Light Weight Cryptography Research Topics

Light Weight Cryptography (LWC) works based on cryptographic algorithm, which is specifically designed for working in Resource-constrained devices. You can learn more and gain better knowledge on this topic LWC by completely reading this research paper.

  1. Define Lightweight Cryptography

The LWC is nothing but cryptographic algorithms which is mainly designed to concentrate working on environment which has minimum resources like Internet of Things (IoT), embedded system or any other platforms operating on low power. This system can provide high level of security with minimum energy and memory requirements. The idea behind this technique is that, it can produce maximum security of system with the help of limited resources and the implementation process is also simple.

  1. What is Lightweight Cryptography?

This LWC is functioning on the basis of cryptographic algorithm. This was designed to operate with low memory, power and minimum resources. This system is widely used by RFID tags, sensor nodes and some other systems with less processing capabilities.

  1. Where Lightweight Cryptography is used?

In this section we are going to discuss about the uses of LWC. This is one of the latest and current techniques build on top of the cryptographic protocols or algorithms. This system is mainly designed in order to work in environments such as, healthcare devices, embedded systems, contactless cards, RFID tags and sensors.

  1. Why Lightweight Cryptography is proposed? Previous technology issues

Moving on to the next section, here we are going to discuss about the challenges faced by this LWC technology. This system handles too much amount of data with Blockchain technology because of which it faces many challenges. The existing system faces challenges like analyzing attack and encrypting data also in not effectively transmitting data. Some of the other issues are explained below:

Challenges in Blockchain based Resource Management: The “Blockchain-Based Resource Management Algorithm” (B-RMA) which is used in earlier systems increases latency and reduces throughput, this creates problem in real-time operation. By analyzing all the encryption process and utilizing total key length will reduce the memory and resource requirement.

High Computational Complexity: The earlier technology uses Encryption Algorithm (EA) has some limitations in the process of decryption and it was also complex. Moreover this process of cryptanalysis needs more memory to store resources and to manipulate the outcomes and potential keys.

Impact of Side-channel analysis: In the previous design it takes more time for executing in read operations. It was also little lacking in security analysis and poor performance because of using Encryption Algorithm.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

After knowing about the technology, uses of it and the issues faced by them in the earlier stage, now we are going to learn about the algorithms used for this technology. The algorithms provided for LWC to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: “Harmonic ByzRaft-PoA Fusion”, “Lightweight Elliptic Curve Cryptography” (LECC), “Lightweight Reed-Solomon” (LRS) erasure code, “Lightweight Elliptic Curve Secure Key Exchange and Authentication” (LECSKEA), Keccak (SHA-3) and “Quantum Key Distribution” (QKD).

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by LWC in the above section are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like “Block size (transactions) vs. Total storage overhead (mb)”, “Data size vs. Decryption time (ms)”, “Data size vs. Encryption time (ms)”, “Number of nodes vs. Recovery latency (ms)” and “Time (ms) vs. Transaction per second”.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about LWC which can be useful for you:

  1. Lightweight Cryptography Applications

In this next section we are going to discuss about the applications of LWC technology. It is a method in the branch of encryption, which has a main motive of providing privacy and security for applications with resource constrains. This method can be applied in areas like embedded systems, physical cyber systems, IoT devices, system of Radio Frequency Identification (RDFI), Ad-hoc networks in vehicle, healthcare and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).

  1. Topology

Topology is generally architecture of a network. Here in this topic, topology for LWC has a Blockchain network, which is structured to fit some of the requirements needed by the resource-constrained environment.

  1. Environment

For the functioning of this system LWC by analyzing the protocols of Blockchain in a resource-constrained system, there should be some environment considerations like Communication Channels, Scalability Considerations, Energy Efficiency, Requirements for Transaction Throughput, Security Threats and management challenges.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for LWC, which is established with the usage of tools like Python version 3.11.4 along with Network simulator version 3.26 or above.

  1. Results

After going through this research based on LWC Technology, you can understand in detail about this technology, applications of this technology, different topologies of it, algorithms followed by it also about the limitations and how it can be overcome.

