Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025 For Computer Science
Scopus Indexed Journals have a high impact, so if you want to publish your paper in best journal in short time then reach us out for novel services.
Here are 40 notable Elsevier journals dedicated to various areas within computer science, providing platforms for the dissemination of significant research findings.
General and Interdisciplinary
- Theoretical Computer Science: Focuses on the mathematical aspects of computer science.
- Computer Science Review: Aims to summarize, survey, and critically review recent research developments in computer science.
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences: Offers articles in all areas of computer science with a focus on algorithmic and theoretical foundations.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence: Covers all areas of AI, including machine learning, vision, and natural language processing.
- Pattern Recognition: Emphasizes the application of pattern recognition theories.
- Neurocomputing: Focuses on neural networks and machine learning applications.
- Knowledge-Based Systems: Deals with systems that leverage artificial intelligence and knowledge-based methodologies.
Software Engineering
- Information and Software Technology: A leading journal on the latest research in software engineering and information technology.
- Journal of Systems and Software: Publishes articles on software systems development and applications.
- Science of Computer Programming: Dedicated to the distribution of research results in the areas of software systems development, use, and maintenance.
Networking and Communications
- Computer Networks: An international journal of computer and telecommunications networking.
- Ad Hoc Networks: Covers all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks.
- Network Security: Focuses on all aspects of computer network security.
- Optical Switching and Networking: Devoted to all optical networking aspects.
Data Science and Big Data
- Big Data Research: Focuses on big data and its innovative applications.
- Data & Knowledge Engineering: Covers the engineering and organizing of knowledge data.
- Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation: Deals with the application of big data analytics in transportation.
Security and Privacy
- Computers & Security: The oldest journal in the field of information security.
- Journal of Information Security and Applications: Focuses on the theory and practice of information security.
Human-Computer Interaction
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: Focuses on the implications of computer interaction.
- Interacting with Computers: Deals with the interactions between humans and computers.
Computer Graphics, Vision, and Multimedia
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding: Covers all aspects of computer vision and image understanding.
- Graphical Models: Focuses on research in computer graphics and geometric modeling.
- Signal Processing: Image Communication: Dedicated to the image communication aspect of signal processing.
Databases and Information Systems
- Information Systems: A leading journal in the field of designing, implementing, managing, and using information systems.
- Data & Knowledge Engineering: Focuses on data and knowledge engineering.
- Journal of Strategic Information Systems: Deals with strategic management, information systems, and their interplay.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Focuses on the development and application of robotics and autonomous systems.
- Mechatronics: The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, and intelligent computer control.
Computational Science
- Journal of Computational Science: We will Offers a platform for computational science that unifies the varied disciplines.
- Computational Geometry: Here we are Devoted to the computational aspects of geometric algorithms and data structures.
Embedded Systems
- Journal of Systems Architecture: Our writers will Emphasizes a system-level focus on software and hardware architecture.
- Microprocessors and Microsystems: we Focuses on system integration of electronic processes and microprocessors.
Quantum Computing
- Quantum Information Processing: We will deal with all aspects of quantum information processing, quantum computing, and quantum communications.
Cloud Computing
- Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems, and Applications in cloud computing.
- Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of eScience, covering all aspects of future computer systems.
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications: Covers all networking and computer applications aspects.
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing: Focuses on pervasive and ubiquitous computing.
Specialized Areas
- Digital Communications and Networks: Covers research and practical aspects of digital communications and networks.
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing: Focuses on the areas of parallel and distributed computing.
