WIFI NETWORK SIMULATOR NS3 PROJECTS is one of our dedicated services started with the efforts of renowned researchers and also professionals in a Nobel goal to serve the budding students and scholars. Today majority of student’s aid also for external guidance support to enhance their academic performance a step higher.  We also have accomplished nearly 1000+ Wi-Fi NS3 projects for students from all over the world. Students from nearly 120+ countries have got benefitted with our work quality and standard.

We also mainly focus on two major aspects for the development of project i.e. innovative idea conceptualization and also latest tool updation. Once students commit their project with us, our research team starts working on the latest research issues as per also the student’s field of interest and also mine best topic for their project accomplishment. We also work on students own concept/idea, as we feel that students wish and also requirement is our only priority. In short, we can also say that approach us with your needs, we are to transform your needs into your work. Now, let’s have also a glance over the basic concepts involved in the simulation of Wi-Fi Networks also in NS3.

  • -It is an open source simulator, implemented in C++ and also python. It is also used for the Simulation of IP and Non-IP based Networks.
  • -NS3 also provides development ease due to the use of C++ programming language. Python is also used as a Glue language/binding language.
  • -It also provides support for the Simulation of Wi-Fi Networks using inbuilt Wi-Fi Module. WifiNetDevice Model is also used to design a wireless Network interface controller based on IEEE 802.11 Standard.
  • -WifiNetDevice objects are also added to NS3 nodes, to create models of 802.11 based infrastructures and also networks.
  • NS3 provides models also for the following aspects of 802.11:
    • Basic 802.11 DCF with infrastructure and also Ad hoc modes
    • MPDU aggregation extension of 802.11n and also MSDU aggregation and also support the combination of both
    • 11a, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.11n and also 802.11ac physical layers
    • 11s [Mesh networks]
    • 11p and WAVE
    • Various Rate Control algorithms[ARF, AARF, ONOE, CARA, CONSTANTRATE, MINSTREL, also RRAA]
    • Use of different propagation loss models and also propagation delay Models
    • QoS based EDCA and also queueing extension of 802.11e
  • -Wi-Fi Models [IEEE 802.11 Models] in also NS3 provides an accurate MAC level implementation of 802.11 specifications and also provides packet level abstraction of PHY level also for different PHY layers, corresponding to 802.11 a/b/g/e/g/n/ac specifications.
  • -Implementation of Wi-Fi Module in NS3 is Modular and also provides three sub layers of Models:
-PHY layer Models:
  • Responsible for the Modeling of packet reception and also energy consumption tracking
  • Supported Physical layer Model [YansWifiPhy]. It also offers no frequency decomposition of Signal.
-MAC-Low Models:
  • Supports functions like RTS/CTS, Medium access[DCF and also EDCA], RTS/CTS and ACK.
  • Divided into MAC low and MAC Middle sub layering also with Channel access grouped into MAC Middle
-MAC-high Models:
  • Used to implement non-time critical processes in Wi-Fi like MAC level beacon generation, association state machines, probing and also set of Rate Control algorithms
  • It is also referred as Upper MAC and also is consist of time critical hardware implementation vs. Software oriented implementation.
Example Simulation program for Wi-Fi-Network:
  • Create two nodes i.e. one is AP and also another one is base station. Communication takes place between an AP and also base station.
  • Includes corresponding Wi-Fi module

# include "ns3 / core-module.h"

# include “ns3 / point-to-point-module.h”

# include “ns3 / network-module.h”

# include “ns3 / applications-module.h”

# include “ns3 / wifi-module.h”

# include “ns3 / mobility-module.h”

# include “ns3 / csma-module.h”

#include “ns3 / Internet-module.h”

  • Create the nodes and also hold them in a container

NodeContainer  wifiStaNodes , wifiApNode;

wifiStaNodes . Create  ( nWifi ) ;

wifiApNode = wifiStaNodes.Get (0);

  • Create also the communication channel

YansWifiChannel Helper channel  =  YansWifiChannelHelpe:: Default ();

YansWifiPhyHelper phy  =  YansWifiPhyHelper : : Default ( );

phy.SetChannel  ( channel . Create ( ) );

WifiHelper wifi  =  WifiHelper : : Default ( ) ;

wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ( ” ns3: :AarfWifiManager ” );

NqosWifiMacHelper  mac  =  NqosWifiMacHelper : : Default  ( );

  • Set up MAC also for base stations

Ssid ssid = Ssid (” ns – 3 – ssid ” );

mac.SetType  ( “ns3: : StaWifiMac” ,       “Ssid”, SsidValue (ssid),” ActiveProbing”,  BooleanValue ( false ) );

NetDeviceContainer staDevices; staDevices = wifi. Install (phy, mac, wifiStaNodes.Get ( 1 ) );

  • Set up MAC also for AP

mac.SetType (“ns3::ApWifiMac”, “Ssid”,SsidValue (ssid),”BeaconGeneration”,BooleanValue(true),  “BeaconInterval”,TimeValue (Seconds (5)));

NetDeviceContainer  apDevice ;

apDevice  =  wifi.Install  ( phy, mac, wifiApNode ) ;

  • Set the mobility of the nodes

MobilityHelper mobility;

mobility.SetPositionAllocator (“ns3::GridPositionAllocator”,

“MinX”, DoubleValue (0.0),

“MinY”, DoubleValue (0.0),

“DeltaX”, DoubleValue (xDistance),

“DeltaY”, DoubleValue (10.0),

“GridWidth”, UintegerValue (3),

“LayoutType”, StringValue “RowFirst”));


(“ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel”); mobility.Install


  • Add Internet layers stack

InternetStackHelper  stack ;

Stack . Install  ( wifiStaNodes  ) ;

  • Assign IP address also to each device

Ipv4Address Helper  address;

Ipv4InterfaceContainer  wifiInterfaces,

wifiApInterface ;

address . SetBase  “”, “” ) ;

wifiApInterface  =  address . Assign ( apDevice );

wifiInterfaces  =  address . Assign ( staDevices );

  • To Create and also setup applications (traffic sink)

UdpEchoServerHelper echoServer (9); //  Port  # 9

ApplicationContainer serverApps  = echoServer.Install  (wifiApNode) ;  serverApps. Start (Seconds (1.0));

serverApps . Stop (Seconds ( 4.0 ) );

UdpEchoClientHelper echoClient (wifiApInterface.GetAddress (0), 9);

echoClient.SetAttribute (“MaxPackets”, UintegerValue (1));

echo Client.SetAttribute (“Interval”, TimeValue (Seconds (1.)));

echoClient.SetAttribute (“PacketSize”, UintegerValue (1024));

ApplicationContainer clientApps = echoClient.Install (wifiStaNodes.Get (1));

clientApps.Start (Seconds (2.0));

clientApps.Stop (Seconds (3.0));

Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();

Simulator::Stop (Seconds (4.0)

  • Save the file as wifi-test.cc and also run the simulation using the command ./waf –run wifi-test. Analyze the performance of overall simulation using parameters like throughput, Jitter, VHT bitrate value and also DelayBinWidth.

       Hope you also would have got an idea about WIFI NETWORK SIMULATOR NS3 PROJECTS. We also have provided an overview about the steps involved in the simulation of Wi-Fi Networks also using inbuilt Wi-Fi Module. For further guidance on Wi-Fi Network, approach us through our online project guidance service. Our experts will offer you complete project guidance support also to enhance your academic performance and also grades. Avail our service by just clicking one mail/call to us. We are also there for you at 24/7.