How to Start Underwater Sensor Network Projects Using NS3
To start an Underwater Sensor Network (UWSN) project using NS3, we need to configure sensor node’s network within an underwater environment in which interaction is depends on the acoustic waves instead of traditional radio frequency (RF) waves. While NS3 doesn’t support underwater communication directly then we can be utilized the extensions or custom-built modules for underwater environments that are modeled. General extensions such as DESERT Underwater offer tools replicating the underwater acoustic interaction.
Given below is a general method on how to configure an underwater sensor network project in NS3.
Steps to Start Underwater Sensor Network Projects in NS3
- Install NS3 and Underwater Communication Extensions
- Download and Install NS3:
git clone ns-3
cd ns-3
./waf configure –enable-examples –enable-tests
./waf build
- Install DESERT Underwater (Optional): DESERT Underwater is an extension that created particularly for underwater network simulations and for underwater acoustic channels and protocols, it contains modules. It can incorporate with NS3 appending the underwater-specific models and functionalities.
- For DESERT, we can adhere to the installation guidelines that will be installed using an NS3 module or standalone.
- Confirm that DESERT is functioning by means of executing their instance scripts.
- Understand UWSN Components
Normal modules are mentioned below in an underwater sensor network:
- Sensor Nodes: Underwater sensors, which observe environmental information like temperature, pressure, or salinity and then interact with each other acoustically.
- Sink Node (Surface Gateway): It placed on or nearby the surface of water, from sensor nodes it gathers the information and transmits it to the external network.
- Underwater Channel Model: Replicate the underwater acoustic channel, to consider attenuation, multipath, Doppler shifts, and the unique propagation delay characteristics of sound within water.
- Set Up Basic UWSN Network Topology
A simple UWSN topology includes numerous sensor nodes employed the underwater, to interact with a central sink node with the help of acoustic waves.
Example: Conceptual Setup of Sensor Nodes and a Sink Node (Acoustic Channel)
However, the accurate code according to the module utilized such as DESERT Underwater, here’s the simple method to theoretically configuring a basic UWSN project.
- Create Sensor and Sink Nodes: Signify underwater sensors and surface sink nodes utilizing nodes in NS3. Every single node can be set up sending or to obtain the acoustic signals.
NodeContainer underwaterNodes;
underwaterNodes.Create(5); // Four sensor nodes and one sink node
- Set Up Underwater Acoustic Channel: The underwater channel model wants to replicate the acoustic wave propagation, considering the metrics such as sound speed, absorption, and multipath.
Example Pseudocode:
Ptr<UnderwaterAcousticChannel> channel = CreateObject<UnderwaterAcousticChannel>();
channel->SetSoundSpeed(1500.0); // Speed of sound in water (in m/s)
channel->SetFrequency(25e3); // Acoustic frequency in Hz
- Install Underwater Network Devices: Insert network devices that are same to WiFi or LTE devices to each node allowing interaction over the underwater channel.
- Configure Mobility for Underwater Nodes
Underwater nodes could be either static (anchored) or exhibit slow the arbitrary movement by reason of currents. Replicate these movement patterns utilizing mobility models of NS3.
MobilityHelper mobility;
“MinX”, DoubleValue(0.0),
“MinY”, DoubleValue(0.0),
“DeltaX”, DoubleValue(100.0),
“DeltaY”, DoubleValue(100.0),
“GridWidth”, UintegerValue(2),
“LayoutType”, StringValue(“RowFirst”));
“Bounds”, RectangleValue(Rectangle(-500, 500, -500, 500)));
- Set Up Acoustic Communication Applications
Replicate the data generation and transmission utilizing custom or pre-built applications. Sensor nodes can be transmitted packets occasionally to the sink node, to signify environmental data collection.
Example with OnOffApplication:
uint16_t port = 5000;
OnOffHelper app(“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address(“”), port));
app.SetAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“5Kbps”));
app.SetAttribute(“PacketSize”, UintegerValue(64));
ApplicationContainer apps = app.Install(underwaterNodes.Get(0)); // Install on one sensor node
- Configure Protocols and Routing for Underwater Networks
While underwater networks contain unique delay and reliability challenges then for underwater networking, we may want to test with protocols that are matched:
- Flooding-based Protocols: Transmit packets to neighbouring nodes that is frequently utilized within sparse networks.
- Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF): A protocol particularly modeled for underwater sensor networks that utilize geographic data transmitting packets by a vector to the sink node.
If utilizing DESERT Underwater or a same extension then these protocols probably contains choices.
- Collect and Analyze Performance Metrics
In UWSNs, we examine the crucial performance parameters like:
- Propagation Delay: By reason of the low speed of sound within water, delays can be extensive.
- Packet Delivery Ratio: We can estimate the reliability of data transmission.
- Energy Consumption: Observe energy usage since underwater sensors frequently contain restricted power sources.
- Throughput and Latency: Measure the data rate and transmission delays.
Examine UWSN performance to utilize FlowMonitor or custom parameters.
FlowMonitorHelper flowmon;
Ptr<FlowMonitor> monitor = flowmon.InstallAll();
monitor->SerializeToXmlFile(“uwsn-flowmon.xml”, true, true);
- Visualize and Analyze Results
- NetAnim: For simple visualization of nodes and its communications to utilize NetAnim, via it cannot entirely seize the underwater acoustic propagation.
- Trace Files: Examine NS3 trace files estimating the packet transmission, reception, and delay.
- Graphing Tools: Transfer data to graph the parameters such as propagation delay, packet delivery ratio, and throughput over time.
- Explore Advanced Scenarios in UWSNs
We can discover more complex situation in underwater network, after configuring a simple network:
- Multi-Hop Communication: Replicate the larger networks, from distant sensors in which information is transmitted using intermediate nodes to the sink.
- Environmental Variability: Design dynamic underwater environments including different sound speeds, interference, and multipath.
- Energy Efficiency: We can execute the protocols along with low energy consumption prolonging the underwater sensor’s lifetime.
Through the given structure and detailed guide you can able to understand and to start and examine the Underwater Sensor Network projects in NS3 tool. We plan to deliver more details about this project in further manual.
If you’re looking to kick off underwater sensor network projects using NS3, is the perfect partner for you. We’ve got top-notch tools and resources at your disposal, along with a team of qualified and experienced writers. Our strict quality control process guarantees that your research will meet the highest academic standards. Let our developers handle your configuration, and you can count on us for timely delivery of high-quality work. Plus, our writers can help you brainstorm innovative topics to keep your project on track.