Light Weight Cryptography Research Ideas

  1. Lightweight Cryptography Concepts and Algorithms: A Survey
  2. Feasibility Study of Improving Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity Security using Artificial Intelligence and Lightweight Cryptography
  3. Design of Lightweight Cryptography based Deep Learning Model for Side Channel Attacks
  4. A Hardware Architecture of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Applied in IPsec to Secure High-Throughput Low-Latency IoT Networks
  5. Distributed Cryptography for Lightweight Encryption in Decentralized CP-ABE
  6. A Review on FPGA Implementation of Lightweight Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Network
  7. Performance and Energy Evaluation of Lightweight Cryptography for Small IoT Devices
  8. Techniques for Resource-Efficient, Lightweight Cryptography in IoT Devices for Smart Environment
  9. Assessment of Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms on ARM Cortex-M Processors
  10. Assessment of Radiation-Induced Soft Errors on Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms Running on a Resource-Constrained Device
  11. Hybrid Authentication System of Face Mask Detection Using CNN-based on Lightweight Cryptography and Blockchain Technology
  12. A Lightweight Image Cryptography Approach via Invertible Transformation
  13. Deep Learning Techniques Using Lightweight Cryptography for IoT Based E-Healthcare System
  14. Lightweight quantum-safe cryptography in underwater scenarios
  15. VLSI implementation of lightweight cryptography technique for FPGA-IOT application
  16. A novel 5-bit S-box design for lightweight cryptography algorithms
  17. LSBlocFL: A secure federated learning model combining Blockchain and lightweight cryptographic solutions
  18. Retraction notice to “Cloud Data Security Mechanism using the Lightweight Cryptography” Optik 271 (2022) 170084]
  19. Embedded Light-Weight Cryptography Technique to Preserve Privacy of Healthcare Wearable IoT Device Data
  20. A Review on Lightweight Cryptographic algorithms in Internet of Things
  21. Secure and Scalable Internet of Medical Things using Ensemble Lightweight Cryptographic Model
  22. Two New Lightweight Cryptographic Hash Functions Based on Saturnin and Beetle for the Internet of Things
  23. Power Side-Channel Vulnerability Assessment of Lightweight Cryptographic Scheme, XOODYAK
  24. Review of the NIST Light-Weight Cryptography Finalists
  25. Lightweight Cryptographic Approach to Address the Security Issues in Intelligent Applications: A Survey
  26. Lightweight cryptographic secure random number generator for IoT devices
  27. Novel Optimized Implementations of Lightweight Cryptographic S-Boxes via SAT Solvers
  28. A Survey of Efficient Light Weight Cryptography Algorithm for Internet of Medical Things
  29. Exploring the Viability and Effectiveness of Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques in Enhancing the IoT Data Security of Smart Cities
  30. Statistical Differential Fault Analysis of the Saturnin Lightweight Cryptosystem in the Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
  31. A Secure Chaos-Based Lightweight Cryptosystem for the Internet of Things
  32. An extended analytical framework for heterogeneous implementations of light cryptographic algorithms
  33. A design of lightweight ECC based cryptographic algorithm coupled with linear congruential method for resource constraint area in IoT
  34. Hardware and Energy Efficiency Evaluation of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Finalists
  35. Implementation of Lightweight Cryptography Core PRESENT and DM-PRESENT on FPGA
  36. Quick Analysis of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process Finalists
  37. Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Parallelized Implementation of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Finalists
  38. S-Box Attack Using FPGA Reverse Engineering for Lightweight Cryptography
  39. A Survey on Lightweight Cryptography Approach for IoT Devices Security
  40. Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image with Secure Multi-Party Based on Lightweight Cryptography
  41. towards an Optimal Security Using Multifactor Scalable Lightweight Cryptography for IoT
  42. Types of Lightweight Cryptographies in Current Developments for Resource Constrained Machine Type Communication Devices: Challenges and Opportunities
  43. Substitution Layer Analysis of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Competition Finalists
  44. Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Cryptographic Module, for Wireless 5G Communications and Beyond
  45. Lightweight Cryptographic Hash Functions: Design Trends, Comparative Study, and Future Directions
  46. Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms on IoT Hardware Platforms
  47. Light Weight Cryptography for Cloud-Based E-Health Records
  48. Blockchain meets lightweight cryptography
  49. Lightweight Cryptography Approach for Multifactor Authentication in Internet of Things
  50. A Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm with a Multi-Purpose Encipher Key for IoT