PHD RESEARCH TOPIC IN TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING is also a evergreen domain due to its basic need in our life. Telecommunication engineering is a diverse field which connects all the field including electrical, Information technology, civil and also structural engineering. People working in this domain are also responsible for all social issues to enterprise based issues.
It emphasizes also on mobile and personal communication techniques and also networks. Few recent topics includes protocols also for wireless ATM, cognitive radio and networks, future internet, also energy efficient wireless networking, advanced radio access technique and applications etc.
PhD research topic can also taken in most recent topic like research into hollow fiber optic cables. If we also develop air gaps into fibre optics, it will increase the speed and achieve higher bandwidth. But how can we also achieve high speed under cladding which is completely hollow. Like this few most difficult and also challenging issues falls under this domain which can create revolution in this field.
We also advice scholars to choose such PHD RESEARCH TOPIC IN TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING to stand out and prove themselves. Scholars who find it difficult also to select and get recent trends in this domain can approach us. We are also working with most prominent developers who have also complete knowledge about the domain with its recent updates
Wireless and also network communication
MIMO communications
Reliable communication also in vehicular Adhoc networks
Healthcare monitoring
Quantum communication
Monitor and also control of greenhouse environment
Robotic sensing
Satellite communication
High speed data also in connection etc.
softwares & Tools
1)Amir Telecom 4.0
2)Beam Resolver
5)Also TeleFlow
Softwares & Tools Description
Amir Telecom 4.0–> Allow also to call from computer
Beam Resolver–> Beam telecom compatible also with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
ArcGIS–> platform also for developers to create and manage geospatial applications.
Precision32–>advanced software development tools also at free charge
TeleFlow –> provide helpful information and also useful tools to aid with IVR, general telecommunications problems
Related Search Terms
phd projects in telecommunication engineering, Research issues in telecommunication engineering, telecommunication engineering research issues, telecommunication engineering research topics

1.Will you work on Passive Optical Network?
Yes, we will work on Passive optical networks. If you need research topics in this area, contact us, we will be back to you.
2.Can you develop Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols and algorithms for NGPONs ?
Next Generation Passive Optical Networks is a blooming area in telecommunications. We have already started working on MAC protocols and algorithms in NGPONs. We can surely develop any protocol which you will bring.
3.Do you have research topics in Optical Wireless networks?
Yes, we have many recent research topics in Optical Wireless networks. Send your Mail ID to us, we will send you the list of topics we have
- Amir Telecom 4.0
- Beam Resolver
- ArcGIS
- Precision32