Scopus Indexed Journals for Computer Science
Explore a comprehensive list of Scopus Indexed Journals in the field of Computer Science, offering publishing services across various domains. Obtain top-notch custom papers with timely delivery through These journals cover various areas within computer science, including artificial intelligence, software engineering, information systems, cybersecurity, and more.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Neural Networks
- Pattern Recognition
Software Engineering and Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Information and Software Technology
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Software: Practice and Experience
Networks and Communications
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- Computer Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- Networks
Security and Privacy
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
- Computers & Security
- Journal of Cryptology
- Security and Communication Networks
- International Journal of Information Security
Databases and Data Science
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Information Systems
- The VLDB Journal
Theoretical Computer Science
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Journal of the ACM
- SIAM Journal on Computing
- Discrete & Computational Geometry
- Algorithmica
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Computer Graphics Forum
- The Visual Computer
- Multimedia Tools and Applications
Human-Computer Interaction
- ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- Human–Computer Interaction
- Interacting with Computers
- User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
List of Scopus Indexed Journals for Computer Science
Read out the List of Scopus Indexed Journals for Computer Science where we grant fast publication on numerous categories are listed by us. | Journal Title | ISSN | Scopus categories |
1. | Heritage Science | 20507445 | Computer Science |
2. | Hewlett-Packard Journal | 00181153 | Computer Science |
3. | High Technology Letters | 10066748 | Computer Science |
4. | High-Confidence Computing | 26672952 | Computer Science |
5. | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | 13883690 | Computer Science |
6. | HighTech and Innovation Journal | 27239535 | Computer Science |
7. | Hitachi Review | 0018277X | Computer Science |
8. | HOW | 08860483 | Computer Science |
9. | HP Laboratories Technical Report | 13686798 | Computer Science |
10. | Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | 16714512 | Computer Science |
11. | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | 10730516 | Computer Science |
12. | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | 19466226 | Computer Science |
13. | ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare | 26911957 | Computer Science |
14. | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | 2378962X | Computer Science |
15. | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 03625915 | Computer Science |
16. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Computer Science |
17. | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | 21678375 | Computer Science |
18. | ACM Transactions on Graphics | 07300301 | Computer Science |
19. | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | 25739522 | Computer Science |
20. | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | 10949224 | Computer Science |
21. | JALA - Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation | 15355535 | Computer Science |
22. | JALT CALL Journal | 18324215 | Computer Science |
23. | Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science | 25208764 | Computer Science |
24. | JASSS | 14607425 | Computer Science |
25. | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 10096744 | Computer Science |
26. | Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | 10093443 | Computer Science |
27. | Jiqiren/Robot | 10020446 | Computer Science |
28. | Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics | 10039775 | Computer Science |
29. | Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering | 10003428 | Computer Science |
30. | Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS | 10065911 | Computer Science |
31. | Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems | 18959091 | Computer Science |
32. | BioData Mining | 17560381 | Computer Science |
33. | Bioinformatics | 13674803 | Computer Science |
34. | Bioinformatics Advances | 26350041 | Computer Science |
35. | Bioinformatics and Biology Insights | 11779322 | Computer Science |
36. | Biological Cybernetics | 03401200 | Computer Science |
37. | Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures | 2212683X | Computer Science |
38. | Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express | 20571976 | Computer Science |
39. | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | 17468094 | Computer Science |
40. | Biometric Technology Today | 09694765 | Computer Science |
41. | International Journal of Telerehabilitation | 19452020 | Computer Science |
42. | International Journal of Tomography and Simulation | 23193336 | Computer Science |
43. | International Journal of Tomography and Statistics | 09729976 | Computer Science |
44. | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems | 02184885 | Computer Science |
45. | International Journal of Unconventional Computing | 15487199 | Computer Science |
46. | International Journal of Value Chain Management | 17415357 | Computer Science |
47. | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | 14710242 | Computer Science |
48. | International Journal of Vehicle Performance | 17453194 | Computer Science |
49. | International Journal of Vehicular Technology | 16875702 | Computer Science |
50. | International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments | 19478518 | Computer Science |
51. | IRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 01975706 | Computer Science |
52. | IRE Transactions on Information Theory | 00961000 | Computer Science |
53. | IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications | 00976628 | Computer Science |
54. | ISA Transactions | 00190578 | Computer Science |
55. | ISeCure | 20082045 | Computer Science |
56. | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 09242716 | Computer Science |
57. | ISRN Communications and Networking | 20904355 | Computer Science |
58. | ISRN Signal Processing | 20905041 | Computer Science |
59. | IT - Information Technology | 16112776 | Computer Science |
60. | IT Architect | 15572145 | Computer Science |
61. | Modelling, Measurement & Control D: Manufacturing, Management, Human & Socio-Economic Problems | 12404551 | Computer Science |
62. | Modelling, Measurement and Control A | 12595985 | Computer Science |
63. | Modelling, Measurement and Control B | 12595969 | Computer Science |
64. | Modelling, Measurement and Control C | 12595977 | Computer Science |
65. | Molecular Diversity | 13811991 | Computer Science |
66. | Molecular Informatics | 18681743 | Computer Science |
67. | Molecular modeling annual | 0949183X | Computer Science |
68. | Molecular Simulation | 08927022 | Computer Science |
69. | Mondo Digitale | 1720898X | Computer Science |
70. | Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics | 02786419 | Computer Science |
71. | OPSEARCH | 00303887 | Computer Science |
72. | Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) | 1060992X | Computer Science |
73. | Optical Switching and Networking | 15734277 | Computer Science |
74. | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | 01432087 | Computer Science |
75. | Optimization and Engineering | 13894420 | Computer Science |
76. | Optimization Methods and Software | 10556788 | Computer Science |
77. | Order | 01678094 | Computer Science |
78. | Organised Sound | 13557718 | Computer Science |
79. | PACE - Process and Control Engineering | 13296221 | Computer Science |
80. | Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems | 19437536 | Computer Science |
81. | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | 15516857 | Computer Science |
82. | ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing | 23294949 | Computer Science |
83. | ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security | 24712566 | Computer Science |
84. | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | 01640925 | Computer Science |
85. | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | 19367406 | Computer Science |
86. | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | 15504859 | Computer Science |
87. | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 1049331X | Computer Science |
88. | ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | 23740353 | Computer Science |
89. | ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | 15504875 | Computer Science |
90. | ACM Transactions on Storage | 15533077 | Computer Science |
91. | WSEAS Transactions on Communications | 11092742 | Computer Science |
92. | WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research | 19918755 | Computer Science |
93. | WSEAS Transactions on Computers | 11092750 | Computer Science |
94. | WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications | 17900832 | Computer Science |
95. | WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing | 17905052 | Computer Science |
96. | WSEAS Transactions on Systems | 11092777 | Computer Science |
97. | Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University | 16718860 | Computer Science |
98. | Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University | 10012400 | Computer Science |
99. | Xiaoxing Weixing Jisuanji Xitong/Mini-Micro Systems | 10001220 | Computer Science |
100. | Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation | 1004731X | Computer Science |
101. | Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications | 15694410 | Computer Science |
102. | Physics of Life Reviews | 15710645 | Computer Science |
103. | Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion | 11338482 | Computer Science |
104. | PLoS Computational Biology | 1553734X | Computer Science |
105. | Policy and Internet | 19442866 | Computer Science |
106. | PoliTO Springer Series | 25096796 | Computer Science |
107. | Pollack Periodica | 17881994 | Computer Science |
108. | Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems | 18745075 | Computer Science |
109. | Pragmatics and Cognition | 09290907 | Computer Science |
110. | Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments | 10547460 | Computer Science |
111. | Multisensory Research | 22134794 | Computer Science |
112. | Music, Sound and the Moving Image | 17530768 | Computer Science |
113. | Musica Tecnologia | 19740042 | Computer Science |
114. | Nano Communication Networks | 18787789 | Computer Science |
115. | NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics | 26319268 | Computer Science |
116. | Natural Computing | 15677818 | Computer Science |
117. | Natural Computing Series | 16197127 | Computer Science |
118. | Natural Language Engineering | 13513249 | Computer Science |
119. | Natural Phenomena | 18160867 | Computer Science |
120. | Nature Biomedical Engineering | 2157846X | Computer Science |
121. | Ledger | 23795980 | Computer Science |
122. | Leonardo | 0024094X | Computer Science |
123. | Leonardo Music Journal | 09611215 | Computer Science |
124. | Library and Information Science Research | 07408188 | Computer Science |
125. | Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services | 14649055 | Computer Science |
126. | Library Hi Tech | 07378831 | Computer Science |
127. | Library Hi Tech News | 07419058 | Computer Science |
128. | Library Resources and Technical Services | 00242527 | Computer Science |
