PHD RESEARCH TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE is a vast domain due to its increasing need. Providing PHD is not our business, it is our passion. Being a computer science graduate, promoting RESEARCH TOPICS become our only aim and purpose of life. We dont believe in business in the field of education. Our great leader Mr.Kumarasami Kamaraj worked for the welfare of students and brought many schemes for promoting education. Following our great leaders, we too believe that education and research is not a business. It is a service; this thought made us to promote research in the field of computer science.
We work very hard to achieve something, which has not achieved by anybody. For this reason, we focus on our scholars; we create best scholars who can be future scientist to serve our society. It will create a complete network of research which will develop our world to the next level.
Fundamental Research
Before taking up a research, we need to understand what major areas we need to concentrate are. First of all we need to focus on two things; first we need to understand the type of research we are going to choose. Another important aspect is data collection. Can we collect all the data needed for our research should be our concern. Research is basically classified as Fundamental research and Applied research. Fundamental research leads to the invention of something new; it can be a theory or new property of matter.
Applied Research
We can take example of the innovation of new planet. Applied research is used to support the basic research. Applied research has immediate implication due to its nature of application. We also have other types of research like revolutionary research, normal research, action research, explanatory research, exploratory research and comparative research.
So We support all kinds of research for our students. We give complete support for data collection. Also, We have separate team of experts and lab where we maintain both 2D and 3D data sets for our students. We feel that our students should not feel any difficulty in finding the data required for their research. Our experts strengthen in this aspect by
Making random sampling procedure
Making organized selection to alternative rationale.
Preparing all kinds of dataset and softwares needed for it
We work for the satisfaction of students and feel that students should feel free after committing their research work to us.
There are numerous PHD RESEARCH TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, which is difficult to enumerate here. We support all recent technologies and domains.
For the reference of scholars, we have enumerated few topics. Major few topics IN COMPUTER SCIENCE are:
Data Mining
Image Processing
Cloud computing
Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Natural Language processing
Pervasive computing
We have provided only few major topics but we work on all major topics in computer science. Even we are ready to work on most recent technologies. If students bring any new tool, we take only few days to learn it and implement on it. Our knowledge makes us so powerful which makes us to shine like a Pole star always.
We dont follow even the above said quote. As we feel that Sky is not our limit. We have already touched the sky i.e. the highest peak in the field of research. For every domain mentioned above, we have different tools which we choose according to the project.
Lets discuss few domains with their respective tools.
Tools and Domains
For Data Mining, we use Weka, Wordnet, Matlab, Scilab and Java. Image processing can be implemented in Matlab, Scilab, OpenCV, Java, ImagJ, C++ and VC++. For cloud computing, we use java, cloudSim,CLoudanalyst,openstack etc. Regarding Networking , we can use NS2, NS3,Omnet++,Opnet,cloudsim,mininet etc.
Most recent technology like vehicular Adhoc network can be implemented in Omnet++, veins, Sumo. Domains like Natural languge processing can be implemented in Wordnet, sentiwordnet and java. Pervasive computing can be implemented in C++, java etc. It needs special sensors some time.
We provide that for our student at an optimum cost. So We are fully flexible to our students. We never say the word NO to our students. And also We believe that we can do everything and can support our students in any way.
FOR US..,,,
We work for students satisfaction. We are even ready to give them real time projects, if they wish. Few scholars have doubt that whether we can work upon their idea and concept. We welcome scholars to bring their innovative idea and concept to us. So We are here only to help and guide them. We also maintain full data and concept confidentiality as we know the pain and risk scholars take to find something new. It is not one day work for anybody to seat and think something innovative. It takes scholar years to find something new, realizing their pain, we focus on CONFIDENTIALITY.
If scholars dont have any idea, contact us, we will guide you. We can take risk for our students to any level. We have mentioned few topics above, it is just an example we have provided for scholars to get an idea. Scholars can bring any domain and tool in the field of computer science, we can help them out. If scholars feel they dont have any idea about research itself, then they can surely contact us, we will be back to them. We will be happy to help them as service is our motto.
Related Search Terms

1.For computer science students, what kind of journal do you suggest?
Many domains are there in computer science. According to the subject matter we suggest the journal and if the students accept, we publish in that journal.
2.Latest papers in computer science we need, can you provide?
We will send you few papers to your mail, if you contact us. If you need specific paper, please furnish your requirement.
3.What are the areas in computer science which we can choose to complete Phd?
All areas and topics are important if taken correctly. We give importance to all the domains, if you feel it difficult to choose the topic, consult us. We can guide you even if you don't know the basis of Phd and help you to choose your topic of interest.