Scopus Indexed Monthly Journals in Computer Science
Check out our Scopus Indexed Monthly Journals in Computer Science! We have lots of journal titles to choose from. Our publishers send out computer science monthly journals from IEEE, ELSEVIER, and THOMSON REUTERS. Stay connected with us for writing and quick publication. We know in detail in which journal to publish your paper s we have a wide access.
Don't miss out on the best resources we offer to help you find the perfect journals!
We regularly release a diverse selection of journals in the computer science and engineering field at IEEE, such as transactions, letters, and magazines, covering a variety of subfields. With our frequent access to these publications, we can ensure a speedy publishing process for your paper. Keep in contact with our writers to learn more.
In Elsevier, we talk about important computer science journals like "Computer Networks," "Computer Science Review," "Theoretical Computer Science," and "Journal of Computer and System Sciences." We give you all the details about how often they come out, what they're about, and what they cover.
Thomson Reuters, journal is now under Clarivate Analytics, the Web of Science Master Journal List is a precious source. Here our publishers will search and explore journals indexed across multiple directories . Avail our help we assist you in publishing your paper in Thomson Reuters, as we have the leading writers and publisher’s support.
IEEE Computer Science Monthly Journals List
For computer science monthly journals from IEEE, you can explore a variety of publications that we help scholars:
"IEEE Transactions on Computers,"
"IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,"
"IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,"
"IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,"
"IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,"
"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,"
"IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,"
"IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,"
"IEEE Internet Computing," and
"IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering."
These journals encompass a wide array of subjects in the field of computer science, ranging from software engineering to internet computing and visualization methods. For further details and to discover the complete collection of IEEE's computer science publications, please reach out to us for the latest updates.
ELSEVIER Computer Science Monthly Journals List
Below, you will find a compilation of swiftly-publishing computer science journals by Elsevier. Feel free to peruse the list and don't hesitate to contact us for further information on our publication services.
Journal of King Saud University –
Computer and Information Sciences,"
"Journal of Systems Architecture,"
"Journal of Computational Science," "
International Journal of Information Management,"
and "Decision Support Systems".
For a complete list and more details, you might contact our publishing team is ready to tackle your problems.
List of Scopus Indexed Monthly Journals in Computer Science
Discover the compilation of Computer Science monthly journals indexed in Scopus, covering a wide range of categories and journal titles. is a prominent publishing company that assists scholars in achieving rapid publication. Share your information with us to have your paper published in the appropriate journal. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | International Journal of e-Business Research | 15481131 | Computer Science |
2. | International Journal of e-Collaboration | 15483673 | Computer Science |
3. | International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 23659440 | Computer Science |
4. | International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications | 1947315X | Computer Science |
5. | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 20888708 | Computer Science |
6. | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems | 18476996 | Computer Science |
7. | International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications | 23192518 | Computer Science |
8. | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology | 09766545 | Computer Science |
9. | International Journal of Electronic Business | 14706067 | Computer Science |
10. | International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies | 20739729 | Computer Science |
11. | International Journal of Image and Graphics | 02194678 | Computer Science |
12. | International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing | 20749074 | Computer Science |
13. | International Journal of Imaging | 09740627 | Computer Science |
14. | International Journal of Imaging and Robotics | 2231525X | Computer Science |
15. | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | 08999457 | Computer Science |
16. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 14666642 | Computer Science |
17. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education | 15501876 | Computer Science |
18. | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | 17441765 | Computer Science |
19. | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences | 17567017 | Computer Science |
20. | International Journal of Information and Education Technology | 20103689 | Computer Science |
21. | Journal of Cloud Computing | 2192113X | Computer Science |
22. | Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making | 15553434 | Computer Science |
23. | Journal of Cognitive Science | 15982327 | Computer Science |
24. | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | 13826905 | Computer Science |
25. | Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A | 00973165 | Computer Science |
26. | Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B | 00958956 | Computer Science |
27. | Journal of Communications and Information Networks | 20961081 | Computer Science |
28. | Journal of Communications and Networks | 12292370 | Computer Science |
29. | Journal of Communications Software and Systems | 18456421 | Computer Science |
30. | Journal of Complex Networks | 20511310 | Computer Science |
31. | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 20900147 | Computer Science |
32. | Journal of Electrical Systems | 11125209 | Computer Science |
33. | Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science | 26717255 | Computer Science |
34. | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | 15392937 | Computer Science |
35. | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 19389027 | Computer Science |
36. | Journal of Electronic Imaging | 10179909 | Computer Science |
37. | Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME | 10437398 | Computer Science |
38. | Journal of Electronic Publishing | 10802711 | Computer Science |
39. | Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship | 1941126X | Computer Science |
40. | Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | 1674862X | Computer Science |
41. | Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT | 23084030 | Computer Science |
42. | Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences | 22137467 | Computer Science |
43. | Advanced Quantum Technologies | 25119044 | Computer Science |
44. | Advanced Robotics | 01691864 | Computer Science |
45. | Advanced Science Letters | 19366612 | Computer Science |
46. | Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications | 16135113 | Computer Science |
47. | Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing | 14392232 | Computer Science |
48. | Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | 11786949 | Computer Science |
49. | Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis | 17935369 | Computer Science |
50. | Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 25829793 | Computer Science |
51. | BMC Bioinformatics | 14712105 | Computer Science |
52. | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | 14726947 | Computer Science |
53. | BMC Systems Biology | 17520509 | Computer Science |
54. | BMJ Health and Care Informatics | 26321009 | Computer Science |
55. | Body, Space and Technology | 14709120 | Computer Science |
56. | CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences | 15261492 | Computer Science |
57. | CoDesign | 15710882 | Computer Science |
58. | Cogent Engineering | 23311916 | Computer Science |
59. | Cognition, Technology and Work | 14355558 | Computer Science |
60. | Cognitive Computation | 18669956 | Computer Science |
61. | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | 15775097 | Computer Science |
62. | Electronic Library | 02640473 | Computer Science |
63. | Electronic Markets | 10196781 | Computer Science |
64. | Electronic News | 19312431 | Computer Science |
65. | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science | 15710661 | Computer Science |
66. | Electronics (Switzerland) | 20799292 | Computer Science |
67. | Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal | 09540695 | Computer Science |
68. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | 19429533 | Computer Science |
69. | Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part I: Communications (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi) | 87566621 | Computer Science |
70. | Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part II: Electronics (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi) | 8756663X | Computer Science |
71. | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 20894872 | Computer Science |
72. | Ibersid | 18880967 | Computer Science |
73. | IBM Journal of Research and Development | 00188646 | Computer Science |
74. | IBM Systems Journal | 00188670 | Computer Science |
75. | ICGA Journal | 13896911 | Computer Science |
76. | ICIC Express Letters | 1881803X | Computer Science |
77. | ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications | 21852766 | Computer Science |
78. | i-com | 1618162X | Computer Science |
79. | ICT Express | 24059595 | Computer Science |
80. | IEE Communications Engineer | 14798352 | Computer Science |
81. | IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | 24712825 | Computer Science |
82. | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | 1556603X | Computer Science |
83. | IEEE Computer Applications in Power | 08950156 | Computer Science |
84. | IEEE Computer Architecture Letters | 15566056 | Computer Science |
85. | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | 02721716 | Computer Science |
86. | IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine | 21622248 | Computer Science |
87. | IEEE Design and Test | 21682356 | Computer Science |
88. | IEEE Design and Test of Computers | 07407475 | Computer Science |
89. | IEEE Distributed Systems Online | 15414922 | Computer Science |
90. | IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine | 21622264 | Computer Science |
91. | IET Software | 17518806 | Computer Science |
92. | IETE Journal of Research | 03772063 | Computer Science |
93. | IFAC Journal of Systems and Control | 24686018 | Computer Science |
94. | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology | 18684238 | Computer Science |
95. | IIUM Engineering Journal | 1511788X | Computer Science |
96. | Image Analysis and Stereology | 15803139 | Computer Science |
97. | Image and Vision Computing | 02628856 | Computer Science |
98. | Image Processing On Line | 21051232 | Computer Science |
99. | Image Technology (London) | 09502114 | Computer Science |
100. | Imaging and Document Solutions | 15226085 | Computer Science |
101. | Information Visualization | 14738716 | Computer Science |
102. | Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis | 14344653 | Computer Science |
103. | Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy | 16848853 | Computer Science |
104. | INFORMS Journal on Computing | 10919856 | Computer Science |
105. | Infosecurity | 17544548 | Computer Science |
106. | Infosecurity Today | 17426847 | Computer Science |
107. | Infrastructures | 24123811 | Computer Science |
108. | Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information | 16331311 | Computer Science |
109. | Ingenius | 1390650X | Computer Science |
110. | Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering | 16145046 | Computer Science |
111. | International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics | 23302674 | Computer Science |
112. | International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application | 19975422 | Computer Science |
113. | International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development | 17531942 | Computer Science |
114. | International Journal of Technologies in Learning | 23270144 | Computer Science |
115. | International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction | 15483908 | Computer Science |
116. | International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning | 17535255 | Computer Science |
117. | International Journal of Technology Management | 02675730 | Computer Science |