129. | Linguistica | 11320214 | Computer Science |
130. | LISP and Symbolic Computation | 08924635 | Computer Science |
131. | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | 18674534 | Computer Science |
132. | Adaptive Behavior | 10597123 | Computer Science |
133. | Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks | 15519899 | Computer Science |
134. | Advanced Biomedical Engineering | 21875219 | Computer Science |
135. | Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems | 25780727 | Computer Science |
136. | Advanced Engineering Informatics | 14740346 | Computer Science |
137. | Advanced Imaging | 10420711 | Computer Science |
138. | Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing | 16103947 | Computer Science |
139. | Advanced Information Technology | 1348513X | Computer Science |
140. | Advanced Intelligent Systems | 26404567 | Computer Science |
141. | International Journal of Semantic Computing | 1793351X | Computer Science |
142. | International Journal of Sensor Networks | 17481279 | Computer Science |
143. | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control | 22103279 | Computer Science |
144. | International Journal of Serious Games | 23848766 | Computer Science |
145. | International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology | 1947959X | Computer Science |
146. | International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics | 1741539X | Computer Science |
147. | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management | 14606720 | Computer Science |
148. | International Journal of Shape Modeling | 02186543 | Computer Science |
149. | International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition | 20054254 | Computer Science |
150. | International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling | 17402123 | Computer Science |
151. | International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications | 20748523 | Computer Science |
152. | International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | 24721840 | Computer Science |
153. | International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering | 17461375 | Computer Science |
154. | International Journal of Agile Manufacturing | 15362639 | Computer Science |
155. | International Journal of Agile Systems and Management | 17419174 | Computer Science |
156. | International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems | 19473192 | Computer Science |
157. | International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence | 19416237 | Computer Science |
158. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | 17530563 | Computer Science |
159. | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Netherlands) | 26662795 | Computer Science |
160. | International Journal of Applied Mathematics | 13111728 | Computer Science |
161. | Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia | 18172172 | Computer Science |
162. | Differential Geometry and its Application | 09262245 | Computer Science |
163. | Digest of Papers - COMPCON - IEEE Computer Society International Conference | 10636390 | Computer Science |
164. | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | 22120548 | Computer Science |
165. | Digital Biomarkers | 2504110X | Computer Science |
166. | Digital Chinese Medicine | 2096479X | Computer Science |
167. | Digital Communications and Networks | 24685925 | Computer Science |
168. | Digital Creativity | 14626268 | Computer Science |
169. | Digital Education Review | 20139144 | Computer Science |
170. | Digital Geography and Society | 26663783 | Computer Science |
171. | Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series | 12236934 | Computer Science |
172. | Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems | 25735144 | Computer Science |
173. | Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine | 15548716 | Computer Science |
174. | Annual Review of Information Science and Technology | 00664200 | Computer Science |
175. | Annual Reviews in Control | 13675788 | Computer Science |
176. | APL Photonics | 23780967 | Computer Science |
177. | Applied Artificial Intelligence | 08839514 | Computer Science |
178. | Applied Bioinformatics | 11755636 | Computer Science |
179. | Applied Categorical Structures | 09272852 | Computer Science |
180. | Applied Clinical Informatics | 18690327 | Computer Science |
181. | Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciencia da Informacao | 1678765X | Computer Science |
182. | Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad | 25304895 | Computer Science |
183. | Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle | 0992499X | Computer Science |
184. | Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection | 17689791 | Computer Science |
185. | RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial | 16977912 | Computer Science |
186. | RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia | 11382783 | Computer Science |
187. | RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao | 16469895 | Computer Science |
188. | ROBOMECH Journal | 21974225 | Computer Science |
189. | Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop |
| Computer Science |
190. | Robotic Intelligence and Automation | 27546969 | Computer Science |
191. | Telecom | 26734001 | Computer Science |
192. | Telecommunications Policy | 03085961 | Computer Science |
193. | Telematics and Informatics | 07365853 | Computer Science |
194. | Telemedicine Reports | 26924366 | Computer Science |
195. | Telephony | 00402656 | Computer Science |
196. | Telfor Journal | 18213251 | Computer Science |
197. | TEM Journal | 22178309 | Computer Science |
198. | Temes de Disseny | 26049155 | Computer Science |
199. | Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice | 13888455 | Computer Science |
200. | Textbooks in Telecommunications Engineering | 25244345 | Computer Science |