How to Start Wireless Attacks Projects Using OMNeT++
To start a wireless attack simulation project using OMNeT++, it contains to design wireless network scenarios, to replicate attack behaviors, and examining the influence over the network. Wireless attacks may differ from eavesdropping, jamming, and denial of service (DoS) spoofing attacks. Following is comprehensive steps to start a wireless attack project using OMNeT++:
Steps to Start Wireless Attack Projects in OMNeT++
- Understand Wireless Attacks
- Common Wireless Attacks:
- Jamming: Interrupts the interaction by means of devastating the network including interference.
- Spoofing: An attacker impersonates like another device interrupting or changing interaction.
- Denial of Service (DoS): Overpowers a wireless access point or node including demands to trigger service disruption.
- Man-in-the-Middle (MITM): Interrupts and maybe changes the interaction among two devices.
- Eavesdropping: Passively interrupts the wireless interaction.
- Project Goals:
- Replicate the attack.
- Focus on their influence over the performance of network.
- Discover mitigation mechanisms.
- Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
- Install OMNeT++: We can download and install the new version of OMNeT++ on the system.
- Install INET Framework:
- INET framework offers wireless protocols such as IEEE 802.11 (WiFi), LTE, and Zigbee.
- Define the Project Scope
Step 3.1: Choose the Attack Type
- According to the scenario, we decide on attack type:
- Jamming: Mimic interference within wireless communication channels.
- Spoofing: Replicate the counterfeit packet injection.
- DoS: An overload of demands replicate to an access point.
- Eavesdropping: Mimic passive interruption of packets.
Step 3.2: Metrics
- We need to estimate the performance indicators like:
- Node availability.
- Latency.
- Network throughput.
- Packet delivery ratio.
- Design the Network Topology
Utilise OMNeT++’s .ned file to create a wireless network topology. For instance:
Example .ned File for a Wireless Jamming Attack
network WirelessAttackNetwork {
attacker: WirelessHost; // Attacker node
accessPoint: AccessPoint;
client1: WirelessHost; // Legitimate client
client2: WirelessHost; // Legitimate client
connections allowunconnected:
accessPoint.wlanRadio <–> client1.wlanRadio;
accessPoint.wlanRadio <–> client2.wlanRadio;
accessPoint.wlanRadio <–> attacker.wlanRadio;
- Implement the Attack Behavior
Step 5.1: Jamming Attack
- Make a custom module for replicating a node releasing continuous signals to delay with legitimate interaction.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class JammingNode : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void emitJammingSignal();
void JammingNode::initialize() {
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0.1, 1), new cMessage(“startJamming”));
void JammingNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “startJamming”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.1, msg); // Emit signals every 0.1s
void JammingNode::emitJammingSignal() {
EV << “Emitting jamming signal\n”;
auto pkt = new Packet(“JammingSignal”);
send(pkt, “out”);
Step 5.2: Spoofing Attack
- Make a module for inserting counterfeit packets including spoofed source addresses.
Step 5.3: Eavesdropping
- Execute the module, which passively records intercepted packets.
- Configure the Simulation
Step 6.1: Configure Network Parameters
Configure the simulation of wireless network metrics using .ini file:
[Config WirelessAttack]
network = WirelessAttackNetwork
# Wireless channel settings
* = 11
*.client* = 11
* = 11
# Attack node parameters
**.attacker.numApps = 1
**[0].typename = “JammingNode”
sim-time-limit = 100s
Step 6.2: Traffic Configuration
We need to describe the legitimate traffic models for clients:
**.client1.numApps = 1
**[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
**[0].destAddress = “accessPoint”
**[0].startTime = 1s
**.client2.numApps = 1
**[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
**[0].destAddress = “accessPoint”
**[0].startTime = 2s
- Run the Simulation
- Make use of OMNeT++ IDE to execute the simulation.
- Monitor:
- Disruptions triggered by the attacker node.
- Legitimate client traffic.
- Analyze Results
- Assess the performance parameters with the support of OMNeT++’s built-in tools for analysis:
- Packet loss, latency, and throughput.
- Logs from attacker and legitimate nodes.
- Envision traffic models and the effect of attack.
- Enhance the Project
Step 9.1: Implement Detection Mechanisms
- Integrate the modules for identifying attacks:
- Jamming: Identify unusual noise or interference stages.
- Spoofing: Confirm the source addresses to utilise verification.
- Eavesdropping: Observe the unauthorized listeners.
Step 9.2: Explore Advanced Scenarios
- Replicate a multi-node attack.
- Launch mobility within the network like moving attacker or clients.
Step 9.3: Defense Strategies
- Mimic defense mechanisms for moderating the attack:
- Frequency hopping to response the jamming.
- Encryption replying eavesdropping.
- Rate restrictive to counteract the DoS attack.
In this guide, you can observe how to simulate, implement and analyse the Wireless Attacks and how to enhance these projects through OMNeT++ environment. Moreover, we will also provide advanced topics and innovative approach based on your requirements.