UAV enabled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network Research Topics

UAV IS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and SDWSN is Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network. These two technologies are integrated to produce the UAV assisted SDWSN system in order to increase the performance. Get to know more about this technology by going through this paper.

  1. Define UAV assisted SDWSN

UAV assisted SDWSN is a wireless sensor with the support of “unmanned aerial vehicles” which is used for increasing data collection, coverage, functionality and communication. This is mainly used in applications to overcome the issues like insufficient or impractical techniques used for managing network and collecting data, which is faced by previous technologies.

  1. What is UAV assisted SDWSN?

This is a wireless network which combines UAV technology and SDN technology, to produce a sensor network for maintaining an adaptable and flexible network for different applications.

  1. Where UAV assisted SDWSN is used?

This technology is applicable to various industries of wireless sensor networks in which the integration of UAV and SDN technologies are used. Some of the areas included here are using this technology: Smart cities, Infrastructure inspection, Agriculture, Environmental monitoring, Scientific and research.

  1. Why UAV assisted SDWSN is proposed? Previous Technology Issues

The technology UAV assisted SDWSN was proposed in order to overcome the limitations faced by already existing technology like data collection, adaptability and network coverage. The strength of the networks with UAV and SDWSN increases by increase in safety, resource management and decision-making, then the system becomes more efficient, dynamic and responsive.

The issues faced by previous technologies are:

Energy constraints – Usually the sensor nodes in UAV works with help of the battery power which is not sufficient for long monitoring periods. So, increasing the flight time of UAV and longevity of sensor node is important.

Data reliability and routing – Proper data routing algorithm should be used in order to transmit the collected data reliably to other nodes of the network. Delay in data or loss of it may lead to low timeliness and accuracy of data.

Communication interference and range – Maintaining a reliable link in communication for data transmission is very much important because the range limitation can affect the communication between sensor nodes and UAVs.

Network scalability – When the number of sensor nodes and UAV increases, it becomes difficult for the system to maintain scalability of network and the performance of it.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

The algorithms provided for UAV assisted SDWSN to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: “Enhanced DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm” (E-DBSCAN), “Improved Deep neural network” (IDEE) algorithm, “Lightweight block cipher (LIGER) algorithm, Modified Rainbow-based (MORA) DRL” Algorithm and “Modified African Buffalo Optimization” (MABOO) Algorithm.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

The algorithms mentioned here in this paper for UAV assisted SDWSN is different from the algorithms proposed in other papers. They earlier methods have used different algorithms like “Deep graph reinforcement learning” algorithm (DGRL), “Safe routing approach” (SRA) and “Energy soaring-based routing” algorithm (ESRA).

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by UAV assisted SDWSN are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like Energy consumption, Node network Lifetime, Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Latency and Response Time of Controller.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about UAV assisted SDWSN which can be useful for you:

  1. UAV assisted SDWSN Applications

The applications of UAV assisted SDWSN is used in various fields for its better performance in enhanced network management, monitoring and data collection. Some of the major applications of this technology are in the fields of Environmental monitoring, Transportation and logistics, Agriculture, Environmental conservation and Smart cities.

  1. Topology

Generally topology refers to the architecture of a UAV assisted SDWSN network. It can be varying for different environment based on the requirements of various applications. Some of the commonly used topologies are Tree topology, Star topology, Mesh topology, Ring topology, Hybrid topology and Cluster topology.

  1. Environment

These UAV assisted SDWSN are deployed in various environments depending on requirement of a specific application. This network can work under several circumstances, but some of them affect the operation and deployment of this system.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for UAV assisted SDWSN, which is established with the usage of NS 3 tool with version 3.36 or above.

  1. Results

After complete reading this paper on UAV assisted SDWSN, you have now got a clear understanding about this network and system. You are also familiar with the algorithms used in it, topologies followed by this network and also the applications of it.

