How to Start Named Data Networking Projects using OMNeT++

To creating a Named Data Networking (NDN) projects using OMNeT++ has includes the replicating a data-centric networking paradigm in which communication is terms of data names instead of host addresses. The OMNeT++ offers the flexible platform for modelling NDN’s unique features like as content caching, data routing, and interest-based communication. Here’s a step-by-step guide this listed below procedure:

Steps to Start Named Data Networking Projects using OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++
  • Download and Install: Obtain the latest version of OMNeT++.
  • Verify Installation: Enable the IDE introduces without errors.
  1. Install and Set Up NDN Simulator
  • NDNsim Framework: Utilized the install and set up process their NDNsim, a specialized module for replicating Named Data Networking on OMNeT++.
  • Installation Steps:
    1. The Clone NDNsim repository from its GitHub page.
    2. Observe the installation steps provided in the repository.
    3. Integrate the NDNsim with OMNeT++ through importing the project into the IDE.

Alternative: If NDNsim is not possible use the INET framework in OMNeT++ we build a basic NDN model through customizing modules for caching and name-based routing.

  1. Understand NDN Architecture
  • Key Components:
    • Consumer Nodes: The consumer nodes transfer the interest of packets we request data by name.
    • Producer Nodes: The producer nodes respond we interest their packets with data packets.
    • Routers: Sending the interest of packets and cache the data packets for future requests.
  • Data Structures:
    • Content Store (CS): Intended for caching received their data packets.
    • Pending Interest Table (PIT): Observe the pending interest packets.
    • Forwarding Information Base (FIB): Maps data names to forwarding interfaces.
  1. Define Network Topology
  • Utilized the network topology for .ned files we state the NDN topology has involves the consumers, producers, and intermediate routers.

Example .ned File:

network NDNNetwork



consumer[0..2]: ConsumerNode; // Consumers requesting data

producer: ProducerNode;      // Producer providing data

router[0..2]: RouterNode;    // Intermediate routers


consumer[*].gate++ <–> router[0].gate++;

router[0].gate++ <–> router[1].gate++;

router[1].gate++ <–> producer.gate++;


  1. Implement NDN Logic
  • Interest Packet Handling:
    • The consumers are built an interest packets for data through name.
    • Routers transfer the interest packets terms on FIB entries.
  • Data Packet Handling:
    • Algorithms we respond their interest packets through data.
    • Routers handling the cache data packets for future use.
  • Routing Protocols:
    • Execute or use existing NDN routing protocols such as NLSR or custom strategies.

Example C++ Code for Interest Forwarding:

void RouterNode::handleInterestPacket(InterestPacket *pkt)


if (contentStore.contains(pkt->getName()))


sendDataPacket(pkt->getName(), pkt->getSender());







void RouterNode::sendDataPacket(std::string name, int dest)


DataPacket *data = new DataPacket(name);

send(data, “gate$o”, dest);


  1. Configure Simulation Parameters
  • Utilize the simulation parameter metrices for omnetpp.ini file we setting parameters metrices such as interest generation rate, cache size, and routing strategy.

Example omnetpp.ini:


network = NDNNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

*.consumer[*].interestGenerationRate = 10pps

*.router[*].cacheSize = 100

*.producer.dataCatalog = [“file1”, “file2”, “file3”]

  1. Simulate Caching and Content Dissemination
  • Setting the caching strategies such as Least Recently Used (LRU) or First in First Out (FIFO) in routers.
  • Follow on how cached data decrease the interest packet propagation in subsequent requests.

Example Cache Strategy in C++:

void ContentStore::addData(std::string name, DataPacket *pkt)


if (cache.size() >= cacheSize)




cache[name] = pkt;


  1. Run and Debug Simulation
  • Run Simulation:
    • Evaluate the replication through running the .ini file in OMNeT++.
  • Debug:
    • Used the debug logging and breakpoints we fixed the packet handling cache behaviour and routing logic.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Metrics to Evaluate:
    • The results for cache hit ratio.
    • Interest the satisfaction rate.
    • End-to-end latency for interest packets.
    • The Network load and scalability.
  • Visualization Tools:
    • Used the tools OMNeT++’s built-in tools we analyse. sca and .vec files.
    • Spread the data we Python or MATLAB for advanced plotting.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Advanced Features:
    • Establish the hierarchical or flat naming schemes.
    • Integrate the security characteristics such as content authentication.
  • New Scenarios:
    • Replicate the NDN in vehicular networks or IoT environments.
  • Dynamic Topologies:
    • Establish the mobility and replicate the handovers in mobile NDN scenarios.

Example NDN Use Cases

  1. Content Distribution:
    • Replicate the effective data dissemination in a multimedia streaming environment.
  2. IoT Data Collection:
    • The model sensors as producers the gateways of consumers for IoT applications.
  3. Disaster Recovery:
    • Estimate the NDN performance in disrupted network environments.

In this setup we had clearly gather information on how to setup the simulation and how to replicate the Named Data Network using OMNeT++ tool. In case more questions are needed, we will use the next manual for the explanation.

Share your project details with us, and we will guarantee the best results. For Named Data Networking Projects using OMNeT++, we offer excellent guidance and a customized approach. You can reach out to us for your simulation results. We handle features like content caching, data routing, and interest-based communication. If needed, we will provide more clarification in a separate manual.