List of Scopus Indexed Journals
List of Scopus Indexed Journals on Computer Science, on various domain are listed here. Share with us all your details we will guide you on all ways. We help you in publishing your paper in free journal. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Journal of Scheduling | 10946136 | Computer Science |
2. | Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts | 16469798 | Computer Science |
3. | Journal of Scientific Computing | 08857474 | Computer Science |
4. | Journal of Scientometric Research | 23216654 | Computer Science |
5. | Journal of Semantics | 01675133 | Computer Science |
6. | Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks | 22242708 | Computer Science |
7. | Journal of Service Research | 10946705 | Computer Science |
8. | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 19398018 | Computer Science |
9. | Journal of Simulation | 17477778 | Computer Science |
10. | Journal of Social Computing | 26885255 | Computer Science |
11. | Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics | 16137736 | Computer Science |
12. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing | 18651348 | Computer Science |
13. | Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics | 22129391 | Computer Science |
14. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 03029743 | Computer Science |
15. | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology | 21964963 | Computer Science |
16. | Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure | 25233440 | Computer Science |
17. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 23673370 | Computer Science |
18. | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering | 18678211 | Computer Science |
19. | Lecture Notes of TICMI | 15120511 | Computer Science |
20. | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | 23674512 | Computer Science |
21. | Microcomputer Applications | 08200750 | Computer Science |
22. | Microcomputers in Civil Engineering | 08859507 | Computer Science |
23. | Microprocessors and Microsystems | 01419331 | Computer Science |
24. | Microsystem Technologies | 09467076 | Computer Science |
25. | Minds and Machines | 09246495 | Computer Science |
26. | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | 02767783 | Computer Science |
27. | Mitsubishi Electric Advance | 03865096 | Computer Science |
28. | Mobile Information Systems | 1574017X | Computer Science |
29. | Mobile Media and Communication | 20501579 | Computer Science |
30. | Mobile Networks and Applications | 1383469X | Computer Science |
31. | IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | 24732400 | Computer Science |
32. | IEEE Transactions on Haptics | 19391412 | Computer Science |
33. | IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics | 0096249X | Computer Science |
34. | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 21682291 | Computer Science |
35. | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10577149 | Computer Science |
36. | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [May 1963] | 00994553 | Computer Science |
37. | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 15513203 | Computer Science |
38. | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | 15566013 | Computer Science |
39. | IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | 10897771 | Computer Science |
40. | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 00189448 | Computer Science |
41. | Graphics and Visual Computing | 26666294 | Computer Science |
42. | Grey Systems | 20439377 | Computer Science |
43. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | 18671144 | Computer Science |
44. | Gyroscopy and Navigation | 20751087 | Computer Science |
45. | Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling | 22116885 | Computer Science |
46. | Handbook of Computational Economics | 15740021 | Computer Science |
47. | Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science | 09270507 | Computer Science |
48. | Health Systems | 20476965 | Computer Science |
49. | Hellenic Journal of Radiology | 25290568 | Computer Science |
50. | Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences | 18123368 | Computer Science |
51. | International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks | 12062138 | Computer Science |
52. | International Journal of Parallel Programming | 08857458 | Computer Science |
53. | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | 17445760 | Computer Science |
54. | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 02180014 | Computer Science |
55. | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | 17427371 | Computer Science |
56. | International Journal of Population Data Science | 23994908 | Computer Science |
57. | International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management | 21532648 | Computer Science |
58. | International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age | 23344520 | Computer Science |
59. | International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management | 10556001 | Computer Science |
60. | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | 17550556 | Computer Science |
61. | Journal of Membrane Computing | 25238906 | Computer Science |
62. | Journal of Memetics | 13664786 | Computer Science |