UAV enabled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network Research Ideas

  1. Autonomic Faulty Node Replacement in UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks: a Test-bed
  2. Optimizing Energy Efficiency in UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks with Reinforcement Learning PPO2 Algorithm
  3. Joint Altitude and Beam width Optimization for UAV-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks
  4. Flying Path Optimization of Rechargeable UAV for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
  5. Joint Data Collection and Sensor Positioning in Multi-UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Network
  6. Complexity Reduction for Hybrid TOA/AOA Localization in UAV-Assisted WSNs
  7. A Union MEC-UAV Computation Offloading System Applied to Wireless Sensor Network for Marine Renewable Energy Smart Grids
  8. Height-Fixed UAV Enabled Energy-Efficient Data Collection in RIS-Aided Wireless Sensor Networks
  9. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Assisted Sparse Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks
  10. Flying Path Optimization of Rechargeable UAV for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
  11. UAV-assisted Multiband WSN Coverage Evaluation
  12. Efficient Multi-UAV Assisted Data Gathering Schemes for Maximizing the Operation Time of Wireless Sensor Networks in Precision Farming
  13. Energy-Aware UAV-Driven Data Collection with Priority in Robotic Wireless Sensor Network
  14. Multi objective 3-D UAV Movement Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bioinspired Swarm Intelligence
  15. Path Planning Algorithm for a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network and UAV as Mobile Sink Considering Energy Constraints
  16. Age of Information in UAV Aided Wireless Sensor Networks Relying on Blockchain
  17. Characterization of Low-Power Wireless Links in UAV-Assisted Wireless-Sensor Network
  18. AoI-Sensitive Data Collection in Multi-UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
  19. AoI-Minimal Power and Trajectory Optimization for UAV-Assisted Wireless Networks
  20. Energy Optimization Algorithms for UAV Wireless Sensor Networks
  21. Placement of UAVs to Reconnect Lost Sub-networks in Wireless Sensor Networks
  22. UAV Path Planning for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks: Spatial and Temporal Sub-state-Based Q-Learning
  23. A Multi-Level Blockchain-based Node Authentication Approach for UAV-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
  24. Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Task Scheduling and Resource Sharing for O-RAN-empowered Multi-UAV-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
  25. Long Term Energy Consumption Minimization-based Data Collection for UAV-Assisted WSNs
  26. Data collection of wireless sensor network based on trajectory optimization of laser-charged UAV
  27. Energy-efficient UAV-wireless networks for data collection
  28. A smart optimizer approach for clustering protocol in UAV-assisted IoT wireless networks
  29. Integrating UAV and LoRaWAN in WSN for Intelligent Monitoring in Large-scale Rural Farms
  30. Joint Sensor Localization and Data Collection in UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Network
  31. Energy-Efficient Data Collection and Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network
  32. Secrecy Energy Efficiency Maximization in UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks without Eavesdropper’s CSI
  33. UAV-Enabled Data Collection for Wireless Sensor Networks with Distributed Beamforming
  34. Joint Optimization of UAV Trajectory and Sensor Uploading Powers for UAV-Assisted Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
  35. Power Minimization for Data Collection in UAV-Assisted IoT Wireless Sensor Networks
  36. A Novel AI-Based Framework for AoI-Optimal Trajectory Planning in UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
  37. UAV Data collection in hard-to-reach areas from a Wireless Sensor Network
  38. on Efficient UAV Charging Trajectory for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks
  39. Blockchain-Enhanced Spatiotemporal Data Aggregation for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
  40. UAV-Assisted Data Collection for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
  41. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-aided sparse data gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
  42. Joint Passive Beamforming and Elevation Angle-Dependent Trajectory Design for RIS-aided UAV-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
  43. Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Optimal Transmission Policies for Opportunistic UAV-Aided Wireless Sensor Network
  44. An Efficient and Robust UAVs’ Path Planning Approach for Timely Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
  45. Energy-Saving Deployment Optimization and Resource Management for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks with NOMA
  46. Detection and Blind Channel Estimation for UAV-Aided Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Cities under Mobile Jamming Attack
  47. UAV-Driven Sustainable and Quality-Aware Data Collection in Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks
  48. Deep Learning Based Localization Scheme for UAV Aided Wireless Sensor Networks
  49. Performance evaluations for opportunistic data acquisitions from sparse and drifting wireless sensor networks with a UAV
  50. Wireless Sensor Network Informed UAV Path Planning for Soil Moisture Mapping