How to write a project proposal for research?

In the PhD study the researchers have to conduct the research work and in side by side they have to work with the prototype to give the final outcome for the PhD project.

At the starting of the PhD project it is necessary to write a project proposal in order to proceed with the project work.

Some of the PhD Scholars will not have the proper idea on how to make a project proposal and those PhD scholars will get a wide idea for writing their project proposal when they go through the following sections.


The introduction of the project proposal is about giving the initial pitch to start our project work. The introduction of the project proposal of the research should have been written with by stating for what problem we are conducting the research project.

Then we have to just mention the primary information that is needed for the project and write about the significance of conducting this project for our research.

The readers of our research project proposal should have the enthusiasm and have to appreciate us for achieving the final outcome of the research project.

We have to consider that our proposal must be responding to all these kind of questions that comes in our mind and we have to write the introduction part of our research work like giving the expected answers for these questions.

  • Why is this project important?
  • In which field we are going to conduct the research project?
  • What is the problem that we are going to sort out in our project?
  • What are the methods that we are going to follow in completing the project research work?
  • How this project proposal will keep the readers engaged with our research project to know the final project results?

Moreover, if we are able to write the appropriate answers for these questions then we can provide a better introduction for our project research.

Background and Significance:

This part is about writing the general concept of our research project proposal and writing the importance of the project.

We have to remember that writing a project proposal should not be like an essay but either it must be written with the concise information that is alone enough to elucidate what we are going to conduct in our research proposal.

We have to keep several aspects in our mind while framing the research project proposal. That may be the questions or statements that are necessary to write the vital information in our research work. They are:

  • We have to specifically write about the problem of our research project work.
  • We have to provide a detailed elaboration for the purpose of conducting the research work as a project.
  • We should able to write why our research project is worth for conducting the research.
  • We must write about the core problem that our research project is going to address.
  • It is necessary to write how we are going to conduct the project research with the information of the existing research.

Review of prior studies and literature:

This reviewing of the literature is written in our research project proposal in order to properly develop our research project. At the same time these literature review study will give us the ability to show innovation in our research proposal.

We have to write the review literature in our research proposal to bring out the originality in the information that we gathered for conducting our project research work.

The previously existing research work will provide a lot of information so to get the essentials information for our project work we have to separate the literature into two sections as the major section and conceptual ore section.

The major section will be written all the information that is relevant to the topic of our project research work and the core section is written only with the important research journal information that is alone enough to complete the project work.

Aims and the research questions:

While writing this part we have to keep in our mind that what our readers have to know about the accomplishment of our research when they read our proposal.

Writing our research aim will make us to stay focused on our research project work and also it should give confidence both for us and for the readers who are reads our research proposal.

Basically we conduct research by analyzing with our self to provide some quality project. Here are some research questions that we should ask our self in order to write the overall information of them in our research project proposal.

  • We should know what we are planning to achieve with our research project.
  • We have to think about why we have to conduct the research.
  • We must ask our self that how we are going to conduct our research work.

All these research questions will provide us eye opening information and so we are able to mention them in our research proposal.

Research Design and Methods:

This part has to be written properly and organized logically since we are not conducting the actual research. However, it must build confidence among our readers that it is something worth pursuing.

An effective way to frame our research design and methods is by drawing good flow diagram. We have to be particular in writing about the methodological techniques that we intend to use to gather data and then to process the data to get the solution.

We must make sure to cover the following when describing the methods:

  • We have to establish the research process that we will engage in, including the method that we use for interpreting the outcomes with regard to the problem of the study.
  • We should not simply discuss what we plan to accomplish from using the methods that we select, but also we have to describe on how we will use the time while utilizing these techniques.
  • Finally, foresee and acknowledge any possible obstacles and drawbacks when we undertake in our research design and we must write by providing a plan of action to solve them.

We have to analyses all these information while framing the research design and in explaining the methods.

Attaching the references:

We have to properly attach all the required references that we need to develop our project research work.

The mentioned research reference will be useful for us throughout the journey of our research project.