63. | Journal of Memory and Language | 0749596X | Computer Science |
64. | Journal of Metaverse | 27920232 | Computer Science |
65. | Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging | 15514897 | Computer Science |
66. | Journal of Modern Transportation | 2095087X | Computer Science |
67. | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | 10933263 | Computer Science |
68. | Journal of Molecular Modeling | 16102940 | Computer Science |
69. | Journal of Multimedia | 17962048 | Computer Science |
70. | Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing | 15423980 | Computer Science |
71. | Environmental Science and Engineering | 18635520 | Computer Science |
72. | Environmental Software | 02669838 | Computer Science |
73. | EPJ Data Science | 21931127 | Computer Science |
74. | Ethics and Information Technology | 13881957 | Computer Science |
75. | ETRI Journal | 12256463 | Computer Science |
76. | ETZ, Elektrotechnik und Automation | 09487387 | Computer Science |
77. | Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications | 23066172 | Computer Science |
78. | Eurasip Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications | 16872789 | Computer Science |
79. | Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | 16876172 | Computer Science |
80. | Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing | 11108657 | Computer Science |
81. | Cryptologia | 01611194 | Computer Science |
82. | Cryptology and Information Security Series | 18716431 | Computer Science |
83. | Current Opinion in Systems Biology | 24523100 | Computer Science |
84. | Cutter business technology journal | 24753718 | Computer Science |
85. | Cutter IT Journal | 15227383 | Computer Science |
86. | Cybernetica | 00114227 | Computer Science |
87. | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | 13119702 | Computer Science |
88. | Cybernetics and Physics | 22237038 | Computer Science |
89. | Cybernetics and Systems | 01969722 | Computer Science |
90. | Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | 10600396 | Computer Science |
91. | Logos (Netherlands) | 09579656 | Computer Science |
92. | Lujun Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Army Engineering University of PLA | 20970730 | Computer Science |
93. | Machine Graphics and Vision | 12300535 | Computer Science |
94. | Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition | 09230459 | Computer Science |
95. | Machine Intelligence Research | 2731538X | Computer Science |
96. | Machine Learning | 08856125 | Computer Science |
97. | Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction | 25044990 | Computer Science |
98. | Machine Learning: Science and Technology | 26322153 | Computer Science |
99. | Machine Translation | 09226567 | Computer Science |
100. | Machine Vision and Applications | 09328092 | Computer Science |
101. | Observational Studies | 27673324 | Computer Science |
102. | Observatorio | 08748810 | Computer Science |
103. | Ocean Modelling | 14635003 | Computer Science |
104. | OCLC Newsletter | 0163898X | Computer Science |
105. | OCLC Systems and Services | 1065075X | Computer Science |
106. | OGAI Journal (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence) | 02544326 | Computer Science |
107. | Online (Wilton, Connecticut) | 01465422 | Computer Science |
108. | Online Information Review | 14684527 | Computer Science |
109. | Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies | 19863497 | Computer Science |
110. | Online Learning Journal | 24725730 | Computer Science |
111. | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 10468188 | Computer Science |
112. | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | 21576904 | Computer Science |
113. | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | 21606455 | Computer Science |
114. | ACM Transactions on Internet of Things | 25776207 | Computer Science |
115. | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | 15335399 | Computer Science |
116. | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | 15564681 | Computer Science |
117. | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2158656X | Computer Science |
118. | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 00983500 | Computer Science |
119. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 10493301 | Computer Science |
120. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | 23763639 | Computer Science |
121. | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 17350654 | Computer Science |
122. | Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management | 22518223 | Computer Science |
123. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering | 22286179 | Computer Science |
124. | Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics | 29580544 | Computer Science |
125. | Iraqi Journal of Science | 00672904 | Computer Science |
126. | Journal of Computational Biology | 10665277 | Computer Science |
127. | Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry | 27374165 | Computer Science |
128. | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering | 22884300 | Computer Science |
129. | Journal of Computational Finance | 14601559 | Computer Science |
130. | Journal of Computational Geometry | 1920180X | Computer Science |
