STEM Education Research Topics

STEM Education Research Topics is one of the most important topics related to the concept of studies. It is mostly used for the purpose of education to learn the concepts. Here we proposed this STEM education technology to overcome the issues in the existing technology and to obtain the best finding for this research.

  1. Define STEM Education

At the beginning stage of the research we see the definition for this proposed technique. STEM education is the expansion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education that highlights an interdisciplinary method to learning in this domain.

  1. What is STEM Education?

Afterwards we look for the in-depth description for this proposed technology. STEM education combines science, technology, engineering and mathematics to assist innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving among students.

  1. Where STEM Education used?

After the in-depth description we converse where to utilize this proposed technique. This proposed STEM education is employed in universities, colleges and schools internationally to get ready students for their careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as to tackle worldwide limitations over research and creativity.

  1. Why STEM Education technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Here we proposed the STEM education in this research and it has some limitations in the existing technology such as outdated teaching methods, lack of engagement and insufficient preparation for modern workforce requirements, by combining hands-on learning, real-world applications and interactive tools.

  1. Algorithms / protocols

We proposed the STEM education for this research and it is compared with some of the methods or techniques to overcome the issues in the existing technology. The methods that we utilized are Random forest, Z-score Normalization and differential evaluation method.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

In the comparative analysis section we compared different methods or techniques to obtain the possible correct result. In this research for STEM education we compared various methods like:

  • At first we use “VNHSGE: Vietnamese High School Graduation Examination Dataset for Large Language Models” to provide a brief understandings into high school student academic achievement.
  • To achieve the Z-score normalization throughout the pre-processing to enhance the comparable and standardization data along various structures that increases the quality of subsequent analysis.
  • Utilizing the DEA technique to choose the more suitable structures that enhances the forecasting of students prediction pass rates and academic achievements.
  • We predict the student’s achievements by creating the hybrid technique TF-ANN. The method is combined with the DEA which chooses the features and essentially enhances the efficiency and accuracy.
  • Carry out the method TNA to find difficulties which are handled by the teachers in online teaching to plan the requirement – based training programs to come across the problems that are estimated by employing Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels Training Evaluation Model.
  • Our research constructs interactive and personalized learning experiences which encourages the in-depth interpretation of STEM concepts.
  • To build the QA structure to STEM areas that emphasizes the findings on the basis of virtual courses with active learning practices.
  • We use fuzzy logic to monitor the student achievements, provide valuable understanding for timely enhancements and inventions.
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

Now our proposed STEM education technology is compared with various performance metrics or parameters to get the appropriate findings. The metrics that we compared are F1-score (%), Recall (%), Prediction rate (%) and Precision (%) with the Number of Epochs.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

For our proposed STEM education technique; we address some possible issues. The following are the links that are useful when we go through the descriptions of our proposed technique.

  1. STEM Education Applications

STEM education has some of the applications like interactive lab tools, coding software, virtual simulations and robotics, all are intended at engaging students in hands-on learning skills and developing problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

  1. Topology for STEM Education

Let’s see the topology that is utilized in this STEM education to present students with abstract problem-solving skills, mathematical concepts and spatial reasoning over the study of connections, spaces and shapes, offering a foundation for these areas such as engineering, physics and computer science.

  1. Environment for STEM Education

The environment for STEM education contains generating hands-on, inquiry-based learning surroundings that encourage collaboration, exploration and experimentation, enhancing critical thinking and creativity among students.

  1. Simulation tools

In this we utilize the succeeding software requirements to be implemented in this proposed technology. Our proposed technique is simulated by using the developmental tool Python 3.11.4. Then this proposed STEM education technique can be executed by using the operating system Windows 10 (64- bit).

  1. Results

The STEM education technology is proposed in this research and it has some existing technology issues that are overcome by using the novel methods. Then the research is compared with some of the performance metrics with existing technologies and then validates that our proposed research gives the best outcome. Then research can be evaluated by using the operating system Windows 10 (64-bit).

STEM Education Research Ideas:

The succeeding are the research topics that are based on our proposed research STEM education. These topics are assistful to us when we have to overview the concepts, descriptions or any additional details relevant to this proposed research.