118. | International Journal of Technology Marketing | 1741878X | Computer Science |
119. | International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society | 18323669 | Computer Science |
120. | International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications | 16876415 | Computer Science |
121. | Journal of Formalized Reasoning | 19725787 | Computer Science |
122. | Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology | 16739418 | Computer Science |
123. | Journal of Functional Programming | 09567968 | Computer Science |
124. | Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds | 1757191X | Computer Science |
125. | Journal of Geo-Information Science | 15608999 | Computer Science |
126. | Journal of Geomatics | 20956045 | Computer Science |
127. | Journal of Global Information Management | 10627375 | Computer Science |
128. | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | 1097198X | Computer Science |
129. | Journal of Global Optimization | 09255001 | Computer Science |
130. | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | 15261719 | Computer Science |
131. | Mathematical Modeling and Computing | 23129794 | Computer Science |
132. | Mathematical Programming | 00255610 | Computer Science |
133. | Mathematical Programming Computation | 18672949 | Computer Science |
134. | Mathematical Sciences | 20081359 | Computer Science |
135. | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | 09601295 | Computer Science |
136. | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | 09236082 | Computer Science |
137. | Multimedia Systems | 09424962 | Computer Science |
138. | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 13807501 | Computer Science |
139. | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction | 24144088 | Computer Science |
140. | Multiscale Modeling and Simulation | 15403459 | Computer Science |
141. | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy | 08096724 | Computer Science |
142. | npj Computational Materials | 20573960 | Computer Science |
143. | npj Digital Medicine | 23986352 | Computer Science |
144. | npj Quantum Information | 20566387 | Computer Science |
145. | npj Systems Biology and Applications | 20567189 | Computer Science |
146. | NTT Review | 09152334 | Computer Science |
147. | NTT Technical Review | 13483447 | Computer Science |
148. | NTZ, Telekommunikation und Informationstechnik | 0948728X | Computer Science |
149. | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | 01630563 | Computer Science |
150. | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | 10407790 | Computer Science |
151. | Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN | 01344889 | Computer Science |
152. | Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | 25871722 | Computer Science |
153. | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education | 13094653 | Computer Science |
154. | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | 13000632 | Computer Science |
155. | Ubiquitous Learning | 18359795 | Computer Science |
156. | Umanistica Digitale | 25328816 | Computer Science |
157. | Understanding Complex Systems | 18600840 | Computer Science |
158. | Uniciencia | 22153470 | Computer Science |
159. | Universal Access in the Information Society | 16155289 | Computer Science |
160. | Unmanned System Technologies | 25233734 | Computer Science |
161. | IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems | 23327766 | Computer Science |
162. | IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience | 15361241 | Computer Science |
163. | IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | 1536125X | Computer Science |
164. | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | 19324537 | Computer Science |
165. | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | 23274697 | Computer Science |
166. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 10459227 | Computer Science |
167. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 2162237X | Computer Science |
168. | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | 10459219 | Computer Science |
169. | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 01628828 | Computer Science |
170. | IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering | 26891808 | Computer Science |
171. | Frontline Solutions | 15286363 | Computer Science |
172. | Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal | 00162523 | Computer Science |
173. | Fundamenta Informaticae | 01692968 | Computer Science |
174. | Fusion: Practice and Applications | 27700070 | Computer Science |
175. | Future Generation Computer Systems | 0167739X | Computer Science |
176. | Future Internet | 19995903 | Computer Science |
177. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | 16168658 | Computer Science |
178. | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | 15684539 | Computer Science |
179. | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 01650114 | Computer Science |
180. | Games and Culture | 15554120 | Computer Science |
181. | Computational Music Science | 18680305 | Computer Science |
182. | Computational Social Networks | 21974314 | Computer Science |
183. | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | 01679473 | Computer Science |
184. | Computational Toxicology | 24681113 | Computer Science |
185. | Computational Urban Science | 27306852 | Computer Science |
186. | Computational Visual Media | 20960433 | Computer Science |
187. | Computer | 00189162 | Computer Science |
188. | Computer Aided Chemical Engineering | 15707946 | Computer Science |
189. | Computer Aided Geometric Design | 01678396 | Computer Science |
190. | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 15464261 | Computer Science |
191. | Animal Biotelemetry | 20503385 | Computer Science |
192. | Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae | 17875021 | Computer Science |
193. | Annals of Cases on Information Technology | 1537937X | Computer Science |
194. | Annals of Data Science | 21985804 | Computer Science |
195. | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing | 25160281 | Computer Science |
196. | Annals of GIS | 19475683 | Computer Science |
197. | Annals of Library and Information Studies | 09725423 | Computer Science |
198. | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | 10122443 | Computer Science |
199. | Annals of Software Engineering | 10227091 | Computer Science |
200. | Annals of the History of Computing | 01641239 | Computer Science |