How to write master thesis

Writing a master’s thesis would be the most important work you even done in your master’s program. The research question you frame will serve as the backbone of your research, which makes your work more significant.

How to Write Master Thesis

Know what to Include

Every institution will have specific requirement for writing thesis, you have to follow up your university guidelines to know about that. Here are some of the important sections which should be included in your master’s thesis are mentioned:

Title paper

Signature page


Table of content


Main body




Choose the Right Topic for your Thesis

You have to select a suitable topic for your research which matches your research objective from the list of topics. Come up with a research plan for writing your thesis which should be more specific, organized and clear to make your defend for it more easy.

Choose your Thesis Question

The thesis question you frame is very important for your research which should provide a meaningful result to answer the clients and community members of education. The master’s thesis you submit to get the degree should clearly provide answer for the research question you create.

The research question you build and the answer provided from your research should be purely original. A question with true sense can name your research more interesting, organized and focused.

When you have your research topic and the direction for collecting data you can start building your research question. Try to frame 5 to 10 questions based on your research which help you to think from different perspective and let you know the changes created by every single word.

Nail down your Thesis Idea

You have to prepare a thesis question with clearly stating the main idea of your thesis, for which you will give an answer with your research. Stating your thesis question clearly is very important, if you couldn’t do so you have to recheck on your whole project.

Conduct your Research

You should conduct research in order to answer the question you formulated for research. Make sure about the question then move on to experimenting to find solution for research problem. You have to follow this in order to evaluate whether it can make any further improvement or you have to work on it to make better. This step can also guide you to the next step for collecting information.

Complete a Literature Review

Do some review of the literatures available related to your topic for master’s thesis. The better literature review you conduct will show how much important is your thesis and it is not a poor idea. The thesis idea you choose should be novel and related to your topic. This review will help you to understand about the perspective of other researcher’s based on the topic. Make sure to collect the background information on your research topic also the people who are involved in the source material.

Choose your Primary Sources for Master thesis

The original source holds the idea, experiment, theory or story which was written by one who developed it. When you are writing a thesis based on analysis the original fact is the main thing which you have to use in the master’s thesis.

Choose your Secondary Source for Master’s Thesis

These are the sources written by referring to the primary sources. You have to make use of this in your thesis written for Master’s in order to provide them proof that you have a clear understanding on the topic and know about the opinion of other scholars from your field.

Manage your Citations

The structure of writing thesis may vary based on your discipline, like in some cases it is required to produce all the sources you did in the front chapters and in other cases you have to provide the research throughout your paper in different sections. You can follow any of the way to write your paper, but thing to keep in mind in both the cases is the citation style. Keep track on the citation along with writing the paper, don’t postpone it to the end.

Follow the citation style which is required by your discipline. The famous citation styles used are Chicago, APA and MLA.

When you use information from any source while writing, cite them parallel to avoid confusion regarding it.

Make use of citation software’s like Mendeley, Zotero or EndNote for citation. This will help you to generate citation and reference automatically.

Choose your Committee Members

The committee foe thesis should include three professors. This should include one head of the team known as chair and with two readers. The members selected for it should genuinely help you with your project and one with enough time to help you also they should have more experience in their field.

The chair of your committee will be there with you from the beginning. They can provide you with ideas and some instructions, so involve them in your project as soon as possible.

The professor, who has more commitments and has no time to communicate with you, makes delay in your process.

Prepare an Outline for Master’s Thesis

The outline is nothing but a plan for your project, which helps you to witness the progress in your work. Inform about the plan to your committee members to update your work status.

Make a Schedule

You have to prepare a timeline in order to complete your work within the deadline. The reverse calendar approach which goes scheduling in a backward direction starting from due date to the initial stage. One you know about the allotted time for you to complete a work then plan accordingly, separate the time equally between the sections to complete various tasks within time so that you can achieve your goal.

Write a Powerful Conclusion

The conclusion you provide should include the contribution you made to the respective field with your research and also some suggestions regarding the future scope of the research.

Add Supplement Information

If you are in need of figures, graphs or charts then make sure to add it. You can also add the appendices section at last in order to explain the miscellaneous details. While formatting your paper ensure whether you have followed the guidelines produces by respective discipline.

Submit your Master Thesis

Each institution will have their set of instructions for submitting thesis, you should know about the guidelines prior to submitting. In many institutions they want students to submit their work when doing electronic publication in the Pro quest.

The formatting check is done in some institutions before submitting your thesis for publication. So, you have to go through the guidelines of your institution to know about it.

Know about the deadline for submitting your thesis paper because the late submission may lead to delay in your graduation and further delay in your employment and higher studies.