  1. Application of Convex Mirrors to Study the Magnitude of the Milky Way Using STEM Education
  2. Promoting Girls’ Participation in K-12 STEM Education: Current Landscape, Hindering Factors, and Recommendations for Actions
  3. The Readiness of Shenzhen Primary Science Teachers Using Problem-Based Learning to Implement STEM Education
  4. Co-skilling for School-Industry Partnerships in STEM Education: A Design Research Study
  5. Practices of Lifelong Education on Programming to Support STEM Education in Primary Schools
  6. Prototyping and Conceptualizing Electric Model Vehicles to Enhance Automotive STEM Education: Towards Sustainable E-Mobility
  7. Exploring the Transformative Potential of Machine Learning in Engineering and STEM Education: A Comprehensive Study on Enhancing Cognitive Levels and Learning Insights
  8. A closer look to STEM education across continents: insights from a multicultural panel discussion
  9. Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Female-friendly Learning Design on Enhancing Grade 1 and 2 Girls’ Motivation in STEM education
  10. Work-in-Progress—Decolonizing the Digital Divide: Problem Based Spatial Design Through Immersive Technology for STEM Education in Minority Populations
  11. LATAM Intelligent Filter for Education (LIFE): A Modular Water Purification and STEM Education Tool
  12. Using Science Education Gateways to Improve Undergraduate STEM Education: The QUBES Platform as a Case Study
  13. Hong Kong Science In-service Teachers’ Behavioural Intention towards STEM Education and Their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
  14. Internet-of-Things Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment for STEM Education: A Review of Literature
  15. The Internet Backpack: Transforming STEM Education, Agriculture and Economic Development in Liberia, West Africa
  16. Student Success in Asynchronous STEM Education: measuring and identifying contributors to learner outcomes
  17. Work in Progress: Significant Learning in STEM Education: Practical Approach in an Intelligent Drone Project
  18. Predicting Google Classroom Acceptance and Use in STEM Education: Extended UTAUT2 Approach
  19. Teachers’ Stages of Concern on STEM Education in a Rural Secondary School in Guangzhou
  20. A Collaborative Learning and Support System for STEM Education and Learning Analytics
  21. An integrated framework for STEM education experiments with focus on sustainability and renewable energies
  22. AI- and IoT-enabled Plant-growing System for Boosting STEM Education in the Philippines
  23. Virtual Reality Escape Rooms for STEM Education in Industry 4.0: Greek Teachers Perspectives
  24. A Systematic Interdisciplinary Engineering and Technology Model Using Cutting-Edge Technologies for STEM Education
  25. Affordable microfluidic electroanalysis for senior high school, college and university STEM education
  26. Foreign direct investment and host firms’ technology development: The moderating role of overall and STEM education
  27. Global STEM Education through e-Service Learning in the Time of COVID-19: A Case Study
  28. Research hotspots and development trends of STEM education at home and abroad — based on the analysis of citespace visualization
  29. MAATSE: Prototyping and Evaluating an Open and Modular E-Assessment Tool for STEM Education
  30. Development of an Open-Source and Low-Cost Robotic Arm based on STM32 Microcontroller for Promoting STEM Education
  31. Exploring the Impact of Robotics in STEM Education Activities and Competitive Challenges
  32. A Remotely Controlled Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Obstacle Avoidance for STEM Education
  33. The Graded Multidisciplinary Model: Fostering instructional design for activity development in STEM/STEAM education
  34. Of Marbles and Minecraft: Designing STEM Educational Games for Culturally Diverse Young Learners in Malaysia
  35. A Visualized Hybrid Keyword-Cluster Approach for Extractive Text Summarizer Tool for STEM Education in Malaysia
  36. A systematic review of Drone integrated STEM education at secondary schools (2005–2023): Trends, pedagogies, and learning outcomes
  37. Implementation of Lesson Study in the context of STEM education in a rural setting in Ireland: challenges and opportunities
  38. Effects of reverse engineering pedagogy on students’ learning performance in STEM education: The bridge-design project as an example
  39. Large-scale Experiment in STEM Education for High School Students using Artificial Intelligence Kit Based on Computer Vision and Python
  40. Role of pedagogical approaches in fostering innovation among K-12 students in STEM education
  41. Riding the wave towards flourishing in STEM education: Enhancing teaching efficacy through a K-12 training program
  42. Application of variation theory in STEM education: A comprehensive guideline for STEM teachers
  43. Abstract 1418 Fostering Scientific Curiosity: Saint Louis University’s High School Research Symposium Bridging the Gap in STEM Education
  44. Investigating the effect of 5E-based STEM education in solar energy context on creativity and academic achievement of female junior high school students
  45. Remote experiments for STEM education and engagement in rural schools: The case of project R3
  46. A national study examining safety factors and training associated with STEM education and CTE laboratory accidents in the United States
  47. Designing equitable STEM education: Guidelines for parents, educators and policy-makers to reduce gender/racial achievement gaps
  48. Engagement detection and enhancement for STEM education through computer vision, augmented reality, and haptics
  49. AGILEST approach: Using machine learning agents to facilitate kinesthetic learning in STEM education through real-time touchless hand interaction
  50. Promises and perils of STEM education: synthesizing teacher, student, & research perceptions