SDN Blockchain Research Topics

Peer to Peer (P2P) network in SDN and Blockchain Research Topics is one of the significant topics that are proposed in this research and it overcomes some of the issues in the existing research. Here we offer several important topics that are employed to go through the details or information about our proposed technology:

  1. Define SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network

Initially we see the definition for this proposed research P2P network in SDN and Blockchain technology. SDN is a network structure which splits the control plane from the data plane, permitting integrated control of network resources. Blockchain is a dispersed and scattered ledger technology which permits protective and clear transactions that do not have any requirement for mediators. On combining the peer-to-peer network, SDN will offer combined association and resistor, whereas the blockchain technology makes sure the distributed belief and protection in peer communication.

  1. What is SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network?

After the definition next we look for the descriptive explanation for this proposed strategy, while the Blockchain technology makes sure distributed production and belief in peer-to-peer communications. Combining these two they allow protective transaction and effective security over the peer to peer networks.

  1. Where SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network used?

Succeeding the descriptive explanation we discuss about where to employ this proposed technique. Blockchain and SDN are utilized in different applications like supply chain management, decentralized finance (DeFi), and decentralized internet protocols such as Interplanetary File System – IPFS, in this they assist decentralized trust over peer-to-peer networks, effective resource management and protective transaction.

  1. Why SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Here the SDN and Blockchain based P2P network technology is proposed in this research. The blockchain and SDN is combined into a P2P network and is proposed to tackle the existing technology problems like susceptibility to single points of failure, absence of trust in peer communications and centralized control points. By joining the SDN’s integrated management with Blockchain’s distributed trust, these technologies provide enhanced efficiency, flexibility in peer-to-peer interaction, resource allocation and security.

  1. Algorithms / protocols

For this research the P2P network in SDN and Blockchain, some of the existing technology issues are overcome by this proposed research. Here we offer several algorithms or methods to be used in this research as follows: AES, Blockchain, SDN and Distributed Hash Table.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

Our Proposed P2P network in SDN and Blockchain is compared with various methods to obtain the correct outcomes for this research. The methods that we compared are provided below:

Scenario 1:

Step 1: At first we built a network with 50 users, 2 switches and 1 blockchain network.

Step 2: After that we combine the blockchain and users to achieve a stable resource distribution.

Step 3: Then, next we improve the protocol for resource sharing, transaction validation and peer authentication by employing blockchain.

Step 4: Afterwards we validate the user by using blockchain-based authorization and authentication.

Step 5: Next we execute AES cryptographic method for secure interaction among blockchain nodes and peers.

Step 6: At last we estimate the Performance metrics such as latency, energy consumption and throughput.

Scenario 2:

Step 1: At the beginning we develop a network with 50 users, 2 switches and then 2 DSDN controllers with DBSM.

Step 2: After that we perform the stable resource distribution by combining users and DSDN controllers.

Step 3:  Next, we construct protocol for resource sharing, transaction validation and peer authentication.

Step 4: Then we validate the user by utilizing authorization and authentication.

Step 5: Next, for secure interaction we execute AES cryptographic technique.

Step 6: Finally we evaluate the Performance metrics to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the network which are energy consumption, throughput and latency.

Scenario 3:

Step 1: At the beginning we first created a network with 50 users, 2 switches, 2 DSDN controllers with DBSM and 1 blockchain network.

Step 2: After that we perform stable resource distribution over the combination of DSDN controllers and users.

Step 3: Next we enhance the protocol for transaction validation, peer authentication and resource sharing by employing blockchain.

Step 4: Then, we authenticate the user by employing the blockchain-based authorization and authentication.

Step 5: And then for secure communication among the blockchain nodes and users, we execute AES cryptographic method.

Step 6: At the end we analyze the Performance metrics such as latency, energy consumption and throughput.

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

Now our proposed technology is compared with various performance metrics or parameters to get the appropriate findings. The metrics that we compared are Energy Consumption (j), Latency (ms) and Throughput (kbps) with the Number of nodes,

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

In this research we propose a P2P network in SDN and blockchain technology which is widely utilized in many places and it is proposed to overcome several existing technology issues with the help of below provided links:

  1. SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network Applications

Let’s see the applications to be utilized in this proposed research are as follows. The blockchain and SDN combination in peer-to-peer networks identifies the applications in decentralized finance (DeFi) for protective and clear transactions, decentralized internet protocols like IPFS for effective and censorship resistant file sharing and the supply chain management to make sure the authenticity and traceability of goods.

  1. Topology for SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network

The topology for blockchain and SDN combination in P2P networks frequently contains a hybrid technique. SDN will utilize an integrated controller to handle the network resources, whereas the blockchain offers a distributed ledger for transaction validation and hope. This hybrid model makes sure effective resource allocation and then it protects peer communications.

  1. Environment for SDN and blockchain into peer to peer network

Environment for this proposed P2P network in SDN and Blockchain technology generally consists of scattered systems where the nodes interact straightly with everyone. This environment raises the distributed control and hope, secure transactions but not with any dependence on integrated mediators and allowing effective resource management.

