How to Start Network Forensics Projects using OMNET++

To stimulate a Network Forensics project using OMNeT++ has been containing the replication of analysing network activities we examine the suspicious behaviours and identify the potential intrusions and reconstruct the movements for forensic analysis. Network forensics is crucial in finding of analysing and avoid the cyberattacks while offering the evidence of post-incident investigations.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure follow the below listed methods:

Steps to Start Network Forensics Projects using OMNET++

Step 1: Understand Network Forensics

Key Focus Areas:

  • Traffic Capture: Observing and logging the network packets for congestion.
  • Incident Detection: Classifying the malicious activities such as DDoS, MITM, or data exfiltration.
  • Event Reconstruction: Recreate a network movement and we understand the attack sequences.
  • Evidence Collection: Collecting and analysing the data for legal or organizational purposes.


  • Post-attack analysis such as malware activity, DDoS attacks.
  • The Investigating the data breaches.
  • Observing the IoT and wireless networks for unauthorized access.
  • Classify the rogue nodes or unauthorized devices.

Step 2: Define the Project Scope

Choose a specific focus for your project:

  • Incident Reconstruction: Rebuild a movement during a network attack.
  • Anomaly Detection: Finding the deviations from normal traffic models.
  • IoT Forensics: Investigate the security breaches in IoT device transmission.
  • Wireless Network Forensics: Examine the congestion for Wi-Fi or sensor networks.

Example Problem Statement:

  • For sample: “Simulate and analyse network traffic logs to reconstruct a DDoS attack and identify the origin of malicious packets.”

Step 3: Prepare the OMNeT++ Environment

  1. Install OMNeT++:
    • Download and install OMNeT++.
  2. Install INET Framework:
    • Used the INET for replicating the networking protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, and wireless communication.
  3. Optional Tools:
    • Wireshark: Designed for packet inspection and log analysis.
    • Python/Matplotlib: Intended for the data visualization and advanced analysis.

Step 4: Develop the Network Model

Define Topology:

  • Nodes:
    • It contains the legitimate users, servers, routers, and potential attackers.
  • Traffic Flow:
    • Setting the legitimate and malicious congestion sources.
  • Forensic Modules:
    • Place congestion seizure the modules on key nodes such as routers or gateways.

Traffic Models:

  • Replicate the different kinds of network traffic:
    • Legitimate: HTTP, FTP, video streaming.
    • Malicious: High-volume packets (DDoS), spoofed packets, or data exfiltration.

Step 5: Implement Forensic Capabilities

Traffic Capture:

  1. Packet Capture Module:
    • Encompass the OMNeT++ we log the packet-level details like as headers of payloads, timestamps, and source/destination IPs.
  2. Storage:
    • Secure the captured data in formats compatible through Wireshark (pcap) or text-based logs.

Anomaly Detection:

  • Execute the logic we finding the anomalies in captured traffic:
    • Threshold-Based: Finding the traffic spikes or irregularities.
    • Behaviour-Based: Classify the deviations from normal congestion model.

Attack Simulation:

  1. DDoS:
    • DDOS replicate the several nodes sending high traffic volumes we overcome a target.
  2. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM):
    • Replicate the Man-in-the-Middle of packet interception and modification.
  3. Data Exfiltration:
    • Unauthorized the replication of data extraction from a node.

Event Reconstruction:

  • Make a method for reconstruct the sequence of movements:
    • Reassemble the fragmented packets.
    • Follow on the attack origins with traffic analysis.

Step 6: Configure the Simulation

Edit the omnetpp.ini File:

  • Network Parameters:
    • State a node setting for communication ranges and connection parameters.
  • Capture Settings:
    • Ensure the packet capture and specify the logging intervals or conditions.
  • Attack Parameters:
    • Setting the attack kinds of durations and intensities.

Example Configuration:


network = ForensicsNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

*.gateway.packetCapture = true

*.gateway.logFile = “traffic_log.pcap”

*.attacker1.trafficRate = 500kbps

*.server1.enableForensics = true

Step 7: Run Simulation Scenarios

Example Scenarios:

  1. DDoS Attack Reconstruction:
    • Replicate a DDoS attack and examine the captured logs we clarify the malicious nodes.
  2. Anomaly Detection:
    • Compared the congestions models we finding the irregularities caused by attacks.
  3. IoT Forensics:
    • Replicate the IoT devices communicating through a gateway and examine traffic for security breaches.

Step 8: Analyze Results

Key Metrics:

  • Traffic Volume: The Total packets or bytes transmitted during an attack for traffic volume.
  • Latency: It delays caused through the malicious activity.
  • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): Estimate the successful packet delivery.
  • Source Identification: Capability we follow the back origin of attacks.

Tools for Analysis:

  1. Wireshark:
    • Examine the captured traffic for malicious patterns or anomalies.
  2. Python/Custom Scripts:
    • Process and visualize the log data we finding the trends or suspicious activities.

Step 9: Enhance with Advanced Features

  1. Machine Learning:
    • Machine Learning used the models for real-time anomaly finding or traffic classification.
  2. Blockchain for Forensics:
    • Secure the log forensic data using the blockchain we assure the tamper-proof records.
  3. Time-Synchronized Logs:
    • Synchronize the logs with various nodes we rebuilt a movements accurately.

Step 10: Document and Refine

  • Document the Setup:
    • State the network topology for forensic modules and attack scenarios.
  • Analyze Results:
    • Highlight the detection from logs like as attack patterns or network bottlenecks.
  • Iterate:
    • Improve the detection and rebuild a technique based on the outcomes.

Here’s we provide, how you can replicate the basic Network Forensics in OMNeT++ simulation environment that configuring the network forensics. If you have any query concerning the above implementation process, we will provide it.

We are here to support you in enhancing your Network Forensics Projects with the OMNET++ tool. Our team specializes in analyzing suspicious behaviors, identifying potential intrusions, and reconstructing movements for thorough forensic analysis. Additionally, developers can provide insights into your network performance with concise explanations. For personalized assistance, please contact us.