IoT based Smart home security Research Topics

IoT based Smart home security Research Topics is utilized in this topic to safeguard and protect the home by using various methods or techniques in this research. It is now being widely used in many applications. Here we proposed this technology to enhance the security of the system.

  1. Define Smart home security using IoT

Initially we begin with the explanation for Iot based smart home security, which necessitates the linked devices like sensors, alarms and cameras to remotely react, identify and monitor any threats, enhancing the security and safeguarding the home.

  1. What is Smart home security using IoT?

Subsequent to the definition next we look for the comprehensive explanation for this proposed technology. The combination of internet- linked devices like alarms, cameras and sensors, inside a home to allow remote monitoring, reaction and identification to probable protection threats, is referred to as smart home security employing IoT technology.

  1. Where Smart home security using IoT used?

Thereafter we discuss where to use this proposed strategy. It is utilized in housing surroundings on the entire globe. To control the belongings remotely and to enhance security, the homeowners employ networked door locks, alarm settings, cameras, and motion sensors. In addition it is used more frequently in vacation homes, commercial buildings and rental houses to offer enhanced monitoring and protection.

  1. Why Smart home security using IoT technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Here the smart home security utilizing IoT technology is employed to overcome the previous technology. By executing the unauthorized user credentials and verification by utilizing multi-smart contacts in a 5G network, to decrease complexity, improve secrecy and enhance the quality of service. Some of the difficulties that were handled are Low Quality of service, inadequate protection to tackle the limitations and absence of ineffective authentication.

  1. Algorithms / protocols

For this research we utilize some of the methods or techniques to overcome the existing technology issues that were handled by proposing the subsequent methods. The methods that we incorporate are Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Gated Recurrent Unit and Residual Neural Network (GRU-ResNet), Enhanced Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (EECDS), Touch Well before Use (TWU) and Improved Cuckoo Optimization and Support Vector Machine (ICO-SVM).

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

Our proposed technology compares different methods or techniques to get the best findings for this research. In this we compare the different metrics are as follows:

  • The method expands the Attribute-based Access Control strategy (ABAC) and utilizes the blockchain technology to smart home ABAC for well-grained access control. At first the resource provider distributed its access control policy on the blockchain then the resource visitor will submit a permit request to the blockchain and then employ an SM2 threshold signature to finish the transaction proposal.
  • Creative blockchain-based smart home security results improve hyperledger composition and fabrics. By utilizing the blockchain technology to protect the smart home based IoT device.
  • Remote authentication for home devices. Appliance controllers and home network devices use authentication devices. Our method prevents man-in-the-middle attacks, server spoofing and replay.
  • To ensure sure the secure IoT device utilization in smart home systems the authentication policy by utilizing smart contracts, edge computing and access control. The edge server makes available the scalability by taking out the protective aggregating data and task-intensive processing to the cloud by employing differential privacy.
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

We proposed the IoT based smart home security to enhance the security by employing different metrics or parameters in this research. The metrics that we compared are access contract and register contract with time and then the Energy consumed with communication devices and the Communication delay with no of attackers and No of attacks with detection time.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

The above we offer are the links that were related to our proposed strategy, which is being used to go through the concept or any relevant information for our IoT based smart home security approach.

  1. Smart home security using IoT Applications

There are several applications for our proposed approach. Some of them are as follows. Integration with Virtual Assistants, Remote monitoring, Access Control, Energy efficiency, Automation, Environment monitoring and Intrusion Detection are the applications that are widely utilized for this research.

  1. Topology for Smart home security using IoT

Let’s look for the topology that to be employed for this IoT based smart home security. The topologies that we used are Control Interference, Gateway/Hub, Cloud Services, Smart Locks and Access Control, Alarm Systems, Cameras and Sensors and Detectors.

  1. Environment for Smart home security using IoT

Now we see the environment for this proposed strategy/. The environment that utilizes is Digital Environment, Integration with Other Smart Devices, Interactions with users, Physical Environment and Regulatory and Privacy Considerations.

  1. Simulation tools

The IoT based smart home security based research is proposed in this research and we can simulate it by utilizing the following software requirements. The IoT based security for smart homes is developed by employing the developmental tool NS 3.26 or Above Version and is developed by utilizing the programming languages like C++ and python to obtain the possible correct outcome. It incorporates the operating system Ubuntu 16.06[LTS] or Above Version.