  1. Simulation tools

In this research P2P network in SDN and blockchain technology we employ the following simulation setup or software requirements as follows. The developmental tool here we used to execute the work is NS-3.26. Moreover our proposed work is executed by using the operating system Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

  1. Results

SDN and blockchain in P2P networks are proposed in this research and it addresses several previous technology issues. In this research we compared various metrics or parameters to achieve that our proposed technique gives the best accuracy. Then it is implemented by using the operating system Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

SDN Blockchain Research Ideas

Below we provided are some of the research topics that are related to our proposed Peer to Peer networks in SDN and Blockchain technology and these topics are helpful to us when we overview the concepts related to our proposed technique:

  1. Ethna: Analyzing the Underlying Peer-to-Peer Network of Ethereum Blockchain
  2. Hybrid peer-to-peer network based layered blockchain architecture for enhancement of synchronization performance
  3. DBST: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Distributed Information System Supporting Multi-Attribute Range Query
  4. Blockchain Based Peer to Peer Botnet Detection Using Louvain Algorithm
  5. Sustainable Cooperation in Peer-To-Peer Networks
  6. Securing Database Backups Using Blockchain and Peer-to-Peer Network
  7. IPFS and Friends: A Qualitative Comparison of Next Generation Peer-to-Peer Data Networks
  8. Blockchain Based Transactive Energy Market Using Peer-To-Peer(P2P) Energy Trading
  9. Implementation of a Peer-to-Peer Network Using Blockchain to Manage and Secure Electronic Medical Records
  10. Increasing Robustness of Blockchain Peer-to-Peer Networks with Alternative Peer Initialization
  11. SH-P2P: Self-Healing Peer-to-Peer Network with Optimal Multicast Routing
  12. Optimization of Assisted Search Over Server-Mediated Peer-to-peer Networks
  13. Peer-to-Peer Local Energy Market: Opportunities, Barriers, Security, and Implementation Options
  14. Peer-To-Peer Decentralised Local Energy Trading Markets Using Blockchain
  15. On the Peer Degree Distribution of the Bitcoin P2P Network
  16. Multipath Routing Over Star Overlays for Quality of Service Enhancement in Hybrid Content Distribution Peer-to-Peer Networks
  17. BlockWheels – A Peer to Peer Ridesharing Network
  18. Bitcoin P2P Network Measurements: A Testbed Study of the Effect of Peer Selection on Transaction Propagation and Confirmation Times
  19. End-to-End Network Slice Stitching using Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Network Slice Managers and Transport SDN Controllers
  20. Peer to Peer Energy Transaction Market Prediction in Smart Grids using Blockchain and LSTM
  21. Blockchain-Based Fully Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Strategies for Residential Energy Systems
  22. Positive Reputation Score for Bitcoin P2P Network
  23. BloodComm: A Peer-to-Peer Blockchain-based Community for Blood Donation Network
  24. Secure Peer-to-Peer Communication using Private Network Blockchain Technology
  25. Operational and Economic Feasibility Area Estimation for Peer-to-Peer Consortium of Storage Systems in a Blockchain Framework
  26. Robust P2P Connectivity Estimation for Permissionless Bitcoin Network
  27. A Case Study of Renewable Energy Trading in a Peer-to-Peer Microgrid Based Network using Blockchain Technology
  28. Predictive Optimization Based Energy Cost Minimization and Energy Sharing Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Nanogrid Network
  29. Bidirectional Privacy-Preserving Network- Constrained Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Based on Secure Multiparty Computation and Blockchain
  30. Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Mechanism based on Welfare and Physical Distance Charges
  31. Blockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Sustainable Energy Trading in Microgrid using Smart Contracts
  32. Performance Analysis of a Blockchain Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Framework
  33. Network analysis in a peer-to-peer energy trading model using blockchain and machine learning
  34. Measuring node decentralisation in blockchain peer to peer networks
  35. Peer-to-peer electricity trading considering voltage-constrained adjustment and loss allocation in blockchain-enabled distribution network
  36. A blockchain-based optimal peer-to-peer energy trading framework for decentralized energy management with in a virtual power plant: Lab scale studies and large scale proposal
  37. A peer-to-peer trading model to enhance resilience: A blockchain-based smart grids with machine learning analysis towards sustainable development goals
  38. A peer-to-peer blockchain-based architecture for trusted and reliable agricultural product traceability
  39. Blockchain-Enabled Solutions for Fair and Efficient Peer-to-Peer Renewable Energy Trading: An Experimental Comparison
  40. Peer-to-peer energy trading based on a hybrid blockchain system
  41. Optimal and secure peer-to-peer carbon emission trading: A game theory informed framework on blockchain
  42. Towards efficient privacy and trust in decentralized blockchain-based peer-to-peer renewable energy marketplace
  43. Blockchain-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading and resilient control of microgrids
  44. Game-theoretic peer-to-peer solar energy trading on blockchain-based transaction infrastructure
  45. A peer-to-peer file storage and sharing system based on consortium blockchain
  46. Uncertainty management in peer-to-peer energy trading based on blockchain and distributed model predictive control
  47. Blockchain and cooperative game theory for peer-to-peer energy trading in smart grids
  48. A trusted peer-to-peer market of joint energy and reserve based on blockchain
  49. Block by block: A blockchain-based peer-to-peer business transaction for international trade
  50. Design and implementation of an open-Source IoT and blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading platform using ESP32-S2, Node-Red and, MQTT protocol