How to Start Static Routing Projects Using OMNeT++

To start a static routing project using OMNeT++ environment, which has contains to make a simulation in which routing paths are predefined and it don’t dynamically modify, different dynamic routing protocols which adjusts to alters within the network. Static routing is utilised once network paths are set and it don’t want any modifications depends on the network conditions like load or topology changes.

Below is a complete procedure on how to get started with a static routing project using OMNeT++:

Steps to Start Static Routing Projects in OMNeT++

Step 1: Install OMNeT++

  1. Download OMNeT++:
    • We should download and install the new version of OMNet++ based on operating system.
    • Adhere to the given installation guidance for Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  2. Verify Installation:
    • After installing, we utilise OMNeT++ IDE to make sample project confirming that OMNeT++ is properly functioning.

Step 2: Create a New OMNeT++ Project

  1. Create a New Project:
    • Go to OMNeT++ IDE by navigating File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
    • Select the “Simple Project” template for a new project and then name it to the project as StaticRoutingProject.
  2. Define the Network Topology:
    • Make use of a .ned file to create the network modules like routers, hosts, and links in OMNeT++, which set up the simulation.
    • While this is for static routing then we will describe the routing tables and routing paths.

Example of a simple network in .ned:

network StaticRoutingNetwork {


router1: Router;

router2: Router;

host1: Host;

host2: Host;


host1.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> router1.ethg++;

router1.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> router2.ethg++;

router2.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> host2.ethg++;


Step 3: Define the Router Behavior

  1. Define Static Routing in the Router Module:
    • In OMNeT++, static router doesn’t dynamically modify their routing path. The routing table is preconfigured including static routes.
    • Describe a static routing table in the router, which links destination IP addresses to certain next-hop locations.
  2. Routing Table Example:
    • We need to make a routing table, which describes the next hop for particular destinations.
    • The routing table might execute like a basic data structure in terms of an array or map.

Below is a basic instance in C++ of how we execute a static routing table for the router:

class Router : public cSimpleModule {


std::map<std::string, std::string> routingTable;

virtual void initialize() override {

// Define static routing entries (destination -> next-hop)

routingTable[“”] = “router2”; // Route to host2

routingTable[“”] = “router1”; // Route to host1


virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {

// Handle the incoming message and forward it according to the static route

if (routingTable.find(msg->getDestinationAddress()) != routingTable.end()) {




void forwardPacketToNextHop(cMessage *msg) {

// Implement logic to forward the packet to the next hop based on the routing table



This execution can be extended for managing more sophisticated routing logic however the main idea is that the routing paths are pre-defined and set in static routing.

Step 4: Configure the Simulation

  1. Define Parameters in omnetpp.ini:
    • Utilise omnetpp.ini file to set the simulation metrics. In the example of static routing, this file will be described properties like IP addresses, routing sets up, and application metrics.

Example omnetpp.ini for Static Routing:

network = StaticRoutingNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

[Config StaticRouting]

*.router1.routingTable = “”

*.router2.routingTable = “”

*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*[0].destPort = 1234

*[0].startTime = 1s

*[0].messageLength = 1000B

*[0].numMessages = 100

In this case:

  • Static routes are outlined within the routingTable set up for router1 and router2.
  • The traffic generator (UdpBasicApp) is set for host1 transmitting the packets to host2.
  1. Set Up Traffic Generation:
    • In the network, we can be utilised a traffic generator module such as UdpBasicApp for replicating packet flow. The source (host1) will be transmitted packets to the destination (host2), and the routers will send these packets depends on its static routing tables.

Step 5: Simulate and Observe

  1. Compile and Run the Simulation:
    • Go to OMNeT++ IDE and we will need to compile the project and then execute the simulation.
    • Utilise Tkenv for visualization to envision the packet flow via network, to indicate how the static routes are utilised to send packets.
  2. Observe Routing Behavior:
    • We can monitor how the packets are sent among the hosts like host1 and host2, to traverse router1 and router2.
    • Make use of OMNeT++’s debug tools for monitoring the messages and observe the routers to make decisions for routing.
  3. Check the Output:
    • Gather and examine the parameters such as packet delay, throughput, and the volume of packets forwarded by each router to utilise the Scalar and Vector statistics modules.
    • It will support to know the performance of the static routing configuration under various scenarios.

Step 6: Extend the Static Routing Project

  1. Multiple Routes:
    • We can be prolonged the static routing project by means of inserting more routers and hosts, making a larger network. We can describe the static routes for each router, to manage the forwarding for several destination IP addresses.
  2. Static Routing in Larger Networks:
    • We can set up static routes for each router making sure that every destination is accessible for larger networks. It can be helpful within scenarios in which the network topology is comprehended and unlikely to modify such as enterprise networks.
  3. Traffic Control:
    • Launch more sophisticated traffic generators like TcpApp for TCP traffic, or replicate various kinds of traffic such as constant bit rate, bursty traffic.
  4. Network Failures:
    • We need to replicate the link failures or router crashes, monitoring how the network performs with static routing in the network. While static routing doesn’t adjust to modification then the replication will support to observe the effect of failures like packets to be lost or not attaining its destination.
  5. Security and Filtering:
    • In static routing configuration, execute the security measures or packet filtering in which particular kinds of packets are sent or lost according to the predefined rules.

Step 7: Debugging and Optimization

  1. Trace Messages:
    • Debug and monitor how packets are being managed and sent to utilise the OMNeT++ logging and tracing aspects.
    • We can allow verbose result to monitor the packet flows and make sure that routers are properly sending packets based on the static routing table.
  2. Optimize Routing Tables:
    • Static routing tables can turn out to be complex and hard to handle in real-world networks. We might execute the simple optimization algorithms to manage the large static routing tables like summarizing routes or grouping same destination addresses.


In OMNeT++, static routing project encompasses to make the network topology and set up static routes within the routers. When the static routes are configured then traffic flows based on those fixed paths devoid of dynamic adaptations.

By following these steps, you can start the simulation of Static Routing Projects that contains basic static routing configuration, extension and analysis of this project using OMNeT++ environment. If you need more assistance with code implementation or debugging, feel free to ask!

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