How to Start Internal Protocols Projects using OMNeT++

To stimulate a project on internal protocols in OMNeT++ concentrate on replicating protocols which operates the particular domain or network boundary like as Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) For sample: RIP, OSPF, EIGRP or alter the protocols for intra-network communication. Here’s a structured guide to help you begin the Internal protocols for following the steps:

Steps to Start Internal Protocols Projects using OMNeT++

  1. Understand Internal Protocols
  • Definition: Internal protocols operates in a single domain like as an autonomous system (AS) or a local area network (LAN).
  • Examples:
    • Routing Protocols:
      • RIP: The Routing Information Protocol such as a distance-vector.
      • OSPF: Open Shortest Path First for sample link-state.
      • EIGRP: Enhanced the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol like as hybrid.
    • Custom Protocols:
      • Protocols model for a network management of monitoring or alter the routing.
  • Focus Areas:
    • The Route are discovering and maintenance.
    • The Path choose terms on parameter metrics such as hop count, delay, or bandwidth.
    • The convergence time and scalability in the network.
  1. Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
  • Install OMNeT++:
    • Download and install OMNeT++.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • INET offers the design for any standard networking protocols has including the internal routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF.
    • Clone and build INET:

git clone

  1. Plan Your Internal Protocol Project
  • Define Objectives:
    • Replicate an existing protocol Such as RIP or OSPF.
    • Execute the alter protocol used for internal network transmission.
    • Associates the performance of several internal protocols for below the different environments.
  • Use Cases:
    • Network routing in an autonomous system.
    • The Performance evaluation of alter parameter metrics for intra-network communication.
  • Metrics to Analyze:
    • Convergence time.
    • Routing overhead.
    • Packet delivery ratio.
    • End-to-end delay.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • Simple Topology:
    • Builds a minimum network for routers connected in a linear, ring, or star topology.
  • Complex Topology:
    • Used the complex topology of hierarchical or mesh topologies for further advanced scenarios.
  • Example NED File:

network InternalProtocolNetwork



router1: Router;

router2: Router;

router3: Router;

host1: StandardHost;

host2: StandardHost;


host1.ethg++ <–> router1.ethg++;

router1.ethg++ <–> router2.ethg++;

router2.ethg++ <–> router3.ethg++;

router3.ethg++ <–> host2.ethg++;


  1. Configure the Protocol
  • Using INET Framework:
    • Setting and previous internal protocol such as RIP or OSPF in the .ini file.
    • Example (OSPF):

*.router1.ospf.routerId = “”

*.router2.ospf.routerId = “”

*.router3.ospf.routerId = “”

*.router*.ospf.areaId = “”

  • Custom Protocol Implementation:
    • Encompass the INET’s Routing Table module and we execute a new protocol.
    • Describe the control message structures and routing table management.
    • Enhance the packet transmitting for logic using your protocol’s metrics.
  1. Generate Traffic
  • Replicate the data flows using INET’s applications like as UDP or TCP traffic generators.
  • Example configuration:

*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*[0].destAddress = “host2”

*[0].destPort = 5000

*[0].messageLength = 1024

*[0].sendInterval = 1s

  1. Simulate and Validate
  • Basic Testing:
    • Test the route computation and packet forwarding.
    • Checked the routing table updates at every node.
  • Dynamic Testing:
    • Replicate the connection failures or node failures and we validate the protocol convergence.
    • Estimate on how the protocol adapts the modification for topology.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Key Metrics:
    • Convergence Time: Time taken for the protocol we stabilize after a modification.
    • Routing Overhead: Measure the control messages exchanged.
    • Packet Delivery Ratio: Percentage for packets successfully is delivered for PDR.
    • End-to-End Delay: Time taken for packets we reach the destination.
  • Visualization:
    • Used the OMNeT++’s GUI tools we observe the routing tables and packet flows.
  • Export Data:
    • Export the outcomes for further analysis using tools such as Python or MATLAB.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Performance Optimization:
    • Enhance the routing metrics for specific use cases such as energy efficiency in IoT.
  • Scalability Testing:
    • Replicate the larger networks we validate the protocol’s scalability.
  • Security Features:
    • Enhance the encode or authentication mechanisms we assure the routing messages.
  • Comparison:
    • Compared the alter protocol through previous ones such as RIP vs. OSPF.

In the end of the simulation, we all learn and get knowledge about the Internal protocol that is used to minimize the end to end latency during transmission was implemented in OMNeT++ simulation tool. We will elaborate on the Internal protocol strategy applied in different simulation instances in further manual.

We also work on protocols like RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP for communication within networks. If you ever run into problems, is here to help you with the best advice on Internal Protocols Projects using OMNeT++.