  1. Results

In this research we employ IoT based secure smart home technology; this utilizes several uses, applications, methods and metrics to obtain the better outcome. It is proposed to overcome some existing technology issues and can be now utilized in many applications. It is developed by using the tool NS3.26 or Above Version and the network environment here we proceed is Ubuntu 16.06[LTS] or Above Version.

Smart home security using IoT Research Ideas:

Subsequent are the topics we utilized to look for the information that are relevant to this proposed security for Smart home. We utilize these topics to know more about this proposed technique.

  1. Smart Home Security System using IoT and ESP8266
  2. An Analysis of Security Challenges in Internet of Things (IoT) based Smart Homes
  3. Cost-efficient Smart Home Automation and Security System based on IoT and GSM
  4. Smart Home Security System Using IoT
  5. Automated Smart Home Security System Using Biometric Solution
  6. IoT based Smart Home Security Education using a Hands-on Approach
  7. Ranking Security of IoT-Based Smart Home Consumer Devices
  8. Elliptic Curve Cryptography based Security on MQTT System for Smart Home Application
  9. IoT Based Smart Home Automation and Security System Using Mobile App With Assistant Robot for Developing Countries
  10. Smart Home Automation Security Using Type-2 Fuzzy-Based Approach through IoT
  11. FaceLock Homes: A Contactless Smart Home Security System to Prevent COVID Transmission
  12. Analysis of Security Challenges and Issues in IoT Enabled Smart Homes
  13. Smart Home Automation with Smart Security System over the Cloud
  14. A Survey on the Security Vulnerabilities of IoT Smart Home Application
  15. IoT Based Energy Efficient Smart Home Security
  16. Internet of Things Based Smart Home Security Analysis System
  17. Cyber-Security of Embedded IoTs in Smart Homes: Challenges, Requirements, Countermeasures, and Trends
  18. Intelligent Smart Home Security System: A Deep Learning Approach
  19. Smart Home Security System Using Face Recognition Based on IoT- CNN
  20. Scenario-Driven Device-to-Device Access Control in Smart Home IoT
  21. Development of an All-In-One Smart Home and Irrigation System Prototype
  22. Hybrid Approaches (ABAC and RBAC) Toward Secure Access Control in Smart Home IoT
  23. Implementation of Blockchain Technology in IOT Based Smart Home
  24. Situational Awareness for Smart Home IoT Security via Finite State Automata Based Attack Modeling
  25. Improving Smart Home Safety with Face Recognition using Machine Learning
  26. Improving Security in Smart Home Networks through user-defined device interaction rules
  27. Analysing Smart Home Security Using Packet Tracer Simulation Software
  28. Cost-Efficient Smart Home Security System Based On NodeMCU And Arduino with IoT
  29. Scalable and Secure Architecture for Smart Home using Blockchain with data analysis for security risk
  30. Person Detection with Deep Learning and IoT for Smart Home Security on Amazon Cloud
  31. Riding the IoT Wave With VFuzz: Discovering Security Flaws in Smart Homes
  32. Formal Modeling and Verification of the Security Mechanism in Smart Home Authentication
  33. Sovereign: Self-Contained Smart Home With Data-Centric Network and Security
  34. A critical literature review of security and privacy in smart home healthcare schemes adopting IoT & blockchain: Problems, Challenges and Solutions
  35. Forensic analysis and security assessment of IoT camera firmware for smart homes
  36. Smart Home Monitoring to Improve Valuable Storage Security Using IoT-Bluetooth
  37. Design and implementation of security system for smart home based on IOT technology
  38. A survey on blockchain, SDN and NFV for the smart-home security
  39. Smart homes under siege: Assessing the robustness of physical security against wireless network attacks
  40. An optimization-based machine learning technique for smart home security using 5G
  41. Factors impacting customer purchase intention of smart home security systems: Social data analysis using machine learning techniques
  42. On the Security of Smart Home Systems: A Survey
  43. Enhancing IoT-Based Smart Home Security Through a Combination of Deep Learning and Self-Attention Mechanism
  44. Face recognition approach for smart Internet of Things in home security system
  45. Smart home security: challenges, issues and solutions at different IoT layers
  46. Ethereum blockchain-based three factor authentication and multi-contract access control for secure smart home environment in 5G networks
  47. Smart Home Security System Using Facial Recognition
  48. Secure multiparty access and authentication based on advanced fuzzy extractor in smart home
  49. Securing Data in an Internet of Things Network Using Blockchain Technology: Smart Home Case
  50. Security-enhanced firmware management scheme for smart home IoT devices using distributed ledger technologies