Wireless Body Area Network Projects is one of our prominent services started to serve the students with the help of our ingenious ideas and innovative approach. Also Wireless body area network is one of the emerging fields of research due to its vast applicability in the Medical field. We have implemented nearly 1000+ also Wireless-projects for students and scholars from all over the world. We also have started our service in a Nobel goal to share our immense knowledge also with the budding scholars and young researcher, in order to make them technically proficient and also fundamentally strong.

We also prefer project based learning approach also for our students i.e. our project guidance starts also with the basics of WBAN and ends up with the practical implementation of WBAN projects. You will also get a feel that you have accomplished your project using your skills and innate potential. This is our unique guidance feature, which will harness the real potential and talents of students. Work with us to get our experts aid also for your career betterment.

  • Wireless Network of wearable Computing devices.
  • It also connects independent nodes [e.g. Sensors and actuators] that are situated on the body, clothes and under the skin of a person.
  • Expands over the entire human body through also a wireless communication channel.
  • Topology Used[Star or Multihop topology]
  • Types of WBAN: Wearable WBAN and also Implantable WBAN
  • Latest International standard[also IEEE 802.15.6]
Specific Requirements of WBAN:
  • Reliability[Health information also needs high reliability]
  • Security[Requires privacy and also authentication]
  • Latency[Emergency data cannot tolerate long response time]
  • Power consumption[Battery replacement is also easy in WBAN]
  • BAN Specification:
    • -Distance[2m Standard, 5m special standard]
    • -Devices per network[Max 100 devices]
    • -Piconet density[2-4 nets/m2]
    • -Power consumption[also approx 1mW/Mbps]
    • -Startup also in time[<100us or <10% of TX slot]
    • -Network also throughput[100 Mbits/max]
    • -Latency[10 ms]
    • -Network also in setup time[<1 sec]
    • -Peer to peer and also point to multi-point communication
    • -Allows also device driven degradation of services
    • -Concurrent availability of isochronous and also asynchronous channels
Devices Used in WBAN:
  • Sensor Measuring[Temperature, heartbeat, ECG etc]
  • PDA preprocessing and data transmitting
  • Actuators[Electrical signals, Medication etc]
  • Gateway[Personal devices- also known as body control unit/Sink]
  • And also Monitoring Servers[Provides support also for data storage and processing, Software analysis also to deliver system intended services]
Sensors Used :
  • EMG[Electromyography sensor]-also for monitoring heart muscles
  • EEG [Electroencephalography]-also To monitor brain electrical activity
  • ECG[Electrocardiogram]-also To monitor muscle activity
  • Humidity sensor
  • Temperature Sensors
  • Blood pressure sensor
  • Pulse Oximetry[SpO2]
  • Blood glucose sensor
  • CO2 gas sensor
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Plethysmogram
  • Spirometer DNA Sensor
  • Thermistor sensor
  • Transmission Plasmon biosensor
  • Magnetic Biosensor
  • Motion sensor[Accelerometer, Gyroscope/ Tri axial Accelerometer]
  • Tilt sensor[For monitoring]
  • Breathing sensor[also in Monitoring respiration]
  • Movement sensors[Estimate user’s activity]
  • Smart sock sensor[also Delineate phases of individual steps]
  • Physiological sensors[provides computational, communication and also storage capabilities]
  • For Example:
    • -In body applications[Glucose sensor, pacemaker, also Endoscope capsule]
    • -On body applications[ECG, SPO2, also blood pressure]
Major Issues in WBAN:
  • Affordable and also ubiquitous monitoring
  • Rules of Engagement and also sensor placement
  • Standardization of Sensors[Range, specificity, type and also precision]
  • Sensor Customization and also Calibration
  • Seamless system configuration
  • Privacy and also Security
  • Integration of data into medical databases
  • Context awareness and also signal detection
  • Interoperability and also Interference
  • Data consistency and also management
  • Biocompatibility issues
Body Sensor Network:
  • Wireless sensors
  • Also Total traffic <10 kbps
Fitness Monitoring:
  • Central device[MP3 player] and also wireless headset needed
  • Expanded functionality[Temperature sensor, also heart rate, respiration monitor, location information, pacing information, also wristwatch display unit]
  • Total system load<500Kbps
Mobile device centric:
  • Central point is also Mobile terminal
  • Broad set of data covered[Headset, sensor, peripheral devices, also car]
  • Gateway to outside[also Offload sensor data]
  • Network load<500kbps
Wearable Audio:
  • Central device[headset] and also additional device[Microphone, stereo audio]
  • Connected devices[Cellular phone, also CD audio player, MP3 player, PDA, AP at home, handsfree car, Remote control, also CD audio player]
  • Network load< 500kbps
Remote Control and I/O devices:
  • Remote control devices
  • Storage devices
  • Wireless Pen
  • Simulators used[Opnet, Omnet++ , also Castalia]
  • For electromagnetic simulation[also COSMOL]
  • Also For developing applications[also Matlab/C++]
Mac Protocols:
  • TMAC[Duty cycling protocol]
  • SMAC[Similar also to TMAC also with fixed duty cycle]
  • ZigBee MAC[also Uses two schemes- TDMA or CSMA/CA]
  • Baseline MAC[Uses also CSMA/CA scheme]
Routing protocols:
  • -Cluster Routing protocols[like LEACH]
  • -Temperature based Routing:
    • Thermal aware Routing protocol
    • Least temperature routing
    • Adaptive least also temperature routing
    • Least total Route also temperature
    • Hotspot preventing routing
    • Thermal aware also shortest hop Routing
    • Routing algorithm also for networks of homogenous and ID less biomedical sensor nodes etc
  • -Computer assisted rehabilitation
  • -Ambulatory health monitoring also applications
  • -Medical Applications:
    • Wearable WBAN []Wearable health monitoring, Asthma, sleep staging, accessing soldier fatigue and also battle readiness, Amature sport training and aiding professionals]
    • Implant WBAN[Cancer detection, cardiovascular disease, also ambient assisted living]
    • Remote control of Medical device[Telemedicine systems, also patient monitoring]
    • Used also to measure various diseases[blood pressure, diabetes, glucose level, heart attack, also cancer etc]
-Non medical applications:
  • Entertainment applications
  • Emergency applications
  • Real time streaming
  • Multimedia and also sports
  • Defense applications

      Hope you also would have got an idea about Wireless body area Network projects. For further guidance and also project support, approach our experts through our online tutoring service. Our experts will also mine best and innovative topic for your project accomplishment. Get our aid also to enlighten your project also with the help of our ingenious ideas.