How to Start Static Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To start Static Routing in MATLAB that needs to encompasses for describing the fixed paths manually within network topology. The routes don’t adjust to modify within network conditions and it makes simpler to execute however which is adaptable less than dynamic routing. Following is a stepwise method to starting a Static Routing Project using MATLAB:

Steps to Start Static Routing Projects in MATLAB

  1. Understand Static Routing
  • Static routing needs pre-configured paths among the origin and end nodes.
  • It is very helpful for small networks or stable environments in which routes change infrequently.
  • Every single node sustains a static routing table that indicates the next hop for a given destination.
  1. Set Project Objectives

Focus on the project’s goals like:

  • Replicate a network including pre-defined static routes.
  • Examine the static routing behavior within stable topologies.
  • Equate static routing performance including dynamic routing.
  1. Define Network Topology

Make use of an adjacency matrix or graph for defining the network topology. Every single link is described with a weight to denote their cost such as distance, latency.


% Define adjacency matrix

adjMatrix = [

0 10 0 0 0 0;

10 0 15 0 0 0;

0 15 0 20 0 0;

0 0 20 0 10 5;

0 0 0 10 0 15;

0 0 0 5 15 0


% Create and visualize the network graph

G = graph(adjMatrix, ‘upper’);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Network Topology’);

  1. Define Static Routing Tables

Define static routing tables, which indicate the next hop for every destination.


% Static routing table

% Each row represents a source node

% Each column represents the next hop to the destination node

routingTable = [

0 2 2 4 4 4; % Node 1

1 0 3 4 4 4; % Node 2

2 2 0 4 4 4; % Node 3

4 4 4 0 5 5; % Node 4

4 4 4 4 0 5; % Node 5

4 4 4 4 5 0; % Node 6


  • 0 exists in the table that means no route (same node).
  • Other values show the next hop for attaining the destination.
  1. Implement Routing Logic

Inscribe a function for finding the path and cost to utilise the static routing table.

function [path, cost] = staticRouting(routingTable, adjMatrix, src, dest)

path = src;

current = src;

cost = 0;

while current ~= dest

nextHop = routingTable(current, dest);

if nextHop == 0

error(‘No route exists between %d and %d’, src, dest);


cost = cost + adjMatrix(current, nextHop);

path = [path, nextHop];

current = nextHop;



  1. Simulate a Static Routing Scenario

Experiment the routing logic among diverse source and destination pairs.


% Example: Routing from Node 1 to Node 6

src = 1; dest = 6;

[path, cost] = staticRouting(routingTable, adjMatrix, src, dest);

% Display results

fprintf(‘Path from Node %d to Node %d: %s\n’, src, dest, mat2str(path));

fprintf(‘Path cost: %d\n’, cost);

% Visualize the path

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

highlight(plot(G), path, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Static Routing Path’);

  1. Evaluate Performance

We have to estimate the static routing performance:

  • Path Optimality: Find the paths are selected by static routing.
  • Resilience: Compute how static routing manage the link failures or topology modifications
  • Latency: Fixed paths could outcome within higher latency in modifying conditions.
  1. Extend the Project

Integrate further aspects for expanding the project:

  • Link Failure Simulation: Fine-tune adjacency matrix for replicating link failures and then monitor the static routing behavior.
  • Comparison with Dynamic Routing: Examine scenarios in which static routing executes compared to adaptive solutions inadequately.


% Simulate a link failure (remove link between Node 4 and Node 5)

failedAdjMatrix = adjMatrix;

failedAdjMatrix(4, 5) = 0;

failedAdjMatrix(5, 4) = 0;

% Attempt static routing with modified network

[path, cost] = staticRouting(routingTable, failedAdjMatrix, src, dest);

  1. Visualize Results

Envision the network and static routing paths for detailed analysis.

  • Initial Topology:

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Initial Network Topology’);

  • Static Routes: Visualize the paths for various source-destination pairs.
  1. Document Your Work

It provides more comprehensive insights like:

  • MATLAB code for topology creation, routing table, and path calculation.
  • Visualizations of the network and routing paths.
  • Analysis of static routing behavior in various network conditions.

Sample Code for Complete Static Routing Simulation

% Define network topology

adjMatrix = [

0 10 0 0 0 0;

10 0 15 0 0 0;

0 15 0 20 0 0;

0 0 20 0 10 5;

0 0 0 10 0 15;

0 0 0 5 15 0


% Define static routing table

routingTable = [

0 2 2 4 4 4;

1 0 3 4 4 4;

2 2 0 4 4 4;

4 4 4 0 5 5;

4 4 4 4 0 5;

4 4 4 4 5 0


% Simulate static routing

src = 1; dest = 6;

[path, cost] = staticRouting(routingTable, adjMatrix, src, dest);

% Display results

fprintf(‘Path: %s\n’, mat2str(path));

fprintf(‘Cost: %d\n’, cost);

% Visualize network and path

G = graph(adjMatrix, ‘upper’);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

highlight(plot(G), path, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Static Routing Path’);

Above procedure is useful to start and simulate the Static Routing and estimate its performance, visualize it in MATLAB environment for better understanding. If you want to know more features of this project, we will provide it.