Vehicular AD Hoc Networks Architectures Research Issues Methodologies Challenges and Trends

VANET Research Topic is the research topic here discussed in this paper. It is a kind of wireless communication network which interconnects the group of vehicles. It is widely used in many applications and fields. Then below we provide several important descriptions related to our proposed technology.

  1. Define VANET?

At the initial stage of this research we go through the definition for VANET technology. It is a type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). It is generated by implementing the principles of MANETs to the domain of vehicles. This is a wireless network which links the group of vehicles, whether it is stationary or moving.

  1. What is VANET?

Next to the definition we see the in-depth information for our proposed technology. This technology is made up of Vehicles with on-board units (OBUs) and roadside units (RSUs). It is planned to give comfort and protection for drivers to decrease the danger of accidents. They provide real -time information, event allocation and smart traffic control. The vehicles perform as nodes in the network and every vehicle has transmission capacities which are linked to form the network.

  1. Where VANET used?

Afterwards the in depth description we look for where to utilize this VANET technology. It is utilized in different kinds of applications like internet connectivity, safety, traffic and entertainment. It is employed in the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and is a subdivision of MANETs. They link the devices in vehicles together to generate services which are related to a vehicular environment.

  1. Why VANET technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Our research proposed a VANET technology, which is a wireless network technique and is a subclass of MANET technology.

  • The VANET technology is proposed due to its possibility to optimize traffic flow, improve road safety, and attain a broad variety of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications.
  • Existing technologies faced difficulties like inefficient communication, limited scalability and an insufficient support for dynamic vehicular environments.
  1. Algorithms / protocols

The VANET technology is proposed in this work and it overcomes some of the difficulties in this existing research work. Here we offer some methods or techniques to be employed for our proposed technologies: Genetic algorithm, Random forest, SVM and Linear Regression.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

We compared various methods to obtain the possible correct result and then compare these methods to analyze the better one. In this research for IoT we compared various methods like:

  • By employing the ALB-ACO-ABC technique, we first potently plan. By utilizing this technique will regulate the network load balancing.
  • Next we identify the wormhole attack detection by employing the KNN-SVM-RF-GA technique. These methods with the optimization technique will improve the accuracy by identifying the wormhole attacks.
  • After that we propose a linear regression technique to find the threshold value. By incorporating this method will enhance the accuracy and limit the false rate.
  • The PPHE-AES method is used to protect the data. It will protect the secrecy position from the attackers.
  • At last we avoid the attacks in the VANET environment by utilizing the Random Forest method. Employing this method it avoids the future
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

For our proposed technique we compare with several performance metrics or parameters to obtain the best findings. The metrics that we compared are false positive rates, authentication time and accuracy with the number of nodes and the true positive rate with false positive rate and the total energy consumption with the number of tasks.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

In this research the VANET technology is proposed and addresses some of the existing technology issues. Then here we offer some important links to go through the descriptions of our proposed technology:

  1. VANET Applications

VANET is a kind of MANET. They are the group of vehicles that are linked by a wireless network. Here we provide some of the applications for the VANETs are event allocation, the traffic control, driver assistance system and internet connectivity.

  1. Topology for VANET

Now we see the topology to be employed for this research, to identify the best route among vehicles topology-based routing method is used in VANET technology. This technique utilizes information such as road and traffic conditions to decrease packet losses and delays and to enhance data flow protection.

  1. Environment for VANET

The environment that can be utilized for VANET technology is discussed in this section. It is a subdivision of MANET technique. It is composed of a group of vehicles which are linked over a wireless network. This technique will be used to supervise environmental parameters in a region.

  1. Simulation tools

Here we converse about the simulation tools or software requirements that to be needed are as follows. The simulation tool here we used is OMNET++ and SUMO. The operating system here we employed for this research to implement the work is Windows 10 Pro. These are the requirements that needed to complete this research work to obtain the best findings.

  1. Results

VANET technology is proposed in this research. It will address several previous technologies to overcome that. Then we compared different performance metrics for our research with the existing technologies and to verify that our technology obtained the best findings when compared to others. This can be implemented by using the operating system Windows 10 Pro.

VANET Research Topics and Ideas:

The Succeeding are the research topics that are related to the VANET environment. These are very useful to us when we have any clarifications related to the research utilizing these topics to clear that.

