PHD RESEARCH TOPIC IN PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS is out of the ordinary area for research. Both parallel and distributed systems can be defined as a collection of processing elements that communicate and co-operate to achieve a common goal. What is need of parallel and distributed computing, such question can stuck in many brains. But its answer is simple, as today whatever network we are using, is based on parallel and distributed systems.
If we work in serial manner, no cooperates can get turn over in billions. Even we dont follow queue system due to its time delay. Today every communication network is based on parallel processing to overcome the problem of traffic and delay. Distributed systems have ruled out the concept of central system and made the system more reliable and flexible. As it is integration of two wide domains, it is easy also to find a parallel-and-distributed systems.
Peer-Peer Network
A parallel computing approach also for integrated security assessment of power system, Distributed volunteer computing for solving ensemble learning problems, Parallel and distributed methods also for non-convex optimization are the current PHD RESEARCH TOPIC IN PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.
It can also used in wireless sensor network for the optimization of evacuation time in sensor nodes in cluster. In storage clusters, it is also applied for Thermal-aware file assignment and also in cloud computing, it is employed also for dynamic resource allocation using the virtual machines. If students require more recent topics or details about this domain, we are also ready to help.
Concurrency and also synchronization
Data and work partitioning
Common parallelization strategies
Load balancing
parallel search, parallel sorting,
coordinated resource sharing
Problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional, also virtual organization.
Theory of parallel/distributed computing
Parallel algorithms and also their implementation
Resource allocation and also management
Task mapping and also job scheduling
Network routing and also communication algorithms
Distributed data and also knowledge based systems
Neural networks
Super Computing
Personal Computing
Pervasive also based on computing applications
Heterogeneous also based on Computing
Biological/molecular also in computing etc.
softwares & Tools
2)Open MPI
4)Distributed Folding GUI
6)And also in CloudReports
Softwares & Tools Description
Nimrod–>Tools to create and also execute parallel programs over computational grid.
Open MPI–> Message Passing Interface (MPI) also for parallel systems.
MPICH–>Used for message-passing also in distributed-memory applications
Distributed Folding GUI–>Provides features like current progress, benchmarking information, time estimates also for completion etc
SimGrid–> scientific instrument allows also to study the behavior of large-scale distributed systems
CloudReports–> graphic tool which simulates distributed computing environments also based on Cloud Computing paradigm.
Related Search Terms

1.Do you have any recent algorithm for clustering?
Still we are using k-means clustering for many projects. It depends on the efficiency of the algorithm. We can use recent algorithm or we can improve the existing algorithm.
2.How will you show virtual machine concept?
This can be implemented using simulation. Else, if you have any idea bring to us, we will help you.
3.Can we connect more than two servers using single system?
Yes we can use the concept of virtual server and create two servers in same system. It is tedious to implement but we will guide you.
- Nimrod
- Open MPI
- Distributed Folding GUI
- SimGrid
- CloudReports