilized.

For sample, we can follow the number of hops or the time it takes for packets to be delivered.

% Performance evaluation: count the number of hops

numHops = length(path) – 1;

disp([‘Number of hops taken: ‘, num2str(numHops)]);

Step 7: Advanced Features (Optional)

  1. Randomized Node Failures: Replicate the failures of nodes or edges in the network and view on how Hot Potato Routing adjusts to such failures.
  2. Multiple Packets: Sending to the replication of several packets using the Hot Potato Routing and examine the overall network behavior.
  3. Mobility Models: Apply the node mobility such as using random waypoint model to replicate the dynamic networks.
  4. Load Balancing: we can establish the load balancing through distributing the packets for several paths according to the traffic.


We initialize the Hot Potato Routing project in MATLAB:

  1. Define the network topology as a graph using adjacency matrices or edge lists.
  2. Apply the Hot Potato Routing algorithm, in which the packets are sending an adjacent neighbor according to the cost.
  3. Simulate packet transfer it initializes the source to the destination.
  4. Visualize the routing path using the MATLAB’s graph envision for the performance.
  5. Alternatively, evaluate performance metrics like as packet delivery time, number of hops, and network congestion.

With this structure, you can create a MATLAB project to simulate Hot Potato Routing, test different network topologies, and analyze the performance of this routing approach.

By referring this detailed process, we grasped the concept on how to simulate the Hot Potato routing in the MATLAB and what are the approaches we can use to evaluate it. We also provide some sample techniques with examples and snippets to help you. If you need to get knowledge more about this process let me know!