How to Start Least Cost Routing Projects Using NS3

To start functioning on least-cost routing projects in NS3, we follow below given instruction:

Steps to Start Least Cost Routing Projects in NS3

  1. Setup NS3 Environment
  • Initially, we install NS3:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install g++ python3 python3-pip git mercurial qtbase5-dev cmake

git clone

cd ns-3-dev

./waf configure

./waf build

  • Make sure all required dependencies are installed correctly for simulation.
  1. Understand NS3 Basics
  • Make known with NS3 architecture.
  • Then, we should discover tutorials from the NS3 official website.
  1. Set Up a Basic Simulation
  • We execute with simple examples:

./waf –run scratch/my-first

  • Explore routing-related examples such as examples/routing.
  1. Focus on Least-Cost Routing
  • Algorithm Integration: Frequently utilizes algorithms such as Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford in least-cost routing. We can execute or utilize existing NS3 models:
    • Change or make a new routing protocol within the src/internet/model/ directory.
    • For instance: We can prolong OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) or execute the routing logic.
  1. Create the Simulation Scenario
  • We describe the network topology like nodes, links, and costs using the below example.

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create(4); // 4 Nodes

PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;

pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute (“DataRate”, StringValue (“5Mbps”));

pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute (“Delay”, StringValue (“2ms”));

NetDeviceContainer devices;

devices = pointToPoint.Install (nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1)); // Link

  1. Add Your Routing Logic
  • Alter routing table:

Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> staticRouting = Ipv4RoutingHelper::GetStaticRouting(nodes.Get(0)->GetObject<Ipv4>());

staticRouting->SetDefaultRoute(Ipv4Address(“”), 1); // Example

  • It contains least-cost computation within the path selection.
  1. Validation & Testing
  • We can utilize tracing to confirm these:
    • Packet delivery.
    • Least-cost path selection.
  • Allow logs for testing:

NS_LOG=”RoutingHelper” ./waf –run my-simulation

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