How to Start Network Projects using OMNeT++

To stimulate a Network Project using OMNeT++ has includes the designing and replicating transmission networks performance and potentially executing the custom protocols or network components. The OMNeT++ delivers a modular and extensible platform which could be modified the wide range of networking environment have including the wired, wireless, IoT, and mobile networks.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure listed below there:

Steps to Start Network Projects using OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++
  • Download: Install the latest version of OMNeT++.
  • Install: Observe the installation process for your operating system such as Linux, Windows, or macOS.
  • Verify Installation: Open the OMNeT++ IDE we assure the installed correctly.
  1. Install a Networking Framework

Intended for network projects we need the frameworks that offers the network protocols mobility models and communication stack support:

Recommended Frameworks:

  1. INET Framework:
    • Designed for replicating the IP networks for wireless communication, mobility, and routing protocols.
    • Download the INET’s official page.
  2. SimuLTE (optional):
    • Used for the LTE/5G communication networks.
  3. Veins (optional):
    • Used for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) with SUMO integration.

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the desired framework such as INET.
  2. Excerpt it into your OMNeT++ workspace.
  3. Import the project into OMNeT++ such as File > Import > Existing Projects.
  4. Generate the framework within OMNeT++ we assure the compatibility.
  1. Understand Your Network Project Goals

State the kinds of network we need the replication for there:

  • Wired Networks: The wired networks for Ethernet, MPLS, or backbone networks.
  • Wireless Networks: The wireless networks for Wi-Fi, cellular networks, or ad hoc networks.
  • IoT and Sensor Networks: Replicate the IoT and Sensor Networks for low-power devices and their interactions.
  • Custom Protocols: Model the custom protocol and test new routing, transport, or MAC protocols.
  1. Define the Network Topology

Use OMNeT++’s .ned files to define your network structure.

Example .ned File for a Basic Wired Network:

network BasicNetwork



hostA: StandardHost;

hostB: StandardHost;

router: Router;


hostA.gate++ <–> router.gate++;

router.gate++ <–> hostB.gate++;


Example .ned File for a Wireless Network:

network WirelessNetwork



accessPoint: AccessPoint;

mobileNode[0..4]: MobileNode; // Array of 5 mobile nodes


mobileNode[*].gate++ <–> accessPoint.gate++;


  1. Implement Network Logic
  • Traffic Generation: Utilized the implement of network logic for built-in or custom applications we create the network congestion.
  • Routing and Forwarding: Execute or setting the routing protocols such as OSPF, AODV, or custom algorithms.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Replicate the network parameters metrices such as bandwidth, latency, and packet loss.

Example C++ Code for Custom Packet Forwarding:

void Router::handlePacket(Packet *pkt)


if (isForLocalHost(pkt))









  1. Configure the Simulation

Setting the replication of parameters metrices has including their traffic patterns, data rates, and replication of duration in the omnetpp.ini file.

Example Configuration for Wired Network:


network = BasicNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*[0].destAddress = “hostB”

*[0].messageLength = 1024

*[0].sendInterval = 1s

Example Configuration for Wireless Network:


network = WirelessNetwork

sim-time-limit = 200s

*.mobileNode[*].mobilityType = “RandomWaypointMobility”

*.mobileNode[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1, 5)

*.accessPoint.transmissionPower = 20dBm

  1. Run and Debug the Simulation
  • Run Simulation:
    • Right-click on the process of omnetpp.ini file and choose Run As > OMNeT++ replication.
  • Debugging:
    • Used their debugging for OMNeT++’s log outputs animation GUI and debugging tools we observe the packet flows and node interactions.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Performance Metrics:
    • The performance metrices for throughput, latency, jitter, packet delivery ratio, etc.
  • Visualization:
    • Utilized the visualization for OMNeT++’s built-in tools to visualize. sca and .vec files.
    • Transfer the data we use the Python or MATLAB for advanced plotting and analysis.
  1. Enhance Your Project
  • Scalability: Maximum the number of nodes and follow on the performance under their load for scalability.
  • Energy Efficiency: Replicate the battery-constrained devices and optimize energy usage of efficiency.
  • Fault Tolerance: The fault tolerance establishes the node or connection failures and calculate the recovery.
  • Security: Execute the secure communication protocols or replicate the attacks such as DDoS, eavesdropping.
  1. Extend the Project with Advanced Features
  • Dynamic Topologies:
    • Utilized their mobility models we replicate the dynamic networks such as MANETs or VANETs.
  • Cross-Layer Optimization:
    • Research with interactions among the MAC, network, and transport layers.
  • Multi-Technology Integration:
    • Combined the wired and wireless components for hybrid network replications.

Example Use Cases for Network Projects

  1. Wired Network Performance:
    • Estimate the effect of routing protocols on latency and throughput.
  2. Wi-Fi Network Simulation:
    • Calculate the impacts of interference and channel utilization in dense Wi-Fi deployments.
  3. IoT Network Design:
    • Replicate the sensor nodes with energy constraints and limited bandwidth.
  4. 5G Network Features:
    • Used their 5G network communicate the SimuLTE to analyze ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC).
  5. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs):
    • Associates the Veins and SUMO for traffic-aware transmission for VANETs.

We offer expert guidance and a customized approach to help you stimulate Network Projects using OMNeT++. You are welcome to reach out to us for assistance with your simulation results. We provide a comprehensive step-by-step procedure tailored to your project needs. Please share all relevant project details with us, and we will ensure you achieve optimal results. Should you require further clarification, additional information will be available in a separate manual if needed.