How to Start ICMP Attack Projects Using OMNeT++

To start an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) attack project in OMNeT++, we follow below steps:

Steps to Start ICMP attack Project in OMNeT++

  1. Understand the ICMP Attack
  • ICMP Attack Definition: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) attacks utilise the ICMP packets for interrupting network functionality. Below is a general instances:
    • Ping Flood: To devastate a target, transmit continuous ICMP Echo demands.
    • Smurf Attack: Spoofs an IP address and transmits ICMP packets to a propagate address to trigger several replies for overflowing the victim.
    • ICMP Redirect: It supports to change the routing tables to transmit traffic via malicious paths.
  1. Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
  • Install OMNeT++: We should download and install the new version of OMNeT++ IDE on the system.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • INET framework offers supports to replicate the network protocols with ICMP.
    • We adhere to INET installation instructions for combining it including OMNeT++.
  1. Define Project Scope
  • Attack Type:
    • Smurf, or ICMP Redirect, Ping Flood.
  • Network Topology:
    • Nodes: Specify the kinds of nodes such as attackers, victims, routers.
    • Connections: Make use of Ethernet, wireless, or hybrid sets up.
  • Metrics to Measure:
    • CPU/memory usage of victim nodes.
    • Packet delivery rate.
    • Network latency.
  1. Plan the Project Workflow

Step 4.1: Design Network Topology

  • Exploit the INET Framework or a custom network pattern:
    • Nodes: Attacker, victim, intermediary routers.
    • Connections: Replicate the behavior of realistic network to utilise links.
    • Protocols: IP and ICMP.

Step 4.2: Implement ICMP Attack

  • Prolong or alter the PingApp module of INET for replicating the malicious behavior.
  • Example:
    • Transmit a high frequency of ICMP Echo Requests (Ping Flood).
    • Spoof source IPs address for a Smurf attack.

Step 4.3: Configure Defense Mechanisms (Optional)

  • Launch the defense approaches like:
    • Filtering according to the spoof detection.
    • Rate restrictive ICMP packets.
  1. Coding Steps

Step 5.1: Customize the ICMP Attack

  • Fine-tune INET PingApp module for making behavior of attack.
  • Sample Code for an ICMP Flood:

#include <omnetpp.h>

#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”

#include “inet/applications/pingapp/PingApp.h”

using namespace inet;

class IcmpFloodApp : public PingApp {


virtual void initialize(int stage) override;

virtual void sendPing() override;



void IcmpFloodApp::initialize(int stage) {



EV << “ICMP Flood Attack Initialized\n”;



void IcmpFloodApp::sendPing() {

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {  // Send 10 packets in quick succession

EV << “Sending ICMP flood packet\n”;




Step 5.2: Configure Network Nodes

  • In the .ned file, describe the attacker and target nodes:

network IcmpAttackNetwork {


attacker: StandardHost;

victim: StandardHost;

router: Router;


attacker.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> router.ethg++;

router.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> victim.ethg++;


  1. Simulation Configuration
  • Specify the simulation metrics using the .ini configuration file:

[Config IcmpAttack]

network = IcmpAttackNetwork

**.attacker.pingApp.destAddr = “victim”

**.attacker.pingApp.startTime = 1s

**.attacker.pingApp.stopTime = 10s

**.attacker.pingApp.sendInterval = 0.01s  # High frequency for flood

  1. Run and Visualize
  • Utilise OMNeT++ IDE to execute the simulation.
  • Monitor:
    • The victim node’s resource consumption like CPU, memory.
    • Network congestion and packet loss.
  1. Extend the Project
  • We need to execute more advanced ICMP attacks such as Smurf:
    • Make use of transmission addresses and spoofed packets.
  • Launch the detection mechanisms for:
    • Pattern matching for excessive ICMP traffic.
    • Rate restricting or obstructing ICMP Echo demands.
  1. Metrics and Analysis
  • Estimate:
    • Network performance before and in the course of the attack.
    • Measure the execution defense mechanisms’ success rate.
  • Tools:
    • Make use of OMNeT++’s data collection or external tools such as Wireshark for analysis.
  1. Document and Present
  • It offers more comprehensive details that has:
    • Objectives.
    • Implementation details like topology, attack mechanism.
    • Outcomes for charts, logs, and metrics.
    • Conclusions and potential countermeasures.

In the conclusion, we all know about how to start and simulate the ICMP Attack Projects and how to analyse their performance using OMNeT++ tools through given methods. Further specific insights like coding, configuring the .ned.file or executing the simulation will be offered.