Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks Research Topics

Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network (SDWSN) is a system of wireless network, working based on two different techniques. If you are eager to learn more and gain knowledge about this topic, then you have to go through this paper. This paper will guide you through this topic.

  1. Define SDWSN

SDWSN is a combination of two networks which includes the strategies of Software Defined Network (SDN) into the Wireless sensor network (WSN) in order to improve its technological applications. With the help of this technology we can understand the operation technique of the WSN system by following the programming.

  1. What is SDWSN?

This is a networking model, which operates by incorporating SDN techniques into WSN applications for increasing the performance of the system.

  1. Where SDWSN is used?

In this section we are going to discuss about the uses of SDWSN. It can be used in various places like environmental monitoring, smart cities, agriculture, industrial automation, healthcare, transportation, disaster management and energy management.

  1. Why SDWSN is proposed? Previous Technology Issues

Moving on to the next section, here we are going to discuss about why this technique is proposed and about the challenges faced by it. This was proposed in order to overcome all the limitations faced by traditional WSN also to make it more flexible, adaptable and efficient platform to work for all the applications. This will be a better technology in future also, because of its ability to enhance the performance of network, manage resources and improved security.

The issues faced by previous technologies are:

Resource management: Effective management of resources is very much essential, which also include communication bandwidth, memory and processing power.

Latency: The latency of applications may increase with respect to dynamic reconfiguration, which is critical for applications in real-time.

Energy efficiency: WSN depends on battery for power. The operation of SDN and dynamic reconfiguration can consume more energy.

Interoperability: To overcome interoperability issues among communication protocols and sensor nodes, Standardization efforts should be used.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

After knowing about the technology, uses of it and the issues faced by them in the earlier stage, now we are going to learn about the algorithms used for this technology. The algorithms provided for SDWSN to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: “Naïve bayes” (NB), “Decision Tree” (DT), Random Forest, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), “Classification and regression tree” (CART).

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

Here in this section we are going to compare different algorithms related to this study in order to find the best match. From the earlier papers it was found that there are some issues in SDWSN with intrusion detection. We can use different algorithms in each step of intrusion detection in order to overcome this issue. For processing data, data cleaning and Normalization technique is used. “Enhanced Boruta” algorithm is used in feature extraction, “Gated bilateral convolutional neural network” (GBR-CNN) used in intrusion detection and “Enhanced grid search decision tree” algorithm is used in feature selection.

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by SDWSN in the above section are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like Accuracy, Recall, Precision and F1-Score.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about SDWSN which can be useful for you:

  1. SDWSN Applications

In this next section we are going to discuss about the applications of SDWSN technology. This technology has been employed in many industries, from which some of them are listed here: Precision agriculture, Structural health monitoring, Mining and Resource extraction, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Disaster management and Energy management.

  1. Topology

Here you are going to learn about the different choices of topologies which can be used in SDWSN technology because it is linked with the collection, transmission and processing of data. Generally topology refers to connection and arrangement of sensor nodes of the network. They are: Mesh topology, Star topology, Hybrid topology, Ad-hoc topology, Cluster topology, Tree topology, Ring topology.

  1. Environment

Moving on to the next section, here we are going to discuss about the suitable environment for this system. The environment in which the operation of SDWSN is functioning depends on the requirement of a specific network. This includes more environments in which it is adaptable and show versatility.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for SDWSN system, which is established with the usage of NS tool with version 3.36 or above.

  1. Results

After reading this research paper based on SDWSN, you have now learnt about the basics of this technology. You might have also learnt about some other information like applications of this technology, and different topologies of it, algorithms followed by it also about the limitations and how it can be overcome.

Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks Research Ideas

  1. A Survey on Security and Network management of SDWSN with ML Technique
  2. IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Traffic Isolation Approach Impact on SDWSN’s Control Plane Performance
  3. Secure and Energy-Efficient Network Topology Obfuscation for Software-Defined WSNs
  4. Energy-Efficient Topology Control Mechanism for IoT-Oriented Software-Defined WSNs
  5. Energy Efficient Multi-Objective Task Allocation in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network
  6. Traffic Aware Routing with Round Robin Technique for Equating the Load in Software Defined WSN
  7. Maintenance of Complex Network Management by Software Defined Routing Protocol for WSN
  8. Enabling Centralized Scheduling Using Software Defined Networking in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
  9. A Software-Defined Wireless Network-Based System for Prioritizing Medical Alert Messages
  10. Reliable and Resilient Communication in Duty Cycled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
  11. Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network: A Comprehensive Survey
  12. A review of localization algorithms based on software defined networking approach in wireless sensor network
  13. Optimized traffic engineering in Software Defined Wireless Network based IoT (SDWN-IoT): State-of-the-art, research opportunities and challenges
  14. Energy efficient and coverage aware grey wolf optimizer based clustering process for Software-defined wireless sensor networks
  15. Selective forwarding attack detection and network recovery mechanism based on cloud-edge cooperation in software-defined wireless sensor network
  16. A reinforcement learning based routing protocol for software-defined networking enabled wireless sensor network forest fire detection
  17. Energy-efficient and delay-guaranteed routing algorithm for software-defined wireless sensor networks: A cooperative deep reinforcement learning approach
  18. Network resource management mechanisms in SDN enabled WSNs: A comprehensive review
  19. OS Wireless: Hiding specification complexity for zero-touch software-defined wireless networks
  20. Wireless sensor network location algorithm based on SDN network structure
  21. Sailfish optimization-based controller selection (SFO-CS) for energy-aware multi-hop routing in software defined wireless sensor network (SDWSN)
  22. A Smart Duty Cycle for Lifetime Enhancement and Control Overhead in SDWSN
  23. An unsupervised and hierarchical intrusion detection system for software-defined wireless sensor networks
  24. GM-WOA: a hybrid energy efficient cluster routing technique for SDN-enabled WSNs
  25. Retraction Note: Energy efficient topology management scheme based on clustering technique for software defined wireless sensor network
  26. Location Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network Based on SDN Network Structure
  27. EOMCSR: An Energy Optimized Multi-Constrained Sustainable Routing Model for SDWSN
  28. Control Message Quenching-Based Communication Protocol for Energy Management in SDWSN
  29. Ensuring applications’ traffic isolation using IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH through SDWSN slicing
  30. A Mechanism for Load Balancing Routing and Virtualization Based on SDWSN for IoT Applications
  31. Improving the Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Performance Using Reinforcement Learning
  32. A Multi-Objective Meta-Heuristic Solution for Green Computing in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
  33. Securing Software-Defined WSNs Communication via Trust Management
  34. A Survey on Machine Learning Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks (ML-SDWSNs): Current Status and Major Challenges
  35. QoS-Enhancement Adaptive OpenFlow Rule Integration in Software Defined WSN for IoT Applications
  36. Performance Evaluation of a standard reliable, fault tolerant Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network with an extended early inactive problem
  37. Energy efficient UAV enabled harvesting with beam forming for clustered SDWSN
  38. An efficient Markov energy predictor for software defined wireless sensor networks
  39. Architectural Design, Improvement, and Challenges of Distributed Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
  40. Particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony algorithm for clustering and mobile based software-defined wireless sensor networks
  41. Denial of Service Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks and Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks: A Brief Review
  42. Network Lifetime Enhancement Routing Algorithm for IoT Enabled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network
  43. Software Defined Network for Energy Efficiency in WSN and RPL Protocol Simulation
  44. SDORP: SDN Based Opportunistic Routing for Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks
  45. Artificial Intelligence-Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Edge-Assisted SDWSN with Modified Honeycomb Structure
  46. towards a Reliable and Smart Approach for Detecting and Resolving Security Violations within SDWN
  47. Development Framework for Simulating Routing Behavior in Software-Defined Wireless Networks
  48. ESRA: Energy soaring-based routing algorithm for IoT applications in software-defined wireless sensor networks
  49. P1930.1/D1, Dec 2021 – IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Software Defined Networking (SDN) based Middleware for Control and Management of Wireless Networks
  50. 1930.1-2022 – IEEE Recommended Practice for Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Based Middleware for Control and Management of Wireless Networks