How to Start Ransomware Attack Projects Using NS2

To start a ransomware attack project using NS2 (Network Simulator 2) comprise of simulating the ransomware infection’s behavior in a network environment. Ransomware attacks normally encode sensitive information and request a ransom, which is focusing on vulnerabilities within network communication. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to start such a project:

Steps to Start Ransomware Attack Projects in NS2

  1. Understand Ransomware Attacks
  • Ransomware is a kind of malware, which:
    • Affects a system through phishing, exploitation, or insecure protocols.
    • Encodes sensitive information and requests the payment for decryption.
    • It can distribute through a network by utilising communication vulnerabilities.
  • Application in NS2 Simulation:
    • Replicate the network-level behaviors like:
      • Propagation of ransomware across the network.
      • Data encryption by infected nodes.
      • Malicious file transfer.
  1. Set Up NS2
  1. Install NS2:
    • Make sure that we have installed NS2 and working properly.
    • Confirm installation with a simple TCL script:

ns example.tcl

  1. Familiarize with NS2 Components:
    • Simulate the file transfers and ransomware propagation to utilise application layer protocols.
    • Learn packet handling for replicating the encryption or malicious payloads.
  1. Design the Ransomware Simulation
  1. Define the Network Topology:
    • We can configure sender, receiver, and malicious nodes that include routers, links, and interaction channels.
  2. Simulate Ransomware Behavior:
    • Initial Infection: A node has receives a malicious file.
    • Encryption: Mimic a node to encode data packets.
    • Propagation: Ransomware distributes to other nodes.
  3. Key Metrics:
    • Time to affect every node.
    • Influence over network throughput and latency.
    • Data loss or corruption rate.
  1. Implement Ransomware Logic

Ransomware behavior should be simulated by altering the application or transport-layer protocols.

Step 4.1: Create a Custom Application

  • We execute a new application for replicating ransomware infection.

Example Code (C++)

  • Make a file:

#include “app.h”

class RansomwareApp : public Application {


bool infected;


RansomwareApp() : infected(false) {}

void infectNode() {

infected = true;

printf(“Node %d infected.\n”, addr());


void sendMaliciousFile(Packet *p) {

if (infected) {

// Add ransomware payload

hdr_cmn *cmnh = hdr_cmn::access(p);

cmnh->ptype() = PT_RANSOMWARE; // Define a new packet type

printf(“Ransomware file sent from node %d.\n”, addr());



void recv(Packet *p) {

hdr_cmn *cmnh = hdr_cmn::access(p);

if (cmnh->ptype() == PT_RANSOMWARE) {






Step 4.2: Integrate with NS2

  1. We need to integrate the new application to the NS2 source files.
  2. Modernise the Makefile:
    • Incorporate ransomware_app.o to the OBJ_CC list.
  3. Recompile NS2 using:

make clean


  1. Write the TCL Simulation Script

Make a TCL script for mimicking the ransomware scenario.

Step 5.1: Define Nodes

  • Describe the nodes to configure legitimate and malicious nodes:

set ns [new Simulator]

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

# Create nodes

set n1 [$ns node]

set n2 [$ns node]

set attacker [$ns node]

Step 5.2: Configure Traffic

  • Replicate legitimate communication:

set udp [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $n1 $udp

set null [new Agent/Null]

$ns attach-agent $n2 $null

$ns connect $udp $null

Step 5.3: Activate the Attacker

  • Allocate the behavior of ransomware to the attacker:

$ns at 5.0 “$attacker infectNode”

$ns at 10.0 “$attacker sendMaliciousFile”

Step 5.4: Run the Simulation

  • We will want to store the tcl script as ransomware_simulation.tcl and then run the simulation with NS2:

ns ransomware_simulation.tcl

  1. Analyze Results
  • Trace File Analysis:
    • Confirm the file to affect nodes and spread ransomware.
    • Example for trace entry:

r -t 5.0 -s 1 -d 2 -ptype RANSOMWARE -size 512

  • Performance Metrics:
    • We can estimate the throughput which is lost.
    • Compute the duration to affect all nodes.
    • Influence over latency and packet delivery.
  1. Countermeasures and Validation
  • Execute and experiment the defenses like:
    • Firewalls: Obstruct malicious traffic.
    • IDS/IPS: Identify and avoid the ransomware payloads.
    • Backup Mechanisms: After infection, mimic reinstating data.
  1. Document the Project

These projects provide comprehensive reports should contain:

  • Objective: Explain the ransomware attack and their effect.
  • Network Setup: It has nodes, links, and traffic set up.
  • Simulation Details: Provides attack logic and TCL script.
  • Results: Simulation parameters and insights.
  • Countermeasures: Mechanisms and efficiency.
  1. Additional Resources
  • NS2 Documentation: Familiarize yourself with application layer simulation using NS2 documentation.
  • Cybersecurity References:
    • Study ransomware attack approaches.
    • Learn about cryptographic methods for prevention.

Overall, we have comprehensively presented every details and instructions to help you understand the simulation of Ransomware Attack Projects using NS2 environment. We will issue an additional document for queries related to this subject.