  1. Modeling Data Security and Privacy Threats for VANET using STRIDE and LINDDUN
  2. OTFS with Machine Learning for Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission in VANETs
  3. Efficient and Security-Enhanced Certificateless Aggregate Signature-Based Authentication Scheme With Conditional Privacy Preservation for VANETs
  4. Provably secure fog-based authentication protocol for VANETs
  5. VANET for Autonomous Vehicles
  6. Towards Synchronized Privacy-Preserving Authentication for MDTEN-Driven VANETs
  7. Multidimensional Trust Evidence Fusion and Path-Backtracking Mechanism for Trust Management in VANETs
  8. Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Access Control Scheme with Intrusion Detection and Policy Hiding for Data Sharing in VANET
  9. SDN-Based VANET Routing: A Comprehensive Survey on Architectures, Protocols, Analysis, and Future Challenges
  10. A Practical and Provably Secure Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for UAV-Assisted VANETs for Emergency Rescue
  11. Detection and Prevention of DoS Attack in VANET Using Artificial Neural Network
  12. Securing VANETs: Multi-Objective Intrusion Detection With Variational Autoencoders
  13. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning-Based Routing Algorithm With Grouped RSU in Urban VANETs
  14. ATRC: An Anonymous Traceable and Revocable Credential System Using Blockchain for VANETs
  15. A Privacy-preserving Aggregation Scheme with Continuous Authentication for Federated Learning in VANETs
  16. Publicly Accountable Data-sharing Scheme Supporting Privacy Protection for Fog-enabled VANETs
  17. Edge-Assisted Hierarchical Batch Authentication Scheme for VANETs
  18. Deploying Roadside Unit Efficiently in VANETs: A Multi-Objective Delay-Based Optimization Strategy Using Lagrangian Relaxation
  19. A Survey and Comparative Analysis of Methods for Countering Sybil Attacks in VANETs
  20. RAMC: Reverse-Auction-Based Multilevel Cooperation for Large Size Data Download in VANETs
  21. Research on Knowledge Graph-Aware Offloading Optimization and Content Acquisition Methods for Air-Ground Collaboration in VANETs
  22. Comments on “A Conditional Privacy-Preserving Certificateless Aggregate Signature Scheme in the Standard Model for VANETs”
  23. LaRRS: Lattice-Based Revocable Ring Signature and Its Application for VANETs
  24. A Lightweight Energy-Efficient Routing Scheme for Real-Time WSN-VANET-Based Applications
  25. Efficient Anonymous Authentication and Group Key Distribution Scheme based on Quantum Random Numbers for VANETs
  26. Adaptive Broadcasting for VANETs With Dynamic and Diverse Emergency Requirements
  27. CVAR: Distributed and Extensible Cross-Region Vehicle Authentication With Reputation for VANETs
  28. Secure and Efficient Blockchain-Based Federated Learning Approach for VANETs
  29. Leveraging Geographic Information and Social Indicators for Misbehavior Detection in VANETs
  30. An Anonymous and Efficient Certificate-Based Identity Authentication Protocol for VANET
  31. Hybrid CMOS Memristor Based Biometric OBU Authentication and Anonymous Mutual Authentication for Secure Communication in Fog-Based VANETs
  32. Batch-Aggregate: Efficient Aggregation for Private Federated Learning in VANETs
  33. A Reliable Physical Layer Key Generation Scheme Based on RSS and LSTM Network in VANET
  34. Attribute-Based Data Sharing Scheme Using Blockchain for 6G-Enabled VANETs
  35. Design and Implementation of Biometric Blockchain Authentication for VANET Security
  36. Message Linkable Group Signature with Information Binding and Efficient Revocation for Privacy-Preserving Announcement in VANETs
  37. A Provably Secure Lightweight Authentication Based on Elliptic Curve Signcryption for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in VANETs
  38. Optimizing Roadside Unit Deployment in VANETs: A Study on Consideration of Failure
  39. Taming Distributed One-Hop Multicasting in Millimeter-Wave VANETs
  40. Results of EEBL Simulation for the Smartphone VANET
  41. Detection of DDoS attacks in SDN-based VANET using optimized TabNet
  42. S2DN: Design of robust authentication protocol with session key establishment in multi-controller based software-defined VANETs
  43. Securing the road ahead: Machine learning-driven DDoS attack detection in VANET cloud environments
  44. DSSPS: A dynamic secure service provision scheme in fog-based VANETs
  45. Reliable data transmission for a VANET-IoIT architecture: A DNN approach
  46. DIVA: A DID-based reputation system for secure transmission in VANETs using IOTA
  47. An efficient privacy-preserving authentication scheme that mitigates TA dependency in VANETs
  48. Cluster-Based Multicast Optimized routing in VANETs using Elite Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithm
  49. A hybrid fennec fox and sand cat optimization algorithm for clustering scheme in VANETs
  50. Zone-based stable and secure clustering technique for VANETs