How to Start UDP Projects Using NS2

To create a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) project using Network Simulator 2 (NS2), we want to replicate the network in which UDP is used for data transmission among nodes. Unlike TCP, that is connection-oriented and assure the reliable data transmission, UDP is connectionless and does not guarantee for reliability, ordering, or error recovery.

In NS2, we can model UDP traffic to replicate the environment like as video streaming, VoIP, DNS queries, or other applications which need the fast and lightweight data transmission.

Steps to Start UDP Projects Usiong NS2

Step-by-Step Guide to Start UDP Prjects in NS2

Step 1: Install NS2

Assure which NS2 is installed on the system. We can install NS2 on Linux such as Ubuntu or macOS and on Windows for sample via Cygwin. Follow the instructions from the official NS2 website or use your system’s package manager for instance apt-get install ns2 for Ubuntu.

Once installed, test if NS2 works by typing ns in the terminal.

Step 2: Understand UDP in NS2

In NS2, UDP is an agent which can be attached to a node. UDP traffic is typically used for applications in which the low latency and high throughput are needed, nevertheless in which reliability is less critical for sample video streaming, voice, DNS.

To use UDP in NS2:

  1. UDP Agent: We use the Agent/UDP class to model UDP congestion.
  2. UDP Application: We can assign the UDP application for sample Application/Traffic/CBR or Application/FTP to create traffic among nodes.
  3. Packet Transmission: UDP agents forward the packets without launching a connection or guaranteeing delivery.

Step 3: Set Up Your Simulation

In the NS2 script, you need to:

  • Generate the nodes such as hosts or routers.
  • Setting the connection among them.
  • Assign the UDP agents to the nodes.
  • Describe the traffic flow such as Constant Bit Rate (CBR), simple UDP-based applications.
  • Process for the replication and analyze the output.

Step 4: Create a Simple UDP Simulation in NS2

Here’s a simple example on how to replicate UDP traffic among two nodes in NS2:

# Create the simulator

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create nodes (two hosts in this case)

set n0 [$ns node]  ;# Host 0 (source)

set n1 [$ns node]  ;# Host 1 (destination)

# Create a link between the nodes (Ethernet link with 1 Mbps bandwidth, 10ms delay)

$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Set up UDP agents

set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $n0 $udp0   ;# Attach UDP agent to node 0 (source)

set null0 [new Agent/Null]    ;# Null agent for destination (no response)

$ns attach-agent $n1 $null0  ;# Attach Null agent to node 1 (destination)

$ns connect $udp0 $null0     ;# Connect the UDP agent to the Null agent

# Set up CBR application (Constant Bit Rate)

set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr0 set packetSize_ 512   ;# Set packet size to 512 bytes

$cbr0 set interval_ 0.01    ;# Set the interval between packets to 10ms

$cbr0 attach-agent $udp0    ;# Attach the CBR application to the UDP agent

# Start the application on node 0 (source)

$ns at 0.5 “$cbr0 start”    ;# Start sending at 0.5 seconds

$ns at 4.5 “$cbr0 stop”     ;# Stop sending at 4.5 seconds

# Set up finish time for simulation

$ns at 5.0 “finish”         ;# End simulation at 5.0 seconds

# Run the simulation

proc finish {} {

global ns

$ns flush-trace

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run

Explanation of the Script:

  1. Simulator Setup:
    • set ns [new Simulator]: Generates a new NS2 simulator object.
  2. Node Creation:
    • set n0 [$ns node]: Makes the source node for sample host 0.
    • set n1 [$ns node]: Generates the destination node for instance host 1.
  3. Link Setup:
    • $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1Mb 10ms DropTail: Generates a duplex connection among the two nodes with 1 Mbps bandwidth, 10ms delay, and DropTail queue.
  4. UDP Agent:
    • set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]: Generates a UDP agent.
    • $ns attach-agent $n0 $udp0: Assigns the UDP agent to the source node (n0).
    • set null0 [new Agent/Null]: Makes a Null agent at the destination like as node n1, that doesn’t respond to the received packets like a for passive monitoring.
    • $ns attach-agent $n1 $null0: Assigns the Null agent to the destination node.
  5. Traffic Generation:
    • set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]: Generates a CBR application (Constant Bit Rate), that create a UDP packets at a constant rate.
    • $cbr0 set packetSize_ 512: Set-up the packet size to 512 bytes.
    • $cbr0 set interval_ 0.01: Setting the interval among packets to 10ms.
    • $cbr0 attach-agent $udp0: Assigns the CBR application to the UDP agent.
  6. Start and Stop Traffic:
    • $ns at 0.5 “$cbr0 start”: Starts sending packets at 0.5 seconds.
    • $ns at 4.5 “$cbr0 stop”: Drop sending packets at 4.5 seconds.
  7. Simulation End:
    • proc finish {}: This method is called to end the replication and built a outcomes.
    • $ns run: Starts the replication.

Step 5: Running the Simulation

To run the simulation:

  1. Store the script as udp_simulation.tcl.
  2. Process for the replication by the following command:

ns udp_simulation.tcl

This will create a trace file (.tr), that includes the specific about the packet flow and movements in the replication.

Step 6: Analyze the Results

NS2 makes a trace file which logs different replication movements, like as packet transmission, reception, and routing movements. We can analyze this file using Xgraph or use AWK scripts to extract and process key metrics such as throughput, delay, and packet loss.

To visualize the results using Xgraph:

  1. We can use the trace file made during the replication:


  1. Or we can extract detailed metrics like as packet loss, delay, etc using an AWK script:

awk ‘{ if ($1 == “r”) print $0 }’ > received_packets.txt

Step 7: Experimenting with UDP Traffic

After we have built a simple UDP replication, we can research with the following:

  • Varying the packet size: Modify the packetSize_ parameter in the CBR application to replicate the various kinds of UDP traffic such as voice packets, video packets.
  • Varying the sending rate: Adapt the interval_ parameter to variation the forward of rate in the UDP packets.
  • Simulating different network conditions: Design the connection parameters like as bandwidth, delay, or packet loss to study the behavior of UDP under various network environment.
  • Adding more nodes: Increase the network through increase further nodes, and replicate the multi-node UDP communication.

Step 8: Advanced Topics in UDP Simulation

  1. UDP with Real-time Applications: Replicate the further more UDP-based applications, like as VoIP or streaming video, that need to several packet intervals and rates.
  2. UDP with QoS: Use the QoS mechanisms in NS2 to prioritize some UDP congestion complete the others for sample VoIP should have lower delay than file transfers.
  3. UDP with Network Congestion: Replicate the UDP traffic below the network congestion with adapts the network parameters for instance packet loss, delay and follows on how the UDP behaves below stress.

Step 9: Documentation and Reporting

Finally, document the project with the following:

  • Network Topology: Define the network layout, including the nodes, connection, and kinds of congestion.
  • Traffic Models: Clarify the UDP-based traffic model used such as CBR, FTP, etc.
  • Results: Examine the replication outcomes for sample throughput, delay, packet loss.
  • Conclusions: Summarize the performance of UDP in the replicated the network.

We were showed you through the implementation process using step-by-step approach regarding the UDP which will be executed, analysed, validated and customized in ns2 environment settings. For you future requirements, we can deliver any extra details on this topic for you.