131. | Journal of Computing Science and Engineering | 19764677 | Computer Science |
132. | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 13558250 | Computer Science |
133. | Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia | 23839449 | Computer Science |
134. | Journal of Control and Decision | 23307706 | Computer Science |
135. | Journal of Control Science and Engineering | 16875249 | Computer Science |
136. | Journal of Image and Graphics | 10068961 | Computer Science |
137. | Journal of Image and Graphics(United Kingdom) | 23013699 | Computer Science |
138. | Journal of Imaging | 2313433X | Computer Science |
139. | Journal of Imaging Science and Technology | 10623701 | Computer Science |
140. | Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering | 22348255 | Computer Science |
141. | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 1675414X | Computer Science |
142. | Journal of Information and Computational Science | 15487741 | Computer Science |
143. | Journal of Information and Knowledge Management | 02196492 | Computer Science |
144. | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | 18463312 | Computer Science |
145. | Journal of Information and Telecommunication | 24751839 | Computer Science |
146. | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing | 23356928 | Computer Science |
147. | Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 19951302 | Computer Science |
148. | Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries | 24097462 | Computer Science |
149. | Paladyn | 20814836 | Computer Science |
150. | Palgrave Studies in Digital Business and Enabling Technologies | 26621282 | Computer Science |
151. | Parallel Algorithms and Applications | 10637192 | Computer Science |
152. | Parallel Computing | 01678191 | Computer Science |
153. | Parallel Processing Letters | 01296264 | Computer Science |
154. | Passer Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 27065944 | Computer Science |
155. | Pattern Analysis and Applications | 14337541 | Computer Science |
156. | Science Robotics | 24709476 | Computer Science |
157. | Science Technology and Human Values | 01622439 | Computer Science |
158. | Scientia Iranica | 10263098 | Computer Science |
159. | Scientia Sinica Informationis | 16747267 | Computer Science |
160. | Scientific and Technical Information Processing | 01476882 | Computer Science |
161. | Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics | 22261494 | Computer Science |
162. | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | 18438121 | Computer Science |
163. | Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy | 1454864X | Computer Science |
164. | Scientific Computing | 15242560 | Computer Science |
165. | Scientific data | 20524463 | Computer Science |
166. | VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems | 20595891 | Computer Science |
167. | Virtual and Physical Prototyping | 17452759 | Computer Science |
168. | Virtual Archaeology Review | 19899947 | Computer Science |
169. | Virtual Creativity | 23979704 | Computer Science |
170. | Virtual Reality | 13594338 | Computer Science |
171. | Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware | 20965796 | Computer Science |
172. | Visual Computer | 01782789 | Computer Science |
173. | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art | 2096496X | Computer Science |
174. | Visual Informatics | 25432656 | Computer Science |
175. | Visualization in Engineering | 22137459 | Computer Science |
176. | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | 23299266 | Computer Science |
177. | IEICE Transactions on Communications | 09168516 | Computer Science |
178. | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | 09168508 | Computer Science |
179. | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 09168532 | Computer Science |
180. | IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing | 22875255 | Computer Science |
181. | IET Biometrics | 20474938 | Computer Science |
182. | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | 25168398 | Computer Science |
183. | IET Communications | 17518628 | Computer Science |
184. | IET Computer Vision | 17519632 | Computer Science |
185. | IET Computers and Digital Techniques | 17518601 | Computer Science |
186. | Informatik-Spektrum | 01706012 | Computer Science |
187. | Information | 13434500 | Computer Science |
188. | Information (Switzerland) | 20782489 | Computer Science |
189. | Information and Communications Technology Law | 13600834 | Computer Science |
190. | Information and Computation | 08905401 | Computer Science |
191. | Computational Linguistics | 08912017 | Computer Science |
192. | Computational Materials Science | 09270256 | Computer Science |
193. | Computational Mechanics | 01787675 | Computer Science |
194. | Computational Methods and Function Theory | 16179447 | Computer Science |
195. | Computational Methods in Applied Sciences | 18713033 | Computer Science |
196. | Behavioral Science and Policy | 23794607 | Computer Science |
197. | Behaviour and Information Technology | 0144929X | Computer Science |
198. | Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications | 10005145 | Computer Science |
199. | | 22839364 | Computer Science |
200. | Big Data | 21676461 | Computer Science |