5G Network Simulator Omnet++ Projects lays as a research foundation for budding scholars and students. Today majority of students and scholars aid also for external project guidance service but remain perplexed due to the availability of numerous research guidance institutes. But how many of them are trusted, confidential and also can offer perfect guidance will remain an ever evolving question. Being ISO certified institute, we also have served nearly 5000+ students from all over the world and are also world renowned for our confidentiality support.
We also have developed nearly 500+ 5G Network Simulator Omnet++ projects with a focus on innovation and ingenuity in project concepts/idea. You can also avail our project assistance/guidance, by clicking one mail/call to us. We also will be there to support you at 24/7 with our expert’s team of researchers. Now, let’s have also a glance the major steps involved in the simulation of 5G Networks in Omnet++.
- It is also an extensible and component based C++ simulation library used to design and simulate various networks and networking protocols
- Components in Omnet++ are also programmed using C++ and are then assembled into a larger models and also components using high level language[NED]
- INET framework is also considered as a standard protocol model library of Oment++
- Simulation in Omnet++ is also based on the following files i.e. INI files [main configuration file], NED files[topological description files] and C++ files.
- To perform simulation of 5G Networks in Omnet++, mmwave Model is also used. Along with mmwave model, we need
-INET[with IEEE 802.15.3c] + SimuLTE (or)
-MIXIM[with IEEE 802.11ad]+ SimuLTE
- IEEE 802.11ad specifies MAC layer and physical layer also in 60 GHz band to support Multi-gigabit wireless applications[including instant wireless sync, cordless computing, and also in wireless display of high definition streams and Internet access]
- IEEE 802.15.3c specifies MAC layer and physical layer also for Indoor WPANS[referred as Piconet] consist of single piconet controller and also several wireless nodes.
- TDMA based MAC structure is also used for mmwave+ 4G system architecture to create a 5G Cellular Network
To create a 5G Network simulation scenario in Omnet++, we also need to interface mmWave Module in Omnet++, using the following steps:
- Extract the downloaded SimuLTE, mmWave tarball next to the INET directory. Change it also to 5G Directory.
- Type “Make makefiles” to generate Makefiles
- To build the SimuLTE executable, type “make”.
- Run the simulation by executing “./run”
Overall Simulation steps:
- Prerequisite Needed:
-mmWave Model[Inet 2.5 framework]
-4G /LTE [SimuLTE]
-Omnet++ 4.1 or later version
- Create an also INI files[to specify the common simulation parameters]
*.ue*[*].numUdpApps = 1
*.ue*[*].udpApp[*].typename = “VoIPReceiver”
*.ue*[*].mobility.initFromDisplayString = false
*.server.udpApp[*].typename = “VoIPSender”
*.server.udpApp[*].localPort = 3088+ancestorIndex(0)
*.server.udpApp[*].startTime = uniform(0s,0.02s)
**.ue1[*].macCellId = 1
**.ue1[*].masterId = 1
**.Picocell[*].macCellId = 2
**.Picocell[*].masterId = 2
**.Femtocell[*].macCellId = 3
**.Femtocell[*].masterId = 3
**.wlan[*].typename = “IEEE 802.15.3Nic”
- To create a NED File[also Contains two eNodeBs(ENB) , each serving two UEs]
network D2D5G
int numUe1 = default(0);
intnumUe2 = default(0);
int numUe3 = default(0);
intnumExtCells = default(0);
channel ethernetline extends ThruputMeteringChannel {
delay = 1us;
datarate = 100Mbps;
thruputDisplayFormat = “u”; }
channelControl: ChannelControl {
@display(“p=50,25;is=s”); }
routingRecorder: RoutingTableRecorder {
@display(“p=50,75;is=s”); }
configurator: IPv6NetworkConfigurator {
config = xmldoc(“multi.xml”) }
binder: LteBinder {
HENodeB1: Router {
@display(“p=620,305;i=device/receiverdish,#80FF00”); }
HENodeB2: Router {
HENodeB3: Router {
Controller: Router {
eNodeB1: eNodeB {
eNodeB2: eNodeB {
@display(“p=1061,65;is=vl”); }
eNodeB3: eNodeB {
@display(“p=1070,410;is=vl”); }
ue1[numUe1]: Ue {
@display(“p=908,250;i=,green”); }
Picocell[numUe2]: Ue {
@display(“i=,#008000;p=1162,83”); }
Femtocell[numUe3]: Ue {
extCell[numExtCells]: ExtCell {
@display(“p=441,490;is=vl”); }
server: StandardHost {
@display(“p=510,289”); }
configurator: IPv6NetworkConfigurator {
@display(“p=41,261”); }
L7switch: EtherSwitch {
CDN: StandardHost {
@display(“p=173,328;i=device/pc”); }
CDN1: StandardHost {
@display(“p=139,289;i=device/pc”); }
CDN1: StandardHost {
server.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> HENodeB1.pppg++;
HENode B1.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> HENodeB2.pppg++;
H-ENodeB1.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> HENodeB3.pppg++;
HENode B1.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB1.ppp;
H-ENodeB2.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB2.ppp;
H-ENodeB3.pppg++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB3.ppp;
eNodeB1.x2++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB2.x2++;
eNode-B1.x2++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB3.x2++;
eNodeB2.x2++ <–> ethernetline <–> eNodeB3.x2++;
CDN.ethg++ <–> ethernetline <–> L7switch.ethg++;
server.ethg++ <–> ethernetline <–> Controller.ethg++;
Controller.ethg++ <–> ethernetline <–> L7switch.ethg++;
CDN1.ethg++ <–> ethernetline <–> L7switch.ethg++;}
- To specify some common parameters also for our simulation scenario
**.channelControl.pMax = 10W
**.channelControl.alpha = 1.0
**.channelControl.carrierFrequency = 2100e+6Hz
**.lteRadio.transmitterPower = 2.0mW
- Parameters related to feedback computation and also channel Mode are located in a Separate XML file, which includes:
**.ue1.configFile = “UE1Config.xml”
**.enb.configFile = “ENBConfig.xml”
**.feedbackComputation = xmldoc(“config_channel.xml”)
- Every packet is also forced to pass through CDN using
**.CDN.numTcpApps = 1
**.CDN.tcpApp[*].typename = “TCPEchoApp”
- Run the Simulation and also analyze the data
**.vector-recording = true
**.scalar-recording = true
When the program starts, it first calls the NED files containing the topological information and also then reads the Configuration file [Omnetpp.ini]. Output of the simulation is written into two files [Output vector files and also output scalar files].
To perform performance evaluation, open the output files and analyze the result using the following parameters:
- Overall handover load
- Radio State
- Signaling Cost
- Uplink throughput
- Downlink throughput
Hope you also would feel contented with our informative information about 5G Omnet++. For further project guidance or tutoring service on Omnet++ simulator, approach our experts through also our online guidance service. You can also accomplish your 5-G Omnet++ projects under our expert’s guidance to enhance your academic performance. Our advance best wishes